内容简介:手机阅读《重生之婢女妖娆》无弹窗纯文字全文免费阅读上一世她是他的妾,他刻板迂腐,因为所谓的规矩害得她没了孩子,可她不恨任何人,因为这是她无法反抗的命。重来一世,她不要找任何人报仇,只想 平平安安过日子,宁为寒门妻不做高门妾,可他怎么就是不放过她,而且那个刻板迂腐的人哪去了,这么流氓真的大丈夫么。。。下载地址加入书架投推荐票直达底部1w0-81764 >>
内容简介: 容貌美,属性渣的江姒从未想过自己会翻车,有一天,她开始了快穿……——被当成替身的影帝将她困在怀里,冰冷手指捏着她下巴:“我什么都给了你,你只喜欢我的脸?”江姒:“……”替身情人什么 的真刺激。——阴郁优雅的血族亲王在她面前单膝下跪,握住她的手,青年嗓音冰冷缠绵:“阁下,我是您的人了。”江姒:“……”她要不起。——始乱终弃了白衣仙君后,她被困在锁妖塔万年之久。昔日冷心绝情的仙君日渐疯魔,他在她耳边喃喃:“我因你识得爱恨嗔痴,坠入红尘浮生……我不悔,可你不要我。”江姒:“……”我承认都是剧本惹的祸。戚昀:江姒之于他,是方寸天地间的唯一执念。【人美声甜渣女vs白切黑疯批美人】1v1双洁1w0-1920 >>
内容简介:免费提供作者燕赵公子的经典小说:《帝君策》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说扶持和利用,真情和假意,在这深宫之中,他们彼此倚靠。沈奚靖一步一步,最终走到穆琛身边 那至高的帝君宝座。帝君策,策决天下,策动帝心。攻宠受甜文!宫斗都是渣!!会有小包子出没问的人太多,顺便说一句,攻受从头到尾都只有彼此,你们懂!十分抱歉,第43、44、50、51、61、93都修改,添加了新番外与小剧场,请谨慎购买,谢谢!我的读者群174290265,加入有惊喜!帝君的系列文:《大1w0-74139 >>
内容简介:人类,因基数庞大而天才辈出,隐隐已是世间之主宰。妖,应天而生,由天而饲,天生天养,世间难逢敌手。魔,诞生只为逆天。亿万年前的世间第一大魔,亿万年后的一名底层修士,当两者因为命运的暗手牵 连以后,一头人魔应运而生。(求订阅,求打赏,求月票,O∩∩O)本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《女修宗门男掌教》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-75971 >>
内容简介:一代仙尊沫轩被八大仙帝围攻又因心魔所困后自爆而亡,本以为几百年的努力都会化为灰烬,结果却意外重生了自己17岁的时候,退婚?抱歉,是我不要你!报复?对不起,实力碾压!疑难杂症?小事一桩, 我有灵丹妙药!说白了就是重新来过扮猪吃老虎本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《仙尊重生回归都市》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-80978 >>
内容简介:早六点更新下本开《怪情歌》(封面可好看!【文案】明骚妖孽公子哥x厚脸皮小戏精1傅亦安流连花丛中数年,风月无边,公认风骚废物小少爷。某天朋友和他喝酒,却见他上前就拽住一小姑娘。“你挺行啊 鹿念,”傅亦安瞥了眼女孩身边的男生,眉峰一挑,“现在几点了?”小姑娘立即嘤了一声。“不准哭,”傅亦安依旧冷着脸,“送你回家。”朋友看着这个酒池肉林的混蛋,简直想给他忽然正道的光鼓个掌。小姑娘神情胆怯,伸手拉了拉他衣角。“你好凶哦。”朋友向他投以谴责眼神。“我好喜欢。”朋友:“?”2分开之后,傅亦安和狐朋狗友吃饭,有人搭住他肩膀,凑过去问。“又分了?才几个月就玩够了?”灯影下,男人轻弯眼,笑的像个妖孽,“够了啊。”后来鹿念和某当红男演员搭戏,绯闻传遍网络某天拍戏到深夜,男演员送她回家,鹿念笑眯眯地和人家道别。一转身,就被人带进楼道,抵在墙角。傅亦安垂眸,一双桃花眼撩下,目光沉沉,靠在她耳侧,呼吸温热:“喜欢他?”鹿念还没来得及回答,男人直起身,眉眼一弯,看着她。“不准对他笑。”一肚子坏水老狗币和哭包公主的芥末草莓味甜饼食用tips:年龄差八岁sc非双初恋下一本《怪情歌》嚣张野狗×古怪美人民谣歌手×心理医生戳专栏可见啵唧!【文案】嚣张野狗×古怪美人民谣歌手×心理医生1夜深,林胜桉坐在破旧旅馆的床尾,眼底映出窗外的淅沥。“你敢信?”她托着下巴,轻笑一声,“我都快三十了,还挺想叛逆。”床头男人神色散漫,眉骨轻挑,闻言稍抬眼皮看她。“我信,”秦肆应的敷衍,将散落在地的衣服捡起扔给她,“对了,一夜五百,记得结一下。”2那天夜里秦肆演出回家,到了地下层掏出钥匙,才发现门口台阶蹲了个女人。他骂了句粗口,低头去看,眉心突的一跳。“林胜桉?”女人一身小礼裙,靠在墙侧,脸色惨白,妆都哭花了,泪眼盈盈地抬起眼眸,看他。“别哭了。”秦肆在她面前半蹲下,声音放轻,尾音微微泛哑,缓慢张开双臂揽过她,叹了一声。“过来,老子抱抱。”如果您喜欢喜欢是芥末草莓味,别忘记分享给朋友作者:来恰酒所写的《喜欢是芥末草莓味》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-84998 >>
内容简介:选择弃坑一款游戏后,还会有更多的选择,当罗德岛离开了博士之后呢?艾雅法拉收拾行装,选择在一个宁静的夜晚独自离开;古米在炎国的边陲小镇开了一家烘培店;幽灵鲨消失了,斯卡蒂为了寻找她也离开 了;转眼之间,各奔东西。冷冷清清的办公室里,瘦瘦小小的阿米娅呆呆的盯着罗德岛大家庭的合影,虚掩着的门板后传来一声轻微叹息。……一个行将末日的世界里,载着他们的希望,飞跃明日。1w0-115994 >>
内容简介:宋执梳觉得,人死也要死的体面,不管你活着的时候有多牛逼,你坟被挖了还是不能让别人抠666所以,宋执梳出了车祸之后,就是坟都莫得白团子:宿主666无奈之下,她只好走上降低反派黑化值得不归 路。但是当事人觉得小说里那些牛逼哄哄的都是骗人的,她莫得金手指,莫得小棉袄,就成天对着黑化值快爆了的反派假笑,万一哪天人家不高兴拖着光头强的枪就给你崩了呢喂喂喂!就是说你呢!降低你黑化值你对我动手动脚做什么?是不是脑子有病病?刚刚还委屈屈的反派彻底黑化,他猛地扑倒宋执梳,勾唇一笑:“阿梳,你逃不掉了。”妈耶装逼装过头了。1w0-32696 >>
内容简介:薛墨从来没有想成为什么大佬,只是忍不住刷成就罢了,可没想到,光阴流逝后,无数顶级称号高戴在他头顶,闪耀着24k的光芒。【请选择你要佩戴的称号】【靠脸吃饭】【学神】【触手怪】【预知】【赵 公明】……【恋爱大师】【非人类】【成就大师】!!!1w0-78982 >>
In the beginning spring of high school life, 'Sakono' Ikumi and 'Sakono' Touma were utter strangers. The only coincidence is that they have the same family name and in the same class, but when they noticed the whole class had started to call them 'husband and wife'. This is a story of their love story in a husband and wife relationship, their youth days which lasted around two years a bit.
