内容简介: 陈错来到了南北朝的陈朝,成了一位宗室,本以为该走的是历史路线,没想到画风突然就不对了。“又是炼气修真,又是香火功德的,那说不得,咱也只能先求个长生得道了。”这正是——柳荫边,松影下 ,竖起脊梁诸缘罢;锁心猿,擒意马,明月清风只说长生话。又云:天道幽且远,鬼神茫昧然。日昃之离,眚于九。————读者Q群:2213554821w0-1784 >>
内容简介:【本文1V1,基本格调:甜宠互撩】星际海盗,国际黑客,神秘杀手一朝身死重生校园体,绑定‘好人系统’开启了校园虐渣成神之路。可是为什么会碰到那么多黏人又勾人的小妖精?学霸校草眨着眼睛问, “歌歌,这道题怎么做啊?”叶弦歌:“”你认真的吗?问学渣题目?柔弱小奶狗笑的很甜:“殿下,你想对我做什么都可以的!”叶弦歌:“”不好意思,我什么都不想做!求求你们乖乖做个好人,别一言不合就缠住她不放好不好。二十年母胎solo的叶弦歌表示顶不住。男主一见钟情女主,女主日久生情男主【高贵冷艳闷骚内心戏多女主VS柔弱偏执占有欲强男主】本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《快穿直播之拯救黑化男神》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-87814 >>
内容简介: 穿入书中修仙世界,成为未出场便领了饭盒的路人。 知道书中故事走向,以及重要人物的命运与机缘,自己的未来却全是未知。 幸得上古传承,修出属于自己的洞天福地,玩转修仙大陆,踏上成仙之路 。1w0-3263 >>
内容简介:【每晚六点更新】本文文案:靖元帝自登基以来一直为国家大事殚精竭虑,对后宫一向淡淡。直至某日桃花飘零,鬼使神差般进了桃林,却见一绝色女子被困于树上,香腮珠泪,好不可怜。——与冷宫毗邻的绛 云阁住着一位纪才人,体弱多病,无宠无势,性格软弱,似乎生来就是被欺负的主,人人都可踩上一脚。眼见着纪才人将香消玉殒,消失在这繁杂的后宫中1w0-27671 >>
内容简介:【【2017刑侦题材作品征文】参赛作品】女神老师他不放过,清纯校花更要染指,多情的欢场女子,风情的失婚少妇,甚至无情的女杀手,痴情的女鬼都拜倒在他身下他便是极品小天师,花都畅游,无所不 能游走在黑白间,傲立于阴阳界,阅尽三界美女,笑立于人生巅峰然而……1w0-97647 >>
内容简介:接档预收文《揣着老公的崽找上门去》,求收藏!(晚九更新)黎言看了本书,书里与自己同名同姓的恶毒炮灰以阴险的手段怀孕,后又以肚里的孩子做威胁,进了霸总家的门,一度作威作福,后来却落了个一 尸两命的凄惨下场。一觉醒来,黎言穿书了。他睁眼的时候,正躺在床上……霸总推门而入,情势紧急,箭在弦上,不得不发……翌日清晨,黎言一瘸一拐偷偷跑路。一个月后,他突然发现自己怀孕了……怎么办?他是生,还是不生?据说霍白衍手段狠厉,性格阴晴不定,谁落到他手上都活不过明天。黎言怕得要命,打包行李连夜逃命,可连飞机场都没到,就被霍白衍亲自抓了回去。从那之后,圈里就有了一个传言,阴狠毒辣的霍总圈养了一个宠物。众人都在预测,那个宠物能不能活过一个月。而在霍家别墅里,小宠物黎言握着筷子戳自己隆起的肚皮,凶巴巴地威胁,“你放我走,不然我就撑死你的崽!”霍总将人揽到怀里,克制地亲吻,“你想走可以,把我一起带上。”后来,霍总的小宠物不仅活过了一个月,还被霍总用盛大的婚礼娶进了门。各位书友要是觉得《撩完总裁后我带球跑了穿书》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-83151 >>
内容简介:尼玛的世界大条了,蹲个厕所的功夫居然穿越了! 世界框架被更改,抖音成了天庭版!世界瞧着也就差不多,但是! 【叮——嫦娥关注了你。】 【叮——水德星君打赏到账!】 …… 最最最重要的是! 吟个诗,抄个词,居然成了旷世纪佳作! 做歌曲,火爆电视网络,在随便搞个文学作品啥的一不留神就成了大神了! 艾玛,文抄公的世界太美妙……1w0-2144 >>
Kishibe Rohan is a manga-ka with the ability 'Heaven's Door', where he can read people's memories. He seeks out the supernatural for himself to see what the mystery is all about. The first tale is of a man who bleeds and won't stop.
When stoic Mizusawa, a janitor, saves businessman Aoki from falling down some stairs, he gets a friend for life! Aoki is always tracking him down at lunch time just so they can eat together. But Mizusawa isn't sure how he feels about Aoki... This is a series of six. The order is: 1. Hada na Ue no Renai Jijou 2. Zaiaku wa Hada no Ue ni (same characters & issue but different plot) 3. Zaiaku wa Hada no Ue ni-Hada no Ue ni Furu Hana* 4. Renai Tsuu 5. Renaitsuu-Akka-* 6. Pillow Talk + Holiday* (*) indicate djs. 4 and 5 are spin-offs featuring Aoki and are contain events from Zaiaku from Aoki's perspective. 6 features both couples.
As the engagement to the company president’s daughter had been settled, days passed in smooth sailing for Tachibana when in front of him, the university senpai who he had lost contact with long ago, Ryuusuke, appeared. To add to that, Ryuusuke said to the bewildered Tachibana that he wants to play “couple” for a just a month…. A bittersweet love story filled to the brim with heartrending emotion!
From Toothpaste Scanlations: Only the rich, upper-class students get to attend the private school, Ootari Gakuen. The ordinary girl who transferred to this campus was Oogisaki Minori. Minori originally dreamed of having a happy school life, but she never thought that there would possibly be a reputative Student Enforcement Council full of cute guys, who through their strict rules, control the whole school! Not only that, but on Minori's first day of school, she was picked on by them!
Celestial Emperor Han summary: After sinking down 90 thousand years, he heads into the secular world. Slashing horizontally across the azure dome of the heavens, slaughter every single immortal present!
Isekai de “Kuro no Iyashi Te” tte Yobarete Imasu (WN) summary:
One day, 22-year-old Kanzaki Misuzu is suddenly transported to a strange world. Based on the pop-up screens she can access, it seems she’s entered some kind of RPG as a magic user!
Luckily, she can use the gaming skills she acquired as an otaku to make her way in this new world. But before she knows it, people start calling her “the Black Healer”!!
Web Novel version
History's Strongest Husband summary: The little handsome son-in-law pa.s.sed through a world as a waste material and the husband of a wealthy family. But because of his apt.i.tude lacking, the wealthy family had driven him out. So he worked hard and found a more powerful family’s thighs to hold onto. Soon enough, he became the strongest son-in-law and husband in history. In this world, it was impossible to practice martial arts. It was futile so he might as well take advantage of his wife’s thighs and maintain a comfortable and leisure lifestyle. He’ll train his wife to become the strongest and best person in the world. “Whoever dares to provoke me, let my wife kill you!”
The Third summary: The Third is set many years after a devastating war, which killed 80% of the earth’s population. Earth is being watched by a group of beings known as The Third, named after the red eye on their forehead (s.p.a.ce Eye) that can access many types of computer systems.