内容简介: 【邪魅恣意vs偏执病娇】 她是王府郡主,生而尊贵,本该荣华富贵,尊享一生,一场阴谋,父亲战死,兄长早夭,为撑起王府甘愿褪下红装,代替兄长成了王府世子。 从此,上京多了一位放浪形 骸,风流不羁的纨绔世子爷! 调戏美人,撩拨王爷,戏弄皇子……放眼上京,没有她不敢做的。 人前,玩世不恭,不学无术,邪魅恣意张扬纨绔。 人后,操纵权术,算计人心,翻手为云覆手为雨。 玩得起暧昧,守得住身心,谋得了天下,掌得了权谋,却……一不小心,撩到了自己的仇敌加情敌。 仇敌?五年前废了他的双腿;情敌,五年后夺了他的未婚妻! 这仇恨,可以说是很不共戴天了。 殊不知,自赐婚初始,便落入了对方精心布置的纠缠陷阱之中。 从此,她谋天下他谋她!! 女主对男主,变态宠!!! 男主对女主,病态宠!!! (女扮男装,1v1,身心干净,男强女强) 扫雷:女主不是好人,邪魅恣意,心狠手辣,不喜慎入!1w0-2790 >>
内容简介:失忆后男友总在翻车笔趣阁,失忆后男友总在翻车sodu,失忆后男友总在翻车小说,失忆后男友总在翻车顶点,失忆后男友总在翻车宣梨,【已完结】隔壁连载文《强A突发性狗化综合征》已开求收藏推荐 基友校园abo甜文《绿茶Alpha太磨人》二班有一对死对头,整日针锋相对,同学们总觉得他俩有一天会打起来。后来,其中一个失忆了。谢淮青因车祸失去了半年记忆,复学第一天,有个帅哥总盯着他看。谢淮青:同学你谁?我们很熟吗?霍珹震惊道:你忘了吗?咱俩是一对啊。谢淮青:……不知该说是惊喜还是惊吓。谢淮青采取冷暴力,像个渣男一样等着霍珹主动提分手。一等就是一个学期。然后又一个学期。搞得谢淮青都习惯自己有个男朋友这件事了。只不过总觉得哪里不对劲,比如——同班同学:你俩什么时候关系这么好了?学校论坛:昔日仇敌如今基情四射为哪般班主任:你们能这样共同进步老师很欣慰啊,以前那样多伤和气。……谢淮青理了理霍珹的校服领子,温柔道:“以前哪样了?给你个机会,解释。”霍珹攻×谢淮青受————————————《强A突发性狗化综合征》文案:温慕穿成一篇abo耽美文的炮灰,成了霸总白月光的替身。金主alpha目光阴沉,喜怒无常,还很嫌弃他,温慕做好了被摧残折磨的准备。可是——温慕晚上不在家,裴书臣抱着他的衣服睡。温慕出门买个菜,裴书臣红着眼眶,坐在门口望眼欲穿地等他。温慕不小心沾到其他alpha的味道,裴书臣露出“你在外面有狗了”的心碎眼神。……啊这……金主对白月光真是用情至深,忘了他只是个替身吗。温慕一边心里咬手绢,一边rua金主大人的头发,日子过得纠结又分裂。后来,白月光和他的alpha分手了,温慕麻利收拾行李,拍拍金主的肩膀:“你的机会来了,祝你们百年好合。”裴书臣缓缓摩挲着Omega后颈的腺体:“谁?和他有什么关系?”“我只想和你百年好合。”————某天,裴书臣发觉自己身体有些异样,检查后,医生朋友沉重地告诉他,“你得了一种举世罕见的病,叫‘Alpha突发性狗化综合征’。”裴书臣:说人话。医生:就是人会时不时降智,表现出犬类行为。裴书臣:……裴书臣是名副其实的天之骄子人中龙凤,从没想过自己会患上一种如此丢人的病。这种病需要与他高度契合的Omega信息素来治疗,如果长时间得不到信息素的安抚,发病时间会越来越长,直到智商永远降低到一只狗的水平。然而……唯一一个和他匹配的Omega,正是几天前向他表白被他丢出去的温慕。冷漠傲慢真香攻×怂哒哒呆萌受日久生情,伪白月光,年上,攻比受大十岁————————————推荐基友连载校园abo甜饼《绿茶Alpha太磨人》by落孤谢凌是个装成顶级Alpha的Om >>
内容简介:意外穿越的洛秋璃,为求自保,主动请缨嫁给当朝大宦官徐王爷。婚后,洛秋璃过起了愉快的守活寡生活,卖面膜做微商银子哗啦啦的流进来,皇妃贵女为办会员卡挤破头。有了钱,下一步干啥呢?养上几个面 首伺候本宫如何?徐王爷阴沉着脸,爱妃,你当真以为本王真是太监不成?1w0-29370 >>
内容简介: “音乐、影视、绘画、书法、雕塑、文学……”“你都懂?”“略知一二。”“都会一点的意思?”“嗯,都会亿点的意思。”怀揣系统,靠艺术征服世界,成为各界人士顶礼膜拜的无冕之王。1w0-1 469 >>
内容简介:唐佐穿越了。穿越到斗罗大陆的世界。成为唐三的哥哥(非亲哥,但两人不知道)他长着和宇智波佐助一模一样的帅气脸庞。武魂觉醒仪式上,他觉醒了写轮眼,和……十拳剑。唐佐不鸣则已,一鸣惊人当他开 启第三武魂与系统后,整片大陆开启了他的无敌时代。ps本文单女主宁荣荣,书友群799204164ps本文起点首发1w0-7320 >>
内容简介:杨暖暖穿书了,穿进了一本古早的大总裁文里,成了同名的恶毒女配。恶毒女配代替女主角嫁给书中大反派,最后,身份暴露,被大反派给弄死了。穿书后的杨暖暖瑟瑟发抖,她要努力当个乖巧可人的小甜甜, 让反派大佬舍不得弄死她。可最后,剧情怎么崩坏了?反派大佬怎么辣么宠她?还跟她扯证了?反派大佬:“我把全世界都给你,叫老公。”杨暖暖哭卿卿:“老,老公……”妖艳贱货小甜甜vs阴鸷蛇精病大佬。1w0-70483 >>
内容简介: 人人都说羿清是世间第一剑修,剑术修为无人能出其左右。无论是在下界修仙之时,还是在上界的十方天庭,向来战无不胜。 羿清一笑道:“那是因为,你们不识得我师父,说起修为,我远不及她。想 当初上仙界十方天帝,我师父揍过九个,另一个是我。” “师父?你居然有师父!谁?怎么从来没听过。” “我师父是……咦?师父!师父?我师父呢?有谁看到我师父了?” 旁边一人默默的举起爪,“我在这!” -_-||| 穿越后沈萤唯一的烦恼就是……存在感太低! *********************************************** 完本作品《我家徒弟又挂了》影视剧11月19日起登陆腾讯视频全网独播,每周一二更新两集~1w0-639 >>
内容简介: 国术世界中,他国术大成,拳压王无敌!大明江湖中,他横行无忌,天下第一! 手捏生死,拳破虚空!白蛇之中,画一卷万妖之图!遮天世界,魔主天下,威慑禁区!完美之中,我为魔皇!西游之中,论 道太上,掌压灵山!封神之中,四圣摆下诛仙剑...........顾少伤投影诸天,一步步踏上征途,直至,霸凌诸天! 本书vip书友群722975968(进群需要粉丝截图)本书普通群753202997(欢迎大家加群)新书已发《诸天大道宗》,感兴趣的可以看一看。1w0-373 >>
