简介魔法少女的责任不是为了拯救世界么?!为什么我家的召唤兽逼着我这世界唯一的魔法少女去谈恋爱?!恋爱的对象还都是非人类?!比起谈恋爱我觉得拯救世界更重要啊!粉丝QQ群:600598928 每周六准时更新
内容简介:她是放逐于黑暗世界的妖精,妖媚勾魂,无心无情,无所谓正邪,只想随心所欲的活着,可是上天终究看不得她这么惬意,让她葬身火海,尸骨无存。再次睁眼,她是尧月国唯一的公主,不过却是个白痴加花痴 ,纨绔不化,刁蛮跋扈,痴恋尧月第一公子,用尽手段让他臣服在自己的裙下,却在新婚之夜被人暗算死于非命。皇族之人视她为耻辱,天下之人不屑嘲讽,却没人知道那具身体早已换了灵魂。黑暗中她勾起妖冶的红唇,媚惑如斯:“如此才有趣啊!”一手敛财、一手兵器,当天下大乱,她惊艳出世,列国之上,唯我独尊,从此,谁还敢小看她半分?衣袂飘香,那倾城一撇,又夺了谁的心魂?她只想肆意的重活一世,却不想在不经意间成就了无数人的惊鸿,无需渲染,便已倾绝天下!他,才华盖世,清冷绝傲,一袭青灰色长衫给他穿出了清风明月的气质,一身淡雅从容,不染纤尘,可终究因为那如妖如月的女子失了心魂,从天际跌落地狱,堕仙成魔!他,红衣妖艳,嗜血无情,如一朵开在黄泉路上的地狱红莲,勾魂妖冶,三千荼蘼染绯月,倾尽人间修罗色,明明是那么无情的人,是谁让他滴了红颜泪落在心口点绛了朱砂?他,随心肆意,无拘无束,一身白衣游走江湖,杀伐果断,快意恩仇,可长剑斩尽天下人,终究遇上了那人,最后宁愿将剑刺入自己心窝也不愿伤那人分毫!他,身怀仇恨,外面沉寂淡雅,内心却早已噬恨成魔,暗黑、死寂、腐朽,忽然有一日,那方黑暗的天际摄入一道烈焰,灼伤了他的眼,也灼伤了他的心,是为仇恨死,还是为那点光热而生?他,淡雅如风,无心无情,手中素弦拨弄,如仙乐可醉红尘梦人,也可如地狱冥音杀人无形;可琴音能控,那人心呢?1w0-84779 >>
内容简介:……男保姆十八岁,叫冬生。他读高二一班,和丁莼隔着三个班还是四个班来着。黑婶说这孩子苦,小妹你照顾着他点。丁莼穷得只剩下钱了:“行啊,我出钱,他照顾我。”桀骜不羁女主vs贤惠纯情男主, 慎入。各位书友要是觉得《买来的男保姆》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-98739 >>
内容简介:悬疑小说家安悦遭遇一场车祸,醒来之后变成一位名叫何瑶也的女明星,这位名气不大的女明星此前因自杀未遂正在医院抢救,安悦不得已以何瑶也一塌糊涂的名声,在娱乐圈摸爬滚打。很快安悦发现真正的何 瑶也并不是自杀,身边出现的每一个人都有可能与何瑶也的死有关。随着星耀娱乐公司神秘的幕后老板现身,还有真正的何瑶也的神秘日记出现,杀死何瑶也的人也慢慢浮出水面……1w0-29733 >>
内容简介:社畜的我,靠签到天降一套大别墅是一步一莲创作的经典的小说作品社畜的我,靠签到天降一套大别墅小兵提供社畜的我,靠签到天降一套大别墅最新章节全文免费阅读,社畜的我,靠签到天降一套大别墅下载 ,社畜的我,靠签到天降一套大别墅全文字更新,社畜的我,靠签到天降一套大别墅无弹窗!请关注社畜的我,靠签到天降一套大别墅吧,本站最新最快更新社畜的我,靠签到天降一套大别墅的最新章节。1w0-81633 >>
内容简介:乾隆为了自己逍遥自在,竟然弄了个替身帮自己坐朝,身为替身的孙星能否甘愿当这个傀儡吗,他可是正常的不能再能正常的男人,每日无女不欢,守着美女如云的后宫,他能甘愿为乾隆恪尽职守吗。嘿嘿—— 如果是你会将如何?如果是你坐到这个位置会有什么想法?如果是我——1w35219-98004 >>
内容简介:人到五十,顾悯越来越看不懂她的爱人,人说岁月是把杀猪刀,可在她这儿,岁月是个痒痒挠。她爱人方盈年原来是多纯情多容易害羞一个人啊!也不知道怎么了,到了五十岁,开始不正经!带坏一群中老年人 学她,把年轻俊男靓女海报挂起来欣赏,带坏外甥女学她,沉迷偶像剧玛丽苏沙雕剧情,带坏老朋友学她,六十岁的人了非要驱车追逐初恋。这还叫事儿吗!顾悯感到非常头痛。“多大岁数了都!”顾悯如此斥责。“能有多大,长命百岁,人生才过一半!”方盈年如此说。本文主要内容:木瓜小区广场舞小分队队长顾悯女士带领的不正经非青年团的夕阳红生涯。本文将于3月18日从第22章入v,入v当天发三章。谢谢大家一直以来的支持,往后也请继续支持。如果您喜欢中年妇女爱情,别忘记分享给朋友作者:安度非沉所写的《中年妇女爱情》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-83849 >>
内容简介:【双洁、甜宠】传闻,郁家财阀继承人、三栖影帝郁锦炎的隐婚男妻长相奇丑、粗陋不堪。郁影帝一门心思想和他离婚,可对方一哭二闹三上吊硬是霸占着正宫的位置死不离开。网络骂声一片,千万粉丝实名抵 制。直到有一天,国民男神余年在家直播时,众人看到郁锦炎围着浴巾从后面路过,对着宣称单身的国民男神说:“媳妇儿,我衬衫在哪儿?”粉丝爆哭:还我老婆!郁锦炎夺妻之仇不共戴天!直播结束后,郁影帝收获了一大群黑粉。黑粉每天一问:我老婆今天和郁狗离婚了吗?!!!余年是易孕体质,拿到验孕单后,他气哼哼的回到家,将郁影帝踹出房门:“滚,这都第三个了!”郁靳炎嘴角上扬,温声哄着,“乖,这是最后一胎。”可心里却想:十二生肖还差九个。又帅又撩流氓影帝攻X又甜又软国民男神受。攻:郁锦炎受:余年PS:有撩宠副CP出没 ̄︶ ̄1w0-72939 >>
内容简介:【诡异!五询老汉惨死街头,他的尸体没有影子。】【震惊!死在水底的岳母岳母,半夜包了饺子喊我回家!!】【恐怖!受人供奉的佛陀,竟然私下偷偷藏了数十名少女!!】妖魔复苏,邪祟横行。整个世界 都在发生着惊天巨变!左尘醒来后,竟然发现自己成为了一具受人供奉的雕塑,有鬼正在他的牌位下面正在念叨。“轮回中颂我真名者,可的永生!”左尘:“靠!送上门的福利。”当天上的红月亮升起时,鬼,出现了。1w0-26539 >>
Nine Tales summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Nine Tales. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
From Miista Manga Fox: 12 year old, Momoki Asuka, first met his soon to be step brother, Momoki Yui. The brothers were closer than the average step brothers, until one fateful summers day, they both accidentally get locked in a cabinet together for one hour, at a abandoned warehouse, near their family vacation destination. However, after they finally escape, something life changing happened to 7 year old Yui in that cabinet. Yui began avoiding Asuka, by joining his school Tennis club. -10 