内容简介:宋太医最小的女儿宋意欢,是艳绝盛京的第一美人,但却胆小怯懦,极为嗜睡,与那卫国公府的世子自小有着婚约。怎知宋太医因药方之误,致使东宫太子中毒昏迷,而后被关押于大理寺地牢。这宋家本就高攀 不起卫国公府,这下又出了这事,卫国公府对此不管不问,盛京人人等着看这场退婚笑话。东宫浴间内,那本该昏迷不醒的太子殿下靠于浴池,神态淡然地瞧向那容色娇艳的美人,她怯怯发抖地掩藏在浴水中,不敢看他。活了两世,才明了这东宫太子惦记她不是一天两天了。1w0-3986 >>
内容简介:想要一夜暴富吗?想要走上人间巅峰迎娶白富美吗?快来吧,一切尽在《星海世界》,只要你够强,一切皆有可能。《星海世界》一款外星人赠送的虚拟网游,游戏里BOSS不光掉落装备,还能有一定几率爆 出【外星科技】,这些科技完全可以运用到现实世界,价值惊人,只要你愿意出售【外星科技】,钱不是问题。……许飞扬意外获得可以置换装备属性的超强外挂,装备属性太差?把属性置换一下,垃圾装备也能变极品。1w0-106015 >>
内容简介:近日,LC公司宣布将推出新女团。程惜缘如愿被选中,然而……她看着队友们头上闪亮的【贵族校园文女主】、【女尊国皇帝】、【拥有系统的童星】、【快穿高端玩家】,再抬头看看自己头上白得快要透明 的【路人甲】,心里只有“”黑粉们纷纷嘲笑:“就这样的路人甲能入团?真皇啊!”粉丝们却发现,这样的一个人在团里居然是团霸!在艾辛沫的眼中,在自己预测股票走势百发百中,正害怕引起别人怀疑时,程惜缘在旁边面不改色地抱着手机默默跟投:“今年的股票走势真好呀!”。在薄欢的眼中,程惜缘偶尔会在自己无意间说出“在我们女尊国”和画出不属于这个世界的千里江山图时默默鼓掌道:“哦,你好厉害啊!”在杜秋禾的眼中,程惜缘会在自己在综艺节目里进行大学高数三重积分心算等非常人之举时,掏出手机搜答案,然后一脸钦佩地说“真的诶,你算的好快啊!”在尹蔚的眼中,程惜缘偶尔会在自己看武侠剧本时说漏嘴自己曾经一下飞上三层楼,正惊慌不已找借口时,神色如常地练着舞道:“哦?那你以后舞台可以设计一下。”队友们抱作一团:她到底是什么人?好可怕!程惜缘:今天收入到账了呢!大家以后要继续加油赚钱啊!某人(痴汉脸):老婆真可爱!1w0-81078 >>
内容简介:现代人林馨儿突然穿越了?还变成了一个刚被退婚羞辱的废材男?这是要逆天吗?走废材流男主的路线吗?在林馨儿努力的锻炼下。第一天他发现自己的身高变小了。第二天他发现皮肤变白了,容貌变可爱了, 头发变长了。第三天他发现自己可以一拳打爆地球,无敌于世界的时候,他好像变成小萝莉了呀!无语的林馨儿仰天怒吼,这和说的不一样啊!可爱的萌萌音传遍整个九州1w0-108666 >>
内容简介:民以食为天,谁一天也少不了三顿饭哪。一句话概括:这是一篇闲话废话很多的文。(哎哎大家不要走!)爹死娘不在,阿青开了家小饭铺养活弟弟。有一天,上山打兔子的弟弟捡回来一个麻烦,从此阿青的生 活麻烦不断,再也不复平静……1w0-105657 >>
内容简介:搜小说免费提供作者锥花的经典小说:《偏执着迷》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说【正文完结,番外更新中】【下本写《独占温柔》or《病态荆棘》,求个专栏收藏。微博 锥花啊】从小到大,桑渴都是裴行端屁股后面的小跟班。打架冲在他前头,他的作业她包办,就连满天飞的情书也一并交由她保管。混的鼻青脸肿,卑微不堪,周围同伴都戏称她是要给裴少爷做一辈子女保镖了。彼时的桑渴面对周遭嘻嘻哈哈的调侃只是抿了抿唇,照旧在人群里,一眼就看到俊俏又惹眼的裴行端。她笑着跑向他,可换来的却是一声:“又脏又丑1w0-73799 >>
内容简介:置顶【俞衡非男主,俞衡非男主】另附,扒文案抄的作者祝扑街八百年。简介十六岁,阿姜成为俞衡的未婚妻。漂亮美丽如同瓷娃娃的少女,跪坐在樱花树下,戴着宽沿帽,穿着复古的宫裙,怀里抱着一只白毛 蓝眼的布偶猫。周围是盛开的爬藤蔷薇花,绿叶攀附在少女的裙摆上。俞衡说“把她给我,我让殷家起死回生。”十八岁,阿姜在香市嫁给俞衡成为俞衡的妻子。穿着白色婚纱的姑娘,看着那双修长的手指,犹豫很久之后,才伸出手去牵。小心翼翼,带着胆怯与害怕。二十岁,俞衡在外风流,有无数女人,却从不让那些女人靠近阿姜半分,也不让阿姜出去看这个世界,他给她这个世界上最昂贵的宝石,最漂亮的裙子,却从不给她自由。就像被束缚在高楼上的公主。二十三岁,阿姜死了。死的那天,天很晴,风很暖,窗外的樱花海开得很漂亮,爬藤蔷薇蔓上了窗台,舒展着柔嫩的花瓣。她趴在钢琴上,没有了呼吸。后来,阿姜重生回十六岁。离俞衡来殷家还有两天,离殷家真正的千金回归还有三天。阿姜偷偷把殷念给换回来,趁俞衡还没来之前逃之夭夭。【我做不得那被束缚于宫殿阁楼上的公主。】【我只想做那有着自由快乐与忧愁的灰姑娘】你心向自由与光明,不知这条路要披荆斩棘。有人盖上你的双眼,将荆棘斩尽,半跪在你面前,亲吻你细嫩的指尖,无比虔诚的低吟【你不属于国王。】【你属于我。】ps金丝雀的设定!是和基友!青灯如昼!商讨共用一个设定写出不同故事!俞衡不是男主,另附俞衡与阿姜结婚地在香。p如果您喜欢女配不是金丝雀,别忘记分享给朋友作者:戈南衣所写的《女配不是金丝雀》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-83368 >>
内容简介:我有一个秘密。我和同班的霍倦在谈恋爱。我还有一个秘密。我是穿书的。——霍倦,一中的校草兼霸王,Alpha的A中顶配,万人迷体质,爱慕者无数,却睥睨一切,完全不把谁看在眼里。p1w0-9 9754 >>
Tsutomu Nihei returns with another addictive manga (see BLAME!), set in the not-so-distant future (3005 A.D.). It follows a character by the name of Kanoe Zouichi and the mysterious Kanoe Fuyu whose luminous form is integrated into the system of his bike. They are agents sent by a powerful organization to retrieve the human with the ability to resist and transmute the NS5 infection that is spreading across the world, named Yion/Ion Green. However, their mission is delayed by the reckless actions of the Public Health Department's taskforce and the kidnapping of Yion/Ion Green. Will they complete their mission? Where has Yion/Ion Green been taken? These questions will only be answered as more volumes are released. The art in BioMega is similar to BLAME!, with its complicated concrete sprawl and ludicrously wide, empty spaces. However, things seem to happen at a more reasonable pace. In this manga, there is emphasis on the swiftness of the attacks made by Zouichi, such as the gun being sheathed just before the enemies fall to the ground. Speed is crucial in this manga, unlike in BLAME!, and the plot develops just as quickly. An interesting read, especially if one has enjoyed BLAME!
A collection of official Steins;Gate comedy 4koma by multiple artists.Related:> Steins;Gate - Aishin Meizu no Babel> Steins;Gate - Boukan no Rebellion> Steins;Gate - Heijikyokusen no Epigraph> Steins;Gate - Hiyoku Renri no Sweets Honey> Steins;Gate - Onshuu no Brownian Motion> Steins;Gate - Shijou Saikyou no Slight Fever( http://www.batoto.net/search?name=Steins;Gate&name_cond=c&genres=;e9&genre_cond=and )