内容简介:至亲被轮奸被害人我的母亲,她叫刘小慧,当时年纪四十一岁。身高一米六七,家庭主妇,是一个城市里面非常普通的那种女人。这是发生在我十二岁的事情,因为这件事我早早地发育成熟了。我第一次亲眼看 到了成年人之间性交的发生,第一次现场看见了女人的裸体,亲眼看见我的亲生妈妈被几个男人轮奸。那是一个星期六的早上,阳光照耀,今天我放假在家写作业,爸爸早早地出门上班去了。妈妈穿着那套白色的衣服白色的紧身裤,是父亲给她的生日礼物,紧身的衣物让妈妈那到中年依然保持得很好的身材显现出来,乳房依然是那么高挺,从几乎透明的白色上衣后面可以明显地看见白色乳罩的带子。小腹上面没有中年妇女所拥有的肥胖的油肚,而是一下沿到双腿缝中那像馒头一样被裤子包裹丰满的一团,甚至于那一个肉团由于裤子太过于紧身的缘故被勒出了一条原本就存在的肉缝的形状。高撅的屁股骄傲的挺着。从中延伸出一条缝一直向下向大腿前面汇合着。。。。上传者书籍介绍:淫荡妇女淫乱,,,,,为您奉献《强奸系列合集》1w0-75158 >>
[from Fantasy Shrine :] Kikuchi Yo, a travel agency owner dreams of turning the “Blue Rose”, a British noble mansion into a hotel. He enthusiastically approaches Baron Gilfred, owner of the mansion, with his plans. Unbeknownst to him, he’s walking into the Baron’s trap…! A gorgeous love story between a nobleman and a business owner. (sequel) Koushaku no Himeta Kuchizuke (continues the story of the Duke and the Prince)
Tomoki, a young man with a thing for ecchi stuff, is used to living alone, with his dad traveling all the time. However, he is not prepared for the sudden arrival of his 9-year-old twin sisters, whom he never knew even existed! Toujou Minaho, the big-breasted girl next door, is ready to help out, but these cute little girls are quite a handful.... From Baka-Updates: Kamishiro Tomoki is an Otaku who is studying for college. One day, he received an outrageous 'package' from his father: 9 year old blond girls who are his dad's illegitimate children from one of his business trips...... The twins, Selly and Riru are completely spoiled and drives Tomoki crazy. Not only that, the sisters have a 'secret' plan to kick out Tomoki and claim the house just for themselves. Will Tomoki manage to make peace with the girls? Read and find out!
Hana and Eru summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Hana and Eru. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Covenant summary: Daimon (Covenant 0.5) 'Love in my world usually ended up with someone hearing 'I smite thee! ' as she was cursed to be some lame flower for the rest of her life.'For three years, Alexandria has lived among mortals--pretending to be like them and trying to forget the duty she 'd been trained to fulfill as a child of a mortal and a demiG.o.d. At seventeen, she 's pretty much accepted that she 's a freak by mortal standards... and that she 'll never be prepared for that duty.According to her mother, that 's a good thing.But as every descendant of the G.o.ds knows, Fate has a way of rearing her ugly head. A horrifying attack forces Alex to flee Miami and try to find her way back to the very place her mother had warned her she should never return-the Covenant. Every step that brings her closer to safety is one more step toward death... because she 's being hunted by the very creatures she 'd once trained to kill.The daimons have found her.
