简介 布桐,作为当红影后,十亿男人的梦想,居然被未婚夫绿!了!呵,可恶历思源,贪图我布家财产,还妄想送我一片草原,休怪我励志做你的小婶婶! 厉景琛,放眼帝都最尊贵的人,我布桐嫁定了!
内容简介:有人说摄政王爷有洁癖,生人勿进,靠近者死。叶初云:???那这个天天缠着她,黏着她,骂也不骂走,踹也踹不开的男人是谁?又有人说摄政王爷权倾朝野、权势滔天,便是皇上也对他礼待有加,这世上再 无一人能让他低头折腰。所以眼前这位低着头弯着腰给她穿鞋的摄政王怕是个假的吧?还有人说摄政王沉默寡言、不解风情,视女色为无物。“本王的王妃貌美如花、娇俏可人、知书达理、贤良淑德,这世上再1w0-28282 >>
内容简介:与编辑商议于12月1日入v大家多多支持哦推一下我的预收《成为英灵后开始996》下有简介有什么是比重生在一个咒灵妖怪满地跑的世界更悲催的事吗?有禅院樱祈用实力告诉你那就是没有咒力也没有灵 力!禅院樱祈:前有阴阳师随时暴毙后有咒术师随时猝死能活下来全靠天与咒缚血条厚!看似废人其实超猛的禅院樱祈成功掀翻屑男人们霸气上位成为第一位天与咒缚的家主。刚开始相杀相爱的处个对象没想到一招不慎被脑花1w0-74523 >>
内容简介:天下四分,南征北战,东浑西乱,袁朝皇帝野心勃勃,携夏王征战四方,掳掠百姓,终占的东江,因战事历久,各国无力征战,袁帝与其余三帝会面签订合约,不再混战,时过五年,休养生息,东江富足,袁帝 出尔反尔,出兵攻占南江,南江周朝破灭,周帝携子孙逃走奕河,不欲再复前仇,只求安稳一世,奈何袁帝夏王紧追不舍,周朝再灭,但无人发现,周朝逃走一子,在旧臣帮扶下偷建新朝,潜伏夏王府,此时袁帝夏王均已故去,两国子嗣间的战争暗自开始,周朝新主周染濯常驻夏王府,本意报复,可日久之后,却渐渐发现前事有差,仇人竟还另有其人!随着长时间与新夏王夏景笙及郡主夏景言相处,周染濯竟逐渐狠不下心,但天命难改,终究无福。【展开】【收起】1w0-108867 >>
内容简介:剑道天才,转世重生,覆灭王朝,横扫四方! 修帝经,肉身无双,徒手抗神兵,一剑光寒千万界! 为兄弟,两肋插刀,火海刀山,肝胆相照! 为红颜,征战天下,血染八荒,至死不渝! 血雨腥风,扬眉 淡笑,指剑问群雄,谁敢与我一战? 雄鹰下山,猛虎冲天,谁主沉浮,唯我道神!你命由我不由天,灭你只在挥手间! (作者微信公众号:凌乱的小道,欢迎诸位书友关注,然后和作者讨论剧情。)1w0-2804 >>
内容简介:(无敌文,幕后黑手文,绝对暴爽!)穿越玄幻世界,开局便是仙王巨头,帝族之祖,不朽之王。左手持戟,右手持剑,仙古纪元覆灭九天十地的主宰之一。“哪怕背负天渊,需一手托原始帝城,我苍仙一样无 敌世间!”“赤锋戟,不朽剑,斩尽仙王灭九天!”“仙之巅,傲世间,有我苍仙便有天!”他俯瞰万亿生灵,屹立在无尽仙巅:“吾乃帝族之族,不朽之王,诵我真名者,轮回中得见永生!”本故事及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-65495 >>
内容简介:《末途觉醒》之匠师的复兴天罗大匠师之崛起——战斗值为渣的技术宅,废柴创造术的异军突起。人生不过是段起伏的路,只有攀上,才有巅峰。那个陪她走到尽处的人,会是谁?【旧文《第一医仙》的姐妹篇 。】【强推基友“天涯牌草草”的现代重生文《不做学霸双重生》】有时候不争未必是放弃,也可能是一飞冲天前的蛰伏。novelid34409121w0-81441 >>
内容简介:玩网络游戏,什么最重要?装备最重要?错;级别最重要?错;兄弟最重要?错;RMB最重要?错。运气最重要,升级装备次次成,打小怪都能爆神装?谁能比?修仙也一样,你修炼快,你天赋高,比不上咱 掉崖就拣宝。你有家族,你有后台,你有修炼资源,比得上咱随便探个山谷,都有奇遇?一个穿越到修仙世界,处处受人欺凌的小杂役,在收拾藏书的时候,突然得到了一份和太极图相关的修行功法,于是,他的好运修行之旅开始了。1w0-27336 >>
内容简介:宁七不过收个衣服,转眼就被雷给劈了!意外回到八零年代,还重生成一个小傻子!岂能向命(ji)运(fei)低(gou)头(tiao)!小姐姐撸起袖头,要想富,先种树,福气来了挡不住!……跟 小姐姐走……还记否,到中流击水,浪遏飞舟?1w0-27371 >>
内容简介:写在前面的求生欲本文非传统虫族文,雌攻雄受,主受,作者文笔小白,死逻辑,完全属于自产粮,本质无脑互宠小甜饼,喜欢传统虫族文或铁血攻控受控的小可爱,请迅速点击右上角x号逃生,犹豫就会被雷 带下预收我1w0-123381 >>
内容简介: 一代仙帝夏归玄与宿敌两败俱伤,在宇宙荒僻星球的地核之中闭关疗伤。星球环境逐步被他身上溢散的仙灵之气改造,成了灵气充沛的宜居星球。原生物开始化人修炼,发展出自己的文明。若干年后,来自 银河系的人类探险飞船来到此地。各级位面,不知名的强大生命开始瞄向这里。多方碰撞,英雄并起。地核中的夏归玄睁开了眼睛。——————PS:这是个很随性子的愉悦怪,以文明观测为主题。请不要用战神归来仙帝重生的打开方式,别再问为什么不杀人搜魂、不神念全知、不毁天灭地、不一章完本了。1w0-1506 >>
内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:三国:第一咸鱼谋士】穿越东汉末年,成为颍川荀氏一族,原本只想混吃等死当咸鱼,怎奈世乱纷起!于是,走上了谋士之路,谈笑间,水淹七军,世人皆称之为留侯在世,天下第 一!蔡昭姬:“公子不出,将如苍生何?”飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。本书关键词:其他类型爽文争霸三国《三国:第一咸鱼谋士》小说推荐:从林正英世界开始修道、刺青、神之禁忌目录、领主时代:百倍增幅、抗战:从奉天开始崛起!、夫君是我一手带大的、秋以为期、那个被我活埋的人、离婚后的我开始转运了、跨物种相亲、居山海、三国:开局收服太后、前方动漫有高能、异世之虫族无敌、玄幻:我!天命大反派、黎明之后、草茉莉、武侠:开局算计师娘、绯闻太多是我的错吗、艾泽拉斯女神、僵尸世界:神级选择、私密保姆、被病娇盯上的日子穿书、明知故犯、亮剑:开局超神狙击、我、我是你的、一枝、我本娇蛮、醉里挑灯看你、荒野之春1w0-78875 >>
Based on the Victorian-goth otome girl's game. Hannah inherited her grandfather’s ability to make “elemental dolls,” but he forbade her to do that after she made her first doll, her maid Emily. After he died however, Hannah discovered a strange male “elemental doll” called Will in the basement of her grandfather’s workshop. Who made Will and for what purpose? Why is he calling her “master” and are there others like him? These are only a few of the mysteries Hannah has to solve.
