内容简介:(已设置防盗章,请一定要看下面的排雷。)陶愿带着桃花系统,去到不同的世界完成任务,而其中最重要的任务,就是谈恋爱。而且每一场恋爱,都要很甜很宠,才算完成任务。总之,在他开挂之后,每个世 界都要秀恩爱。白莲花我感受到了来自世界的深深恶意,说好了我才是主角的,为什么我最后成了炮灰?渣男打脸来的太快,就像龙卷风,如果老天再给我一次重来的机会,请让我爱他一万年不变。围观群众老天爷,把那两个秀恩爱的带走吧,我们要被狗粮撑死了!1:与豪门干爹恋爱:明明可以靠卖艺赚大钱的他,偏偏就是要选择卖身给豪门干爹。(已完成)2:与影帝入戏相恋:在戏里恋爱,入戏太深,爱到戏外。接吻练习请了解一下。(已完成)3:在六零年代冲喜:未婚夫追求到了自己的白月光,立刻悔婚抛弃他,他只能嫁给昏迷不醒的军官冲喜?攻受互宠请了解一下。(已完成)4:包养狼性小奶狗:重生就能把别人的东西拿去用,还陷害别人抄袭?外表高冷禁欲内在浪骚体质设计师受x外表阳光帅气八块腹肌小奶狗内在狠毒狼性模特攻5:后宫争宠攻略:他要么不争,要争就必须是独宠。6:星际文艺兵:文艺兵也是不好当,不但要会唱会跳,还要扮得了女装。。看文提示:1:1v1,爽文,主受,系统很强大。2:全文架空,每个世界都与现实世界无关,请勿考据。排雷:1:作者水平很低,实在是写不出什么好文,只能写写苏天苏地的小白文,如果觉得看不下去,请直接点退出,弃文不必告知。请喜欢用嘲讽的方式批评作者的读者千万不要点进来,本人现实生活中因为各种压力,有时候心情很差,要是被怼回去了可别怪我,大家都是普通人,谁也不比谁高一等,请互相尊重。2:攻受灵魂同时穿越,双洁党慎入,某些故事会有怀孕和生子情节。感谢所有支持正版的读者,顺便求一下收藏么么哒注意:开挂恋爱系统(快穿)为书友上传橘子舟吧作品,小兵无遮挡广告、无弹窗,页面简洁让我们畅快阅读开挂恋爱系统(快穿)无弹窗全文阅读,剧情丰富精彩,角色刻画细腻,世界观宏大,欢迎品鉴。1w0-33777 >>
内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:柯南之女神守护】穿越到名侦探柯南的世界,成为犯罪心理学和微表情学专家,同时身为帝丹学园备受尊崇的教授,警视厅权势滔天的警督,将会改写出怎样的传奇?原著那些女神 们凄惨无助之时,你是否难过?如今拥有改变她们命运的机会,自然要避免悲剧,弥补遗憾!四年老书,只为完结,不求最好,但求最爽!飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢柯南之女神守护,别忘记分享给朋友作者:白小歪所写的《柯南之女神守护》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-80977 >>
内容简介:一张极其普通,又极其特殊的“录取通知书”,一个没有名字的“大学”。极度厌恶学校的普通少年尹旷,因为一纸“通知书” 来到这个所谓的“大学”。然后,他才觉得,以前他所厌恶的学校,简直就是天堂。在这个“大学”里,尹旷活着的唯一目标,就是拿到那张该死而血腥的“毕业证”!1w0-1082 >>
内容简介:一剑生,一剑死,大家都忙,用剑说话!惹我不算事,惹我妹要你命,不服开干!从得到最牛逼的剑,最无敌的传承开始,注定这一路上我要牛逼轰轰,直到我的脚踏在神魔的肩上,我的剑斩开云霄,九天任我 行。就这样,我以为在这世间,我是最牛的,等小雨出现,我错了,她可是一统万帝的至高神帝。对了,你们还不知道,小雨是我的妹妹,亲的那种。1w0-26395 >>
内容简介:【1v1高甜团宠追妻火葬场!】谢家老太太从外面买了个小姑娘,说是要给谢将军做夫人,得知此事的谢将军:我就是这辈子都站不起来,也不会娶这样心机深沉的女人!小姑娘红着眼眶点头:我明白的,将 军。谢将军的亲祖母:他看不上是他没福气,衍都青年才俊多得是,我回头给阿拂好好物色物色,他腿都断了,还配不上我们阿拂呢。谢将军的1w0-89971 >>
内容简介:穿进书里做反派,是一种什么样的体验?普通版回答:啊~~~,我不要做极品炮灰、恶毒女配、无耻渣男啊啊啊何·凡尔赛·甜甜:今天又拿了一个反派剧本,好烦哪,不就是虐渣打脸、教你做人,逼得极品 无路可走嘛!——1w12012-110879 >>
内容简介:明朝末年,大明王朝这艘破船风雨飘摇,内有李自成为首的大股义军席卷诸省,声势浩大,外有八旗鞑子虎视眈眈……李子霄倒霉的穿越到这个华夏历史最黑暗的时代,看他如何在这个残酷的时代存活下去,阻 止八旗鞑子入主中原,挽救华夏千年文明不至陷入未来300年的黑暗期,让华夏提前300年屹立于世界之巅!!!作者自定义标签盗贼铁血争霸流赚钱本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《穿越明末之重铸帝国》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-74530 >>
内容简介:裴思宁从楼梯上摔下来的时候回到了五年前。五年前裴思宁放弃自己的事业,选择了陪着左霖一直到他的事业到达巅峰,自己却什么都没留下,事业爱情全盘皆输。重活一世,她选择了事业,放弃了左霖。换了 个视角去过过去的日子,发现很多事情并非自己想象的那样。而上一次乖巧对她千依百顺的左霖,这一世好像开始暴露他的本性了。不仅霸道还偏执,占有欲还特别强。裴思宁也费解了,这样爱她的左霖,上一世为什么会背叛她?1w0-87165 >>
内容简介:连载文《朱砂痣》预收《重生后我和前男友做同桌》】1某匿名论坛飘起一个帖子。【有比被前男友撞见一个人吃火锅更惨的事吗?】杉某人:有,前男友把我当成偷猎的坏蛋给抓了,还装不认识我:方语杉永 远记得那天,她与同事去野外踩点,却被韩祁川当成偷猎的坏蛋给抓了。同事怎么解释都没用无奈,方语杉抬起头:“韩祁川……”只见韩祁川慢条斯理地抽着烟,唇角讽刺地一扯:“认识我?”他凑到她耳边,呼吸喷洒在她耳根,低声道:“不是说不认识吗?”2韩祁川是利迪亚野生动物保护神,每天都往野外跑。就当大家觉得韩祁川可能跟动物过一辈子的时小兵1w0-115364 >>
Higuchi Asuka's mother dies shortly after she tells her teenage daughter who her father is. Only knowing the family name “Sudou”, Asuka goes in search to find her absent father. On her journey, she finds a guy being rather rough with a younger girl. Unable to resist, Asuka steps in by battering the guy with her motorcycle. When she discovers it was a big misunderstanding (Manato was just trying to get his sister Kazusa to go home), she drives them back to their house. Once there, Asuka finds out that Manato and Kazusa are the Sudou family she's been looking for, but the father isn't there, not to mention their mother also being dead since long ago. With no other leads, Asuka decides to move in as Neesan (the big sister) until their father shows up. Things get tricky when love builds within the complex family relationship...
