简介少年江语深因为父亲的神秘研究而被莫名追杀,同时成为了超强的“蜃血人”,随后结识了有同样遭遇的同伴们,开始了前往“蜃”的源地—“神秘之地”的征程,并和各个反派势力展开了殊死战斗。周双更—每周三/周日更新!主笔@溪蒙simon 编剧@百里风月
内容简介: 东方神州,有人皇立道统,有圣贤宗门传道,有诸侯雄踞一方王国,诸强林立,神州动乱千万载,值此之时,一代天骄叶青帝及东凰大帝横空出世,东方神州一统! 然,叶青帝忽然暴毙,世间雕像尽皆 被毁,于世间除名,沦为禁忌;从此神州唯东凰大帝独尊! 十五年后,东海青州城,一名为叶伏天的少年,开启了他的传奇之路…1w0-470 >>
内容简介:一世人两兄弟,背井离乡举目无亲,活着真的是太难了。可活人总不能让尿憋死,路还是要继续往前走,就算生活是一滩烂泥,也要捏出朵狗尾巴花来。【下山虎,为生存,凶猛无比,无所畏惧。】(QQ群: 474558375,作者勿扰,谢谢)1w0-4520 >>
内容简介:弃子练习生vs顶流top巨星时代偶像VS传奇影后美强惨小狮子vs抑郁偏执小人鱼。作为一个每天被五三折磨的高三生,顾夜歌本以为,自己余生都不会再有机会站上那个舞台。直到某一天,一个数年未 见的不知名导演告诉她,她14岁时拍的那部至今没上映的小众文艺电影,入围了今年的欧洲三大奖项之一……顾夜歌:……???避雷设定1第一卷蛰内容是校园,娱乐圈可以从第二卷看起,影响不大。2主事业线。3双暗恋1w0-92170 >>
内容简介:从武侠世界开始种道无弹窗最新章节由网友提供,《从武侠世界开始种道》情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的武侠修真小说,小兵免费提供从武侠世界开始种道最新清爽干净的文字章节在线阅 读。1w0-95502 >>
内容简介:文案:齐乐人在通关《噩梦游戏》打出第一个be结局的时候不幸电脑黑屏。坐公交去修电脑的路上,公交车与一辆突如其来的卡车相撞,受伤的乘客们被送往医院。醒来的时候,齐乐人发现,自己躺在空荡荡 的输液大厅中,偌大的医院里空无一人……ps:一直想写的真人恐怖游戏(并不是1w0-3320 >>
内容简介:混混头子朱油笑穿越时空,成为明朝短命皇帝天启帝朱由校,开局干掉了魏忠贤!经过他的发展,大明有着连片的工厂,烧着煤炭的蒸汽火车,射程五十公里的北平大炮,漫天的蒸汽飞艇远征军,无数黑灰色制 服帝国伞兵!内乱在他手中平息,敌国在他脚下称臣,大同全球只是开始,星辰大海才是目标!1w0-98061 >>
内容简介:罢黜百家,独尊儒术!这是一个读书人的世界!这是一个思想是至高力量的儒道世界!在这里,诗词可以显像,字画能够化真!诸圣以圣力构筑万里长城,抵挡妖兽和蛮夷狄戎的进攻,换来人族的休养生息!苏 林穿越到了这么一个儒道世界,以圣言开智,无字天书承载华夏文人的诗词文赋,上能庙堂之争,除佞臣,破奸相。下可守卫人族,杀妖兽,除蛮夷。画地为牢,指鹿为马,撒豆成兵,画龙点睛!思想之所至,便无所不能!《儒术》铁杆群:3182275861w0-3559 >>
Oneshot from Sayuri Hime Tsukasa and Akira are sent to get snacks for the rest of the student council.
Hai hu, is a rich playboy during the day. At night, he is hero for the people, known as the Sea Tiger. He fights a world renown organization lead by Blue Dream. Blue Dream wanted to conquer the world and destroy everything on Earth so that it could be restored into an unpolluted state like it used to be. Full of action, drama and mind-twisting plot.
From Shogakukan: Ping pong. Table tennis. Fast, furious. You might have seen it, even played it, but you've never seen it like this! The action centers around 'Smile' Tsukimoto and 'Peco' Hoshino, two high school students in the midst of adolescence and out to prove they've got what it takes in the cool, cruel world of sports. This manga even got adapted into a live-action movie.
From Entropy “In the languid hours of yesterday, I went to the tangled grasses near the river, so tangled that humans don’t often venture there, and had heaps of fun playing alone. As per usual, I had had a glass of sue-ju with grandmother in the morning, and drunk, I grabbed a towel and stumbled my way up. There won’t be any watchers, my body thought, and it slipped so easily into the water. Floating in the clear and pretty water I looked at the sky, saw the floating clouds. Hee hee … in that small space I even had a go at swimming like the pros. If you sit on the rock and rest for a bit you can see the small sand-colored fishes swimming around. Even such small creatures made shadows on the river bed and moved around. Yeah, every day I play at being a mountain wizard. Whether the axe handles decay or not … violets.” --Please read at Entropy website
Honore de Balzac summary: Honore de Balzac summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Honore de Balzac. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Stalking the Nightmare summary: Stalking the Nightmare summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Stalking the Nightmare. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Lucky Seventh summary: The Lucky Seventh summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Lucky Seventh. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Miss Sales Manager summary: Tina is a strong girl. Self righteous, pretty and intelligent. Yet she wants to pursue a career in sales and marketing which is dominated by men. How does she fare..will she find love??? Come and find out..