'Middle Edo Period -- One state becomes the gathering place for sinful martial artists, who believe in nothing other than power, know of no other way of life other than letting oneself go wild in the battle. That state is the Unabara State, the 'Haunt of Demons' . . .' Washitzu Naosata, the ruler of the powerful state, Unabara, is looking for his successor. He calls upons all his 31 sons, and tell them to search for whoever they believe to be the strongest martial artist of all. Each of their chosen martial artists then are to fight against each other until only one is left standing. Whoever is the winner, whoever has the strongest martial artist in nation by his side will become his successor . . . Out in the midst of the mountain is the doujo of the 'Daigame Ryuu' (Giant Tortoise Style). There lives Kurogane Gama, the son of the legendary swordsman, Kurogane Jinsuke, who is believed to be able to kill 1000 martial artists in Unabara. There, one of the son of Washitzu Naosata, Washitzu Naoshi, comes in search of the legendary swordsman, only to find that he had gone missing several years ago. After seeing the battle style of Gama, he instead chooses to ask Gama to come with him. Wanting to become stronger, Gama agrees to his offer, and that marks the beginning of Gama's battle to become the strongest of all . . . (From Ju-da-su)
Don't Stop Loving Me / Love Never Stops Kio is a happily married woman... until she meets Chihaya. Chihaya wants Kio, but Kio tells him that she can't because she is married, but Kio is more and more attracted to Chiharu. Dreamt of Cinderella Erika loves brand name things, and surrounds herself with them, even if she doesn't have much money. But when she meets the famous hairstylist Takuto, this changes...
Drea-mer summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Drea-mer. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
My Dragon System summary:
Sen, the last and most powerful dragon left roaming the skies causing chaos and destruction across the land. When all hope is lost the human race call upon their last hope, a powerful witch. Unable to destroy the dragon the witch uses the last of her power to cast a spell. Sen has not been defeated but has now been reborn as a human.
How will Sen live his life now as a human who he once despised and saw as weak?
Agatha Raisin And The Vicious Vet summary: Agatha Raisin And The Vicious Vet summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Agatha Raisin And The Vicious Vet. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
If I Am Her summary: If I Am Her summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of If I Am Her. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Owari no Chronicle DC summary: A special “Director’s Cut” novel of Owari no Chronicle included with a Drama CD for the series. It includes content which was originally present in the final volume of the series but which was cut out due to its length.