内容简介:【【2019云起华语文学征文大赛】参赛作品】【甜宠爽文1V1双洁】拥有特殊能力的实验体顾念念穿书了,她顶替意外死亡的同名炮灰成为了顾家二小姐。京城上流圈里人人忌惮的陆先生是个病秧子,被 断言活不过二十岁,却坚强的活到了二十五岁。仅仅见了两面,他就被缠上了。“先生,又见到你了,真好!”女孩笑容甜软无害,转身却一巴掌将找茬者煽飞。再看向他时泪眼汪汪:“先生1w0-67090 >>
内容简介:精分切片外挂系统X心机会撩满级玩家王止言X苏子姜封面人设图是苏子姜。苏子姜被打包进异世界,要去完成上八项任务,刷满攻略对象好感值,才被允许让其回到现实。共八个世界:世界一庙堂江湖叱咤沙 场铁血将军X多智近妖对营谋士将军:“我知道她满嘴谎话,诡计多端,心思不纯,可我还是近乎顽固地,把她圈在我身边,妄想着有一日,能得她片刻施舍般的真心。”世界二西方幻想万物之主光明神X一身反骨半精灵光明神:“我的信徒遍布大陆,他们奉我为神祇。她不过是卑劣的物种,却将我拽落神坛,玩弄于股掌之上。”世界三娱乐圈业界知名大腕导师X顶级流量选秀新人导师“她是我最看不起的那种人。空有一张面皮,花瓶似地一摆,鲜花掌声就纷至沓来。世人之所以拜倒裙下,不过是大多肤浅庸俗。我从未想过我竟也沦为其中的一个。”世界四校园ABO斯文败类白切黑学霸AlphaX武力值爆表酷飒痞坏Omega学霸“当别人问起我,怎么看那个打架生事却成了‘梦中情A’的人,我甚至懒得搭理。可知道了她是O时,我只想标记她,用几乎发狠般力道。”世界五仙侠修真高岭之花清冷仙尊X作恶多端狠辣魔头仙尊“我修无情道,无爱亦无恨。她骗我、辱我、毁我。她这般罪不1w0-95430 >>
内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:特种兵:开局一招秒了范天雷】穿越特种兵世界,成为一名从小就学习八极拳的大学生,绑定系统,只要不断学习就能够变强。在范天雷上面征兵的时候,被林萧一招秒掉了。在一 招秒掉了范天雷以后,林萧从此开始了豪横的人生。学习伪装:获得顶级伪装技术学习射击:获得顶级射击技术,获得百发百中技能范天雷:“谁在敢说我是天坑我和他急,我都被林萧坑成啥样了?”王艳兵:“林萧,他是我唯一佩服的人,虽然我被他揍过好几次。”何晨光:“在和林萧比起来,我真的就是一无是处,他可以说是狙神。”安然:“林萧,他简直不是人,他竟然敢对我!”飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢特种兵:开局一招秒了范天雷,别忘记分享给朋友特种兵:开局一招秒了范天雷TXT下载1w0-71268 >>
内容简介:现代宅男谢锐上街买方便面,结果被大花盆砸死,意外穿越到一个架空的1998年,成为当时世界上最大的家族的嫡子——年仅十八岁的朱宜锐身上,从此开始了他享福、泡美女的奢侈生活……1w6445 0-98242 >>
内容简介:我靠海岛空间称霸末世!我靠海岛空间称霸末世!小说阅读穿越重生小说我靠海岛空间称霸末世!由作家雾中迷鹿创作【号入v,v章评论有红包掉落,全订有抽奖,感谢支持v】冒险海岛是一款集海岛生存、 出海冒险、萌宠、基建为一体的种田类游戏。休闲与冒险元素的别样融合,加上可以全服联机的人性化设置,简直让玩过的玩家欲罢不能。开局一间茅草屋,萌宠全靠捕捉,出海冒险就去砍树造船,是兄弟就一起来冒险海岛!正式公测后,除了入坑的游戏爱好者,本来不屑一顾的无数路人、风景党也纷纷在试玩后表示真香。但这所有的快乐都与沈初颜无关,因为她只是一个平平无奇的古地球末日求生者。地球历2101年1月1日,来自高等文明的末日选拔系统席卷了全球。生命数据化后,所有地球居民被迫参与这场长达四年的生死淘汰赛。无止境的屠杀、可怕的异形巨兽、令人无法呼吸的死亡墙壁、来自地底的邪恶窥探每一年,选拔赛系统都将更新资料片,愈来愈困难的求生环境令无数遭受了这场无妄之灾的地球居民陷入绝境。生者,将拥有无上的异世界能力与前往高等文明的机会;而死者,能带走的或许只有世人的留念与不舍。末日选拔赛开始后的第三年,求生者沈初颜生命值归零,被系统宣判死亡。但神奇的却是,她并未丧失意识,而是重返至末日前夕。没有落地成盒的沈初颜带着诸多求生经验,再次踏上这场征途——面前是难以角逐的死亡之路,身后是无法退却的穷途。好在,重生归来的沈初颜点亮了幸运buff,她发现自己随身携带的玉佩里竟然还隐藏着一个海岛空间!海岛空间内有着丰富的资源:用于充饥的蔬果,可以提升实力的晶石。在空间的辅助下,沈初颜步步领先,实力渐长。而之后的发展则更让人瞠目结舌,这个海岛居然还能联机?食用指南1苏爽文,男主背景板2主世界末日剧情与海岛空间剧情各占一半篇幅【文案发表于2020年7月,修改于2020年11月,已截图】》》》完结文《我在欢乐游戏里赚生活费全息》,戳专栏可见0v0》》》下本要开的同类型预收《我靠抽卡异能称霸迷雾幻境!》求收藏鸭!QAQ本小说网提供雾中迷鹿著作的我靠海岛空间称霸末世!最新章节,我靠海岛空间称霸末世!全文免费阅读,我靠海岛空间称霸末世!无弹窗清爽阅读体验!小兵提供我靠海岛空间称霸末世!最新章节我靠海岛空间称霸末世!最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w0-80847 >>
内容简介: 神的力量来自众生。追随者越多,神的力量越强大!意外获得契约神格的余生安,嗤笑道:“嘁,别整那些虚头巴脑,不就是互联网抢夺用户流量那一套吗?”看我:社交平台收割流量;短视频用户下沉; 知识问答吸纳铁粉;异界直播转化信徒;电商利益拉拢所有人;再来一波第四天灾,平推尔等(众神)歪门邪道!……种田+幕后流(群:610034508)1w0-1753 >>
1) For Tomorrow The Nagaoka General detective agency is on the verge of bankruptcy. Nori, the son’s owner, is doing everything he can while his father is away to keep the business afloat, despite his lack of experience with investigating. His biggest challenge? The lazy, perverted ex-cop, Aoi-chan, who is their best and only detective. It seems a waste of his talents to be with the agency, but he is determined to make Nori his. So, when Aoi’s childhood friend and rival, Miyasako Yukari, shows up to offer them both an investigative job worth more money than the agency has seen in a while, he reluctantly accepts. But, the job is almost too easy. And, it seems rather suspicious that Yukari would request both Nori and Aoi to work the case. What is his real reason for hiring Nori? What kind of unexpected danger is waiting? 2) For the Two of Us Nori and Aoi are struggling with their newfound love and have yet to complete that final step to consummate the relationship. On top of that, Yukari is keeping Aoi incredibly busy with troublesome jobs, which is the agency’s only source of steady income. Nori takes on a case to search for a missing father, and Aoi tells him to leave the job to him, but then suddenly leaves for an indefinite amount of time claiming the need to do some work for Yukari. Nori begins to feel guilty at his inability to effectively contribute to the agency and his fear of giving himself completely to his lover. But, when Yukari shows up the following day looking for Aoi, Nori learns that his lover has lied to him. Will Nori be able