My Aunt Margaret's Mirror summary: My Aunt Margaret's Mirror summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of My Aunt Margaret's Mirror. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Rivers West summary: Rivers West summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Rivers West. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Imperial Princess Accidentally Seduced Her Husband summary:
Ah&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;..she was married to a Marquis, yet he only had intent to treat her as a concubine not as his first wife, a princess (princess refers to a person’s first wife, it is a position of power among the wives and in the household). Now she overheard that he only married her for appearances sake?
It was just great! Not only was she forced to marry, she also lost her freedom. Since her husband was also unwilling to marry, they might as well not bother with each other&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;.
His newly wedded wife was so very strange!
A night before the wedding he caught her peeking shamelessly. She also demanded that the favor he owed her for having saved his life, two years prior in the desert was to not touch her?
Usually a wife would be sharing a husband with three or four other women. Thus they would be full of worry and trepidation, serving their husband to the best of their ability attempting to become the favourite and obtain the valued Princess position. Yet she actually tried to distance herself from him as much as possible. How was this a relationship?
Though it did not matter to him, for he long had the intention to separate himself from her, he was only marrying her because of the Imperial Edict after all. If he didn’t seize this golden opportunity then he was too dumb to deserve it.
Let her regret it!
She was very proficient in the art of Qi Huang. Even though this princess’ beauty wasn’t too outstanding, it wasn’t bad and her temperament was unquestionable. This Prime Minister’s Daughter even had a touch of feminine charisma. Her varying facial features made him forget about the other beautiful concubine completely and made him want to&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;..only care for her!?
Although he swore to the moon that he would not touch her, however tonight the night sky was cloudy&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;