简介院草庄秋明遭遇直男癌女友程京! 程京:我们在一起后毕业就要结婚; 程京:后天我妈要见你; 程京:我三十岁前事业有成你在家奶孩子; 程京:出门穿的保守点别随便招惹人…… 庄秋明:麻麻,我女朋友总抢我台词怎么办??? QQ群:一群:812656413 二群:948660476 三群:958570571 四群:236032997
简介作者升级了。请大家一起去看《护花高手在都市》,这是作者与518动漫和神奇未来极漫文化合作的小说改编漫画。 看漫画 知音漫客 爱飒漫画 漫画台 神漫画 爱优漫 漫客栈 腾讯动漫等多平台推出的作品。现小说完结,网剧推出,漫画连载中。希望大家能支持理解。
内容简介: (甜宠虐渣,古穿今,全能选手征服世界)于乱世中将众弟妹抚养长大,文能招聚天下贤士,武能挂帅出征开拓疆土。 终于一步步将胞弟送上皇帝位置的夏挽沅,是夏朝历史上最为传奇的长公主。 而这位长公主一睁眼,却发现自己身处千年以后。 这回自己倒是依然被称为“公主”,但都是别人讽刺她在娱乐圈仗着资本行事,娇气嚣张,给她的黑称罢了。 对此夏挽沅表示,总有你们真心实意叫公主的一天。 众人表示:呵呵,真把自己当公主了?谁给的脸,你那马上要踹了你的大佬老公吗? 君时陵:拿着一亿离婚费赶紧离开。 两年后 众人:谁说夏挽沅是草包的??如果双影后在手,时尚界的宠儿,琴棋书画样样精通,诗书古文无所不能,是最高学府的双系教授,击剑射击等奥运金牌拿到手软,名下产业遍布全球,荣耀满身,国家的光荣,这样的人都是草包,那他们是什么?草履虫吗?脸好疼,公主您看我跪的标准吗? 君时陵:谁敢造谣我们离婚,让他天凉王破!老婆我们再生一个好不好? 绝对不憋屈,无敌打脸,各种舒爽甜宠貌美如花腹黑多才多艺长公主兼职影后与心思深沉冷峻追妻火葬场总裁推《全能夫人被宠成了小娇娇》超好看哦1w0-1635 >>
内容简介:1228812288宇宙浩瀚,神秘星空。1228812288那里,没有黑暗,没有光明,只有无尽的欲望!1228812288那里,没有邪恶,没有善良,只有无尽的斗争!1228812288 是谁在时间的长河中呐喊!1228812288是谁在阴暗的角落潜行!1228812288当基因进化芯片出现的那一刻——1228812288全世界都变了!1228812288一代魔王,自杀伐中崛起!1228812288本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《星际猎人》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-82170 >>
内容简介:和直男总裁结婚后蒋游小时候被人贩子拐卖,逃出来后流落福利院,在晏氏集团的资助下完成学业。大四的某一天,他被长康制药的总裁贺长康和二少爷贺年找到了。贺长康:“儿子!我苦命的儿子!1w0- 78424 >>
内容简介:公告:本文将于2月25日(周六)入V,入谢大家的支持!炮灰你想有春天吗?想!于是,莫心然就穿梭在浮生三千界中,努力为炮灰改写人生!论炮灰翻身的一百零八式,总有一款适合你,千万别错过的哦 !绝不弃坑作者君撒娇打滚!亲们,要收藏文文!收藏作者君专栏哦!!1w0-126821 >>
内容简介:明末这段历史实在是不堪回首,正是民不聊生,国器崩裂!而在崇祯十二年的这天,正当鞑子集中重兵猛攻重镇济南的时候,一群人意外的出现在了硝烟弥漫的战场上。现代军人重回明末战场,摆动胜利的天平 ,改写中华的历史。1w0-4131 >>
内容简介:黑暗领主:我的招募万倍暴击!秦野穿越了。这个世界,人人都想成为黑暗世界的大领主。招募侍从,开拓疆土!将领级侍从,可镇守一方。王侯级侍从,可助领主称王。而秦野开局激活系统,招募万倍暴击! 招募1w0-70362 >>
内容简介:沈卿卿爱霍霆萧十年,为他甘愿赴死,却不想新婚当天,他亲手将她送入监狱,毁了她,还害死了襁褓中的儿子……涅槃重生,她记得所有人,却唯独忘记了他,面对前夫的穷追不舍,她说,前夫,滚远点,想 追我?请排队!1w6024-30324 >>
内容简介:每隔百年的凛冬逢魔时,地狱之门都会重新开启,被打入无间地狱的恶灵闯过十九层炼狱,就可以重回人间。地狱内的恶灵绝非善类,连阙混在其间,众恶灵却发现——他总是能莫名躺赢。厉鬼的刀每次只斩在 他身侧……就连末世中恶名在外、手腕铁血的最高裁决院之刃也为他破例。在他们看不到的暗角,众人求而不得的地狱使者召唤卡牌在他手中熠熠生辉——“绑定成功,尊贵的付费用户,欢迎来到,地狱的第十九层。我是地狱使者,您最忠实的——信徒。”连阙歪头笑道:“谢谢,但我不记得什么时候充过值?”地狱使者微笑不语。可他记得那座荒山孤冢,那人随手丢下的花,和那一句——“听说在人间,死后无亲人祭拜者只能入地狱门,不能再入轮回。但如果可以,做个人吧。”景斯言始终追随他的神,舍弃轮回甘入地狱成为他最趁手的一把刀。直至十九狱业火倾覆,人人贪欲满身。他望向他的神明,目光温柔而克制:“什么都可以?”连阙倾身低语:“什么都可以。”他的双瞳已被业火染成一片赤红,在他的神明前单膝跪地,生涩而虔诚地吻上他的手背。连阙:?他妄图比肩神明,只为他片刻垂青。1w0-105855 >>
内容简介:【前三章修改完毕,标题慢慢修改,修改的部分不影响后面的阅读,看过的不用看啦】乔漾参加哥哥的婚礼时,认识了嫂子那边的一个亲戚。那亲戚叫沈鹤行,眉眼虽清冷,但却不高冷,与人说话时,唇角总带 着一股温和的笑1w0-78813 >>
内容简介:古代刀客养家日常古穿今简介:阮卿捡到一个古代男人。男人说:“我从业多年,赚得黄金万两,珠宝成箱。”阮卿问:“在哪呢?“男人:“……古代。”“那就成了。”阮卿把拖把塞给他,甜甜地说,“把 地拖干净,盘子和碗洗了,衣服记得从洗衣机里拿出来晾。洗衣机就是那个方形会转的东西。然后,乖乖等我回家。”甩门走人。男人仰天长叹:还是得赚钱养家才能有地位。后来,一个飞檐走壁的男人爆红网络,成了神秘的网红。阮卿皱眉:”你换了新车古代刀客养家日常古穿今帮小说作者袖侧推广本书复制本书链接推荐给好友1w0-104752 >>
Before handing in his career survey, highschooler Takaya Tsugami was feeling vague and insecure towards his future. What exactly do I want to do? And is it okay to choose it? With feelings like that, Takaya's existence drifts through class. But when unexpected events occur with Rigel Minahashi, who appears as if he lives however his heart desires, will he begin anew? (From Lacy)
In the Dekichatta Danshi series: 1. Dekichatta Danshi Childhood friend of the house next door, the tsundere Hisui and the serious Yuujirou are always fighting. Although they’re always “doing it”, Hisui says that they aren’t a couple!! (personal story). A baby can be raised by those two?! [Me and my friend wish we could get married, though...]. Actually, Hisui and Yuujirou came from a lonely home environment…?! ♥ Parenting and love are compatible? (LOL) A popular series, with a lot of H! ~BA 2. Harem Hen 3. Honeymoon Hen