From Storm in Heaven:Kyou is the last of the Puppet Masters, with the power to defeat the Dark Demons that feed on negative emotions. He travels with his two guardian Light Spirits to rid the world of the Dark Demons, knowing that only then will time resume for him. Yet, overshadowing every victory lies the truth behind the slaughter of his clan and the fate of his best friend...
The series is composed of four heroine/hero. Nori: An energetic, upbeat girl who was heartbroken sometime ago due to her childhood friend. Now she is headed to meet Haruna, the lonely kid who she always played with back then but she was surprised to see he turned out to be a hunk. Kyou: The school's prince. From a distinguish family: he is handsome, smart, athletic and rich. He has never struggle for anything in his life, be it money or women. Haruna's sudden return throws him off momentum. Saeka: Nori, Kyou and her are childhood friends. She is mature, composed and understands the two quite well. Although beautiful she has never gone out with anyone due to being in love with her teacher from middle shool. Will her feeling be answered or will she find an unexpected love around the corner!? Haruna: The boy who comes back after leaving for many years. His reason for returning is unknown. The guy who’s clouded with mystery shows interest in Nori. Does he really like her or is there something else behind it... Summary: Nori Sakurada is told to pick up her child-hood friend Haruna at the train station. While there she sees a handsome unhappy guy who tries throwing his phone on the ground but Nori saves it...Suddenly she finds out that out is her crybaby child-hood friend Haruna. What will this lead to Also contains a side story called Himitsu no H-kun in vol.1: The well-known and popular Hakozaki-kun is the dream of every girl in Miwako’s school. However, he's hiding a secret! One day while walking down the street, Miwako notices him secretly taking photos of elementary schoolers!! Could it be that the famous Hakozaki-kun is actually… a… a pervert?!
Haruka is a owner of a dog; however, the dog is no ordinary dog. He is the wildest boy in her high school. What exactly is their relationship...?
Butch Karp: Act Of Revenge summary: Butch Karp: Act Of Revenge summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Butch Karp: Act Of Revenge. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Brilliance. summary: Brilliance. summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Brilliance.. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Medical experts: Investigation of Insanity by Juries summary: Medical experts: Investigation of Insanity by Juries summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Medical experts: Investigation of Insanity by Juries. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Virtua Fighter summary:
Virtua Fighter adaptation drawn by Yoshihide Fujiwara, who also drew the manga Kenji.
Kenji was a huge influence on Yu Suzuki and the development of Virtua Fighter, as well as the spread of Chinese martial arts in j.a.pan. In fact, a bunch of Akira 's signature moves are prominently featured in Kenji, so for the author to do the Virtua Fighter manga is like coming full circle.
The story revolves around Akira advancing through the world martial arts tournament and uncovering a secret ploy by Dural.