简介《绝地天通》系列之《绝地天通 黄》:本篇讲述了附身于神秘男子摩泰坤身上的黄神为保护世界而继续战斗的故事!(每周二、周六更新)另,《绝地天通》漫画宇宙其它联动漫画——灰/黑/初/狐,剧情相对独立,偶有关联,无观看顺序,任意食用!欢迎加入官方交流QQ群:563351294
内容简介:“在我面前没有病。”“有病的只要我扎一针”“在我面前没有伤。”“有伤给你贴个膏药。”“在我面前没有美女……”“美女,来,进被窝……”张申正直洒脱,虽初出世面,却从小受教于师傅讲授的为人 处世之法,分得清人情冷暖,虽然很多事情都不在意,其实有自己的规矩。可就是那一天,还没有出师的他被师傅赶下山,开始了他在都市的风云生涯本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《绝品都市医圣》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-80448 >>
内容简介:呜呜……姐夫,你一定要救救我啊!一大推什么神王、至尊的,扬言要打我!为什么啊?姐夫你不是说我是什么天运之子吗?我就说了句,神王、至尊什么的,在本天骄面前都是废物一个!结果,那帮废物就要 打我!我去…你个死丫头我要不是因为是你姐夫…本仙也想打你!!!1w0-64103 >>
内容简介:【男穿女(女主除了比较彪悍,基本无违和感)未来穿今女主慢慢变强轻松搞笑NP】这是一个未来时空的杀手挂掉之后,重生在一个一个黑道大小姐身上,遇到一堆变态帅哥美男的故事。白天,她只是顶着萌 妹纸面孔的彪悍校花,暗夜,她带上面具与假发,化身为强大冷艳的神秘杀手女王,Queen!【精彩看点】★明明很厌恶她的冰山大哥却突然开始关心她,甚至要跟她“订婚”!别啊,大哥,你还是继续讨厌我吧!就算你很帅,姐也不想乱伦啊!★看似温文儒雅的学生会长其实却是个认钱不认人的黑心奸商,认识久了还越来越有话痨的趋势……你1w0-75489 >>
内容简介:本书又名:我就是喜欢较真!买了很久的原魔账号突然被找回,反手充值一百万,不为其他,就想让找回人进去公司因为请病假突然辞退,而且是口头通知,还很嚣张说没有合同,有本事你去告双喜临门,直接 一裁两诉走起,双倍工资太香了快递不给送上门而且还口出狂言,一路按照程序投诉到底此外,熊孩子划车,遛狗不牵绳,停车堵车……诸如此类…………来都来了,他还是个孩子,人和狗较什么劲,你怎么这么事多……当很多人都抱着得过且过的思想后,这个社会需要一些认真的人!笔趣阁各位书友要是觉得《开局账号被盗,反手充值一百万》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-86539 >>
内容简介:炎黄大陆,有一个神秘又奇怪的宗门。这个宗门很小,可它的规矩,却奇葩得令人发指。连神品资质的天之骄子前来拜师,都会被拒之门外。某天。那位极具逼格的宗主,突然对外宣布:“缺个打杂的,有谁愿 意来?”“我我我!”为了这个打杂的名额,一群超级强者争得面红耳赤。…………这是一个温馨欢乐,又有点逗比的宗门养成故事。郑重提示:本故事纯属虚构,如有雷同,算我抄你各位书友要是觉得《最强无敌宗门》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-27253 >>
内容简介:沈流响熬夜看完一本主角受作为小白莲的升级爽文,捶胸顿足。原作与他同名同姓的反派师尊:貌美如花却偏要毁脸模仿他人?痴恋只为主角动心的冰山剑尊,不要颜面百般纠缠倒追?与帝尊爹决裂,与掌门师 兄恩断义绝,与魔尊义兄你死我亡,还要为心爱人除去他的头号情敌——自家未来修真界第一人徒弟?一觉醒来,沈流响穿成书中反派师尊。“模样向主角看齐?醒醒,本仙君美貌天下第一!”“剑尊是谁?打得过我帝尊爹吗!帅得过我掌门师兄吗!凶得过我魔尊义兄吗!”面对主角未来最大的依仗——周玄澜,沈流响决定抢其机缘,夺其造化,将危险扼杀在摇篮中。无奈徒儿太过乖巧,“天地灵宝是师尊的,万古神物是师尊的,弟子也是师尊的。”沈流响:“……好吧,给你留点机缘QAQ”沈流响从放养转为护徒狂魔,眼瞧根正苗红一心向着师尊的徒弟即将达成,不料一朝失算,原作的周玄澜回来了!“师尊变了许多,”男人危险的气息袭来,从身后搂住他,低沉的嗓音附在耳畔,“不过本座很喜欢。”沈流响哭了,把他的乖徒弟还回来!浪到飞起美人师尊受X前期乖巧后期狠戾徒弟攻修真甜文1V1HE内容标签:仙侠修真甜文穿书爽文各位书友要是觉得《反派师尊貌美如花穿书》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w8774-80301 >>
内容简介:尼玛的世界大条了,蹲个厕所的功夫居然穿越了! 世界框架被更改,抖音成了天庭版!世界瞧着也就差不多,但是! 【叮——嫦娥关注了你。】 【叮——水德星君打赏到账!】 …… 最最最重要的是! 吟个诗,抄个词,居然成了旷世纪佳作! 做歌曲,火爆电视网络,在随便搞个文学作品啥的一不留神就成了大神了! 艾玛,文抄公的世界太美妙……1w0-2144 >>