The Story of Bessie Costrell summary: The Story of Bessie Costrell summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Story of Bessie Costrell. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Washio Sumi wa Yuusha de Aru summary: In the year 298 from the era of the G.o.ds, elementary school girls Sumi Washio, Sonoko Nogi, and Gin Minowa are tasked with an important mission. They are to become heroes and fight Vertex, a mysterious enemy that is attacking Shinju-sama, the G.o.d tree that protects Shikoku, the only area in the world that is still habitable. What they don’t know, is that this fight will cost them more than they could have ever imagined.
Strongest Tree summary: The G.o.ddess Gaia sacrifice herself to protect humanity but all she can do is buy some time for humans and other creature on earth to grow strong enough to protect theirselves from the greedy eyes of other G.o.ds. Thus the Apocalypse era started where the strong is the King! ---- Hope that you will support my novel, thank you
Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss summary:
Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss is an interesting story that goes deep in the future. The main plot is happening in the 24th century, and a female genius doctor has the main role in the plot of this story. She is truly good at her job, and she has different opportunities, thanks to the technology development of that time in the future. No illness can defeat any of her patients, and she is more like a wizard considering the doctors today who suffer from lack of solutions, medicament, and equipment necessary for the successful medical treatment. However, this doctor is spared of such problems.
She can cure any type of illness, and she can even return anyone from the dead. That’s why she has many patients, but strange things happen to her in the meantime. She even finds herself in the middle of a big explosion that pushes out her into an unfamiliar world. The truly strange things are happening to her at that place, so she seems a little confused by everything.
People and patients know her well, however, they call her by different names than in the real world. But she is equally successful there when it comes to treatments and curing, and that aspect of her life is totally the same. So she is again making different miracles and helping people to come back to a normal and healthy life after deadly episodes they have encountered.
Her popularity is constantly growing because more and more people are coming to her treatments. She becomes a powerful and influential person in the new world and no one dares to oppose her in any way. That’s why she is very secure in herself and her reputations allow her to be. However, she saves a pest by undertaking one of the treatments with her patients, and now she has a problem. That man starts to confront her, and his actions are quite cruel at moments. He has the intention to take over her reputation. Envy and malice are the main motivation for his struggle with her, however, she is not an easy task as he believes at first. So he will have many more problems on his way against her, and the readers have an opportunity to enjoy reading about this fight between main characters.
The situation typically leads to different twist and turns filled with interesting moments. Magic and romance are also part of the happenings despite the fact the general genre is action-fantasy. That makes Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss suitable for readers with different tastes because it is something in between several different genres. It means there is something for almost anyone.
This interesting novel has over 2450 chapters, and it receives frequent updates. So the readers should expect even a higher number of chapters. There is plenty of exciting content within the book, so you will have an opportunity to read it in the long run. The public is very satisfied with this book considering positive reviews and high rating the book has maintained, so that’s a good recommendation.