Years Later- Life has changed for 17 year old Yui and 22 year old Asuka. Yui is a super tennis star, whilst Asuka is still depressed that his younger brother is ignoring him. As Asuka is still being avoided by Yui, the family decides to go to the same family vacation destination 10 years ago. Although, for the first time in 10 years, Yui chooses to join along with the family. At the same abandoned warehouse, Asuka gets stuck in a hole, until Yui purposely joins and gets stuck with him. Now that the two brothers are together, Yui reveals the secrets of what happened to him in the Cabinet 10 years ago, and how it had changed him. What will the brothers do, now that their secrets are revealed? Will they grow further apart or will they become closer? Yuzuha Ougi's story, Brother, recounted in a hypnotic, dreamy prose, brotherly love, encapsulates the perfect true love feeling of sexual tension and alienation. Sequel: Brother 2
[From ShoujoMagic]: Aihara Shinobu is a high school student and lovely model. One day in Shibuya, she's handled roughly by a gang leader named Kyou, who insists he will make her his woman unless she can produce a boyfriend. Shinobu turns to her unrequited love, a true gentleman named Hibiki, the utter opposite of Kyou, and begs him to play the part. But what Shinobu doesn't realize is how long Kyou and Hibiki have waited for this moment... WARNING: For mature audiences due to strong language.
Nako is a poverty-stricken 21 year-old in desperate need of a job. She applies for a job at a jewelry store. When shop owner Ren identifies herself as a lesbian, the competition for the position evaporates, leaving only Nako. Ren asks her if her sexual orientation will be a problem, Nako sensibly replies that she's not interested, so she doesn't see any problem.
A History of the Cries of London summary: A History of the Cries of London summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A History of the Cries of London. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Gems Gathered In Haste summary: Gems Gathered In Haste summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Gems Gathered In Haste. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Sevenwaters: Seer Of Sevenwaters summary: Sevenwaters: Seer Of Sevenwaters summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Sevenwaters: Seer Of Sevenwaters. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
History's Strongest Husband summary: The little handsome son-in-law pa.s.sed through a world as a waste material and the husband of a wealthy family. But because of his apt.i.tude lacking, the wealthy family had driven him out. So he worked hard and found a more powerful family’s thighs to hold onto. Soon enough, he became the strongest son-in-law and husband in history. In this world, it was impossible to practice martial arts. It was futile so he might as well take advantage of his wife’s thighs and maintain a comfortable and leisure lifestyle. He’ll train his wife to become the strongest and best person in the world. “Whoever dares to provoke me, let my wife kill you!”