to solve the case of the missing father on his own? And what will happen between the couple if Nori is able to locate Aoi? 3) The Secret of a Secretary Usami is the manager of the secretaries for YM Company, run by Miyasako Yukari. He is constantly witness to Yukari’s immoral and perverted behavior with all of the secretaries. It is the secret of the secretary room that many of the young men within were transferred there for the sole reason of becoming Yukari’s sexual flavor of the week. What’s worse is how Yukari shamelessly uses them as a tool to blackmail ther companies. Usami respects his director, but can’t understand that side of him. Even more, he can’t understand why he has feelings for the man; why he wants to push the director down and dominate that proud guy. The very idea excites him. What will happen when he finally confesses these desires to Yukari? Will his dreams of topping the confident director be fulfilled? And why does he have the feeling that Yukari has his own agenda? 4) The Boss’s Secret Yukari hasn’t changed at all, much to Usami’s dismay. But when Yukari has sex with others, Usami rarely complains even though he is jealous. Usami’s desires to be seme are also strong, but he has not yet learned to fight for what he wants. Is Yukari teasing him too much? 5) The Devil & The Love Revolution Iwata Daichi is a newbie teacher, finally landing a job as a P.E. teacher. But, on his first day touring the school, he stumbles across another teacher, Yoshizawa, in a compromising situation with a student. In his efforts to question and scold Yoshizawa, Iwata is forced into his own compromising situation and taken advantage of by Yoshizawa, who threatens to use their encounter against the new teacher unless Iwata holds his tongue about what he saw. Iwata has always believed himself to be straight, but when starts to see things in a new light afterwards, and becomes a confidant for students in love. A series of misunderstandings shows both teachers how much they may have misjudged one another. Will Iwata realize his true self when Yoshizawa decides to be serious with him? 6) Their Position Kamio and Akagi work for the same company, having joined at the same time and being the same age. Time and time again, though, Akagi excels over Kamio. Whether it’d be by achievements, popularity with the ladies, or in school, Akagi is always ahead of Kamio. So, when Akagi’s business proposal is chosen, he wants Kamio to be his assistant, telling his coworker that ‘Kamio is enough’. Kamio believes it is to pick on him and treat him as an underling. But, what can Kamio believe when Akagi confesses the true reasons for choosing him as an assistant? Is it really just to make fun of him or does Akagi have deeper feelings for his contemporary? And what are the two of them to do when they are accidentally locked within their office building overnight?
A collection of short stories: • Boketsu • Taikutsu na Tsuki • Johnny kara no Dengon • Round Girl • Nade-shiko • Chinpa • Jinsei Kaya no Soto (Kari)
She is childish and doesn't get why everyone wants a boyfriend, but on one december date her handsome childhood friend have kissed her, what will she do?
The Companion - The Hunger summary: The Companion - The Hunger summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Companion - The Hunger. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Quo Vadis: a narrative of the time of Nero summary: Quo Vadis: a narrative of the time of Nero summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Quo Vadis: a narrative of the time of Nero. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Way Of The Evil summary: The Way Of The Evil summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Way Of The Evil. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The City of Masks summary: The City of Masks summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The City of Masks. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.