From Blissful Sin: 1, 2 + 5) Shoujo Mangaka no Koi (Adapted from the original oneshot) “If I could be of any help, would you want to try it?” To help incorporate boy’s love elements into his work, the unpopular shoujo mangaka Akimoto Yuu and his editor, Kurata, decide to carry out their own experiment. The story of an awakening love that is embarrassing but warm. 3) Passionate Pen Pals 4) Tokyo Hotel Afterword
Soah is a lively human boy who dreams of becoming strong enough to defeat the Jotunn. He is also inspired by Thor, the heroic God of Thunder, who has patrolled around Midgard in order to eliminate all the Jotunns, protecting powerless humans, and Soah's friend. One day, after Thor returned to Soah's village for a short stay, Soah got captured by the Jotunn while he's training. Despite of his hesitation to attack the Jotunn because of the friendship they shared, Thor finally destroyed the Jotunn, but killing Soah as the result as well. Seeing Soah's determination, Thor bestowed all his Meging into reviving Soah, sacrificing himself. Several years passed by since the incident, Soah now is traveling out of his village along with three Meging weapons Thor left behind, in order to carry out Thor's will and protect Midgard from the Jotunns. ----------------------- From MangaHelpers: In this story of Norse mythology, humanity's world of Midgard is caught up in a war between two of two powerful divine races, the Jotunn and the Aesir. Humans can't stand against them, due to the godly 'Megin' power of the divine races. The Jotunn see conquering Midgard as the first step toward attacking the home of the Aesir, and they slaughter many humans along the way. The Aesir step in to rid Midgard of the Jotunn and protect the defenseless humans. One of these Aesir, Thor, made his home base in a certain grateful human town. In this town lives a young boy named Soah, who lost his parents in a Jotunn attack. He idolizes Thor and dreams of one day becoming strong enough to fight Jotunn and protect people. Thor enjoys Soah's childish enthusiasm, and the two of them share a warm friendship. One day, a Jotunn invading the town uses Soah as a human shield. Thor protects the town, but at the cost of the life of his young friend. Unwilling to let the strong-hearted boy die, Thor bestows his Megin upon Soah and vanishes. After much training, the now-powerful Soah begins to realize his dream, fighting against the Jotunn in Thor's place! [tethysdust]
[From Hochuuami]: Prince Ashide decides to agree on a wife, but too bad for him a lone deserter of the country of Ishugal shows up instead to claim the title of Princess.
The Autobiography of a Play summary: The Autobiography of a Play summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Autobiography of a Play. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Ancient China Simplified summary: Ancient China Simplified summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Ancient China Simplified. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Reminiscences of Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Robert Southey summary: Reminiscences of Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Robert Southey summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Reminiscences of Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Robert Southey. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Passion Bargain summary: The Passion Bargain summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Passion Bargain. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.