The plot of Fate/hollow ataraxia is based half a year after the events of Fate/stay night. Like its preceding counterpart, the story is set in Fuyuki City. Bazett Fraga McRemitz, a member of the Mages' Association and a master in the 5th Holy Grail War, wakes on the fourth day of the 5th Holy Grail war with a new servant, Avenger, and no memory of what happened to her beforehand. She and Avenger set off to fight and win the Holy Grail War.
Consecutive wars of the 21st century have taken their toll on the world and humanity.A mercenary organization by the name of SHRIKE has mysteriously gotten hold of a device that produces infinite amounts of clean energy with seemingly no fuel needed.Along with it a new type of bio-armor never before seen in action.This new weapon is known as secto-armor and has become the terror of the battlefield. Using its endless power source and the secto-armor technology SHRIKE remains dominant over all military powers and refuses to give the device to the countries of the world less they apply it to more weaponry and annihilate what remains of the already torn earth. SHRIKE and the secto-armors now have to fend off wave after wave of attack from countries greedily wanting the device that could end the world.
Firewall. summary: Firewall. summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Firewall.. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The New Germany summary: The New Germany summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The New Germany. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The World's Greatest Books - Volume 6 summary: The World's Greatest Books - Volume 6 summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The World's Greatest Books - Volume 6. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Devil's Sleeping Beauty summary:
had always thought that he was a devil in human flesh. She feared him
and hated him for the sins he committed but after seeing how much he
changed to be a better person for her, it took her a great amount of
courage to forgive him since by the time she found out the truth about
him, she had already loved him.
being the worst husband and father to the best husband and father one
can ever have. Lu Yifeng was given a second chance to correct every
wrong deed he did. He was the man who destroyed their family and it took
death to make him realize his wrongdoings.
'Meilin, come here.'
She turned to her husband and smiled, 'Mr. Lu, we are at work, didn't we already agreed to behave while we're here?'
'I want to have an affair with my secretary.' Lu Yifeng said calmly.
'Can I?'
Xia Meilin narrowed her eyes, 'No.'
stood up and walked toward her which made Xia Meilin take a few steps
backward away from him when she saw the dangerous look on Lu Yifeng's
eyes. She stopped when she felt the cold wall against her back.
Yifeng ended up cornering her. 'I'm the President of this company, I do
whatever I want to do, including having an affair with my secretary.'
Xia Meilin refused to back down that's why she ended up glaring at him. 'Do you want to get beat up by your wife?'
side of his lips curled up into a smirk, 'Will she now?' He cupped her
chin and bowed his head to place a soft kiss on her lips. 'Then stop
acting as my secretary. You're my wife, it's your job to watch over your
husband. If you want to have a salary, then I can give you all my
faint blush appeared on Xia Meilin's cheeks after she has been kissed
by him. She pouted and turned her head away, 'I just want to try how it
feels to work as your secretary.'