内容简介:六年前,陆惊语在不知情的情况下,未婚先孕,导致身败名裂,被陆家放弃驱逐。六年后,她带着三个萌宝归来。三宝智商爆表,查出薄家那位大佬是自家爹地,于是瞒着妈咪上门认爹。薄司寒,“我向来洁身 自好,没碰过女人!”大宝,“DNA证明骗不了人,请认清现实!”二宝:“都说男人穿上裤子就不认人,看来是真的!”三宝:“白捡三个可爱的宝宝和一个漂亮的老婆,你做梦都该笑醒!”薄司寒喜当爹后,和三宝感情进展迅速,偏偏和老婆感情生疏。三个宝宝教他如何追女人。一壁咚,二强吻,三领证……十八般武艺用尽。1w90199-107238 >>
内容简介: 末世即将到来,江流石意外得到了一个可以让交通工具改装升级的黑科技。扫描一下,立刻就可以进行改装。什么,你以为我这是中巴车?其实我这是可以在怪物丧尸中横冲直撞,还能变形的超级基地车。 不但防弹防丧尸,里面还有卧室、厨房、淋浴间,还能发电。末世是苦难,但江流石却过得逍遥自在,任凭外面僵尸如潮,江流石有大餐吃,有软床睡,任凭你生无可恋的校花美女,上来住几天也会对生命充满希望。1w0-2681 >>
内容简介: 一剑诛仙佛,一剑葬神魔!他本是皇城第一武道天才,却被未婚妻设计毁去丹田,无法修行。绝望之际,竟发现体内藏有一座剑神墓!十八道神秘墓碑,刻印着无上剑道绝学,墓中更有一道神剑之魂,名为 葬天!从此之后,一个亘古未有的剑神横空出世,威震九天!1w0-237 >>
From WoC Scans and Covenant of Darkness: Story 01: After School Wedding (Houka go uedingu) by SHINJO Mayu Hana is a jealous wife, and Ryuki is her hot-shot-model husband. The thing is, he's also her teacher at her high school!! Both struggle to manage their love and life while keeping their relationship a secret from the rest of the school. Also scanlated as a oneshot by Tenshi-Tachi. Story 02: Platinum Talk (Purachina Tooku) by DOUMOTO Nao Story 03: Close Distance Love (Kin Kyori Ren Ai) by YAMADA Komomo Story 04: Until I fall in love (Koi Ni Naru Ma De) by YUMACHI Shin Story 05: In Love for 10 Years (10 Nen, Koi Shita) by OSAKABE Mashin
1) No.99: Ningen Omocha The Marquis Banford and his wife die in tragic circumstances leaving Graham, their butler, with the heavy burden of raising their sole heir, Leonard. Leonard is young and Graham chooses to raise him in a selfish and unrestrained manner. Anything he wishes, his butler will grant. One day Graham returns to the castle with another rare toy for his master. The 99th toy to be presented to Leonard. A human toy. 2) Ougon Shima (The Golden Island) On an island where young boys are building a wing for a giant crow, two boys deal with their feelings for each other. 3) Ou to Majin to Mahoutsukai (The Prince, the Devil and the Wizard) Long ago, in a country called Arabia, a beautiful young man stole a mirror from a magician. There is a catch, however; this mirror possesses the power of the devil and whoever holds it will face a life of misery. What will happen when a young magician tries to steal the mirror back?
Volume 1: New friends, new lands, and all-new Pokemon--the next chapter of one of the greatest adventures! Most kids spend their days at school, but not Hareta. Raised in the wild by Pokemon, he can climb as high as an Aipom, swim as fast as a Magikarp, and even eat bark like a Bidoof! Recruited by Professor Rowan, Hareta decides to become a Pokemon Trainer. Along with his first Pokemon, Piplup, and his new friend Mitsumi, he sets off in search of the Legendary Pokemon Dialga. But Team Galactic is hunting for Dialga too. Can Hareta and Piplup defeat Team Galactic and stop their evil plans? Volume 2: Hareta, Mitsumi and their Pokemon friends continue on their quest to find Dialga, the legendary Pokemon that rules time! As they journey through the land of Sinnoh, Hareta and his partner Piplup grow stronger every day--while ruining Team Galactic's schemes and getting into plenty of Pokemon battles along the way! In Celestic Town, they come across the first major clue to Dialga's whereabouts but discover that Cyrus, Team Galactic's boss, has beat them to it. After battling with Cyrus, Hareta's even more determined to improve his skills as a Trainer. Luckily, he meets just the man to help him do it: Canalave City Gym Leader Byron, one of the toughest teachers in all of Sinnoh. Will Hareta and Piplup be able to pass Byron's test at the Fortress of Steel?
Continuation of Yukari and Otoumi's story, which begins in Hitomi no ounowa (dear green). 1. Forever Flatmates Yukari and Otoumi know they must one day reveal the truth about their relationship to an important person: Ryouko. Especially after she sent invitations to a celebration of her upcoming wedding. How will she react when she finds out that her best friend's dating her ex-boyfriend? 2. The One I Like the Most A schoolgirl's crush causes a hiccup in Yuraki and Otoumi's relationship. 3. Living Together A humorous flashback to how Otoumi and Yuraki come to live together. 4. The Situation to Take For Granted With parental pressure on Otoumi to make marriage plans, he becomes aware of what he takes for granted ~ and what he certainly doesn't. 5. Love's Murmurs (oneshot) High school student Shinya reacted badly when Takashi ~ his boyfriend of six months and an electronic salesman ~ suggested he should go home for New Year's. 6. Repeated Problem Although Takechi rejected his closest friend Hakata's unexpected love confession, he doggedly kept their friendship going. But when gossip about Hakata's homosexuality begins to circulate at their university, Takechi is forced to question his friendship with Hakata. 7. The Relationship That Can't Be Washed Away Continuation of Takechi and Hakata's relationship. 8. Afterword 9. Vacation Time A humorous two-page look at one day of Yukari and Otoumi's home life.
Sisters In Love summary: Sisters In Love summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Sisters In Love. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
A Kut Prisoner summary: A Kut Prisoner summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Kut Prisoner. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Handbook of Alabama Archaeology: Part I Point Types summary: Handbook of Alabama Archaeology: Part I Point Types summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Handbook of Alabama Archaeology: Part I Point Types. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Wonderland or Alaska and the Inside Passage summary: Wonderland or Alaska and the Inside Passage summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Wonderland or Alaska and the Inside Passage. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.