内容简介: 穿越仙侠世界,陈沉得到最强追踪系统,从此能追踪万物。陈沉:“系统,我缺钱了。”“两米之外,床底下藏着你爹的私房钱,五米之外,地下半米有一枚生锈的铜钱。”“前方草丛里有掉落的碎银子。 ”陈沉:“系统,我缺点机缘。”“猪圈前那坨屎其实并不普通。”“今夜子时前往二十里外的黑锋崖跳崖。”“某处地方隐藏着仙人洞府,请宿主自行探索。”书友群号:749558172,欢迎来吹牛比!vip全订群:8059583801w0-184 >>
内容简介:一命二运三风水,四积德五读书,六择偶七择业,八交贵人九养生。且说命和运,自古丝来线去,缠夹不清,穷人与富人似乎在出生时就已决定一生。非也!君不见拮据之徒穷儿乍富,屠狗之辈飞黄腾达。君不 见富埒陶白却江河日下,直至家散人亡。活人要想凭增好运,必要借助枉死之人,邪祟之物,常小旗无意间收到一具清朝女尸,恐怖祸端随之而来……恐怖灵异类型的优秀作品真的很多,比较出彩的作品,我们可以一起来读读《背尸人》这本吧。这是一本在堂前雁笔下洋洋洒洒的努力了多少个时日才完工的小说,你可以感觉到什么叫才华横溢、什么叫文笔流畅,作者灵感源源不绝,处处精彩不断。好书一本啊!洋洋洒洒的埋头疾书续写中收藏,关注,点赞必须的哟!小兵及时更新为您奉上最好的服务。堂前雁无抄袭纯原创力作之背尸人最新章节、背尸人无弹窗广告全文阅读连载、背尸人TXT电子书下载最好的服务给最好的您。最好的阅读平台您我他她共同创!各位书友要是觉得《背尸人》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!魁星阁《背尸人》章节列表目录地址:请复制后分享给您的好友!好看的恐怖灵异小说排行榜推荐1w0-75022 >>
内容简介:邪神之血的诅咒,蔓延了整个世界,汲取人内心的意象具现化为怪物。罗哲只是想过平静生活的上班族……血疗,刑具,魔药,言灵,处刑人,炼金术,亵渎圣所,禁忌遗物,狂人的知识……黑暗与鲜血的终点 ,是谁在低语?谜团与善恶的尽头,是谁在进行惩戒?理智尚存的人无法触及,陷入狂乱的人无法解答。但已经不重要了,震颤脑髓的,是呻吟还是歌声?它将罗哲的一切悉数修正,改造成正确的模样。今夜,罗哲加入狩猎。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《原初猎人》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-80808 >>
内容简介:那夜,他对她的感情越发浓厚,只想宠她上天。前男友嫌她出身低微,所以就分手另寻富家千金。而她却被省城最有权最有钱的男人看上了!从此,他宠她、爱她、呵护她。只要是她想要的,就没有他办不到的 。她总是强调他自己出身低微!他却表示自己为她而生,她认为自己没有什么吸引力,他否定她的观点,要让她从内心也真正的自信起来……1w18529-27339 >>
内容简介:在繁星王朝由盛转衰的时代,新大陆的出现成为各种族冒险和争夺的乐园。延绵的山脉保护着脆弱的人类领主联盟;矮人把守着前往财富之地的大门;精灵不断扩展自己的林地,试图重现银月年代的辉煌。山的 另一边,巨龙统治了天空,兽人占据了地面,还有其他的邪恶在地底蠢蠢欲动。在这日子里,西格尔不过是一个孤儿,在捕捞乌贼的笼子里被发现,伴生着一枚二十面骰子。他梦想着冒险和成为英雄,但是不知道怎样去实现。他先后做过海员、扈从、骑士、领主,但是唯有魔法的力量让他倾心。但如何在魔法之中保持本心,却成了他最大的挑战。(这就是法师故事2。ps,“骰”tou二声)1w0-29881 >>
内容简介:《玄学大师要联姻》在线做法求预收孟鱼放弃高薪工作,改行做了地府特办处的职员,兼职一家香火店。从此不但卖纸钱符咒拉高地府GDP,还得帮助各路鬼魂完成奇葩心愿,让他们心甘情愿去投胎。某日, 在地府进修土地神的外婆托梦,说给她定过娃娃亲……男主版文案:人帅多金的富三代蒋赫遵守祖父的意思,娶了个十平米香火店的店主。圈子里盛传那女人只会折纸钱,狐朋狗友天天赌他们什么时候会离婚。蒋赫:你们知道个P,昨晚亲眼看见那女人将无头鬼踹出门外。谁特么敢提离婚两个字……小剧场:倒霉鬼:中了彩票五千万,还没来得及花。孟鱼:我来替你花抠门富商:我的两百亿欧元,子孙谁也不能抢孟鱼:我来替你搞定造反王爷:我谋划一生,未当上皇帝孟鱼:哭了!换个理想行不行孟鱼表示,混个地府金饭碗太难了……一句话简介:地府黑科技,全球····求预收《玄学大师要联姻》····孤儿汤小鱼从小坎坷,吃了上顿没下顿,某天正在地里刨土豆时被天雷劈了一道,从此好像哪里变得不一样了。不仅算出邻居家的猫下几只崽,还能算出哪天下雨打雷。这天,汤小鱼从满地土豆子看出一副卦象:哟,亲生父母要来找她了!还是金光闪闪的大土豪!!!从此,身为金矿矿主唯一继承人的汤小鱼,人生开挂了……男主版文案:两大家族为了前途选择联姻,这在圈子里很常见,可是蒋家三公子蒋澈即将联姻的对象有些磕碜。发小甲:“听说是地里刨土豆子的土妞。”发小乙:“扯淡!明明是刨地瓜的土妞。”蒋澈生无可恋,他亲眼看到那土妞刨出来一撮花生,还说是什么上上卦……····推荐基友的文····《久违了,周同学》by四单铺男霸女强的爱情《我和女主杠上了》by般罗若在线pk绿茶女主《狐狸精养崽攻略》by空煜锦歪养崽子正当爹《鉴情师》by噗噗星这该死的真香定律!《一代名师【系统】》by木易少一横一个怕麻烦的老师得到系统后……····我的完结文····《半神她超刚超凶》女主硬核,在线成神《后宫职场升职记》女主后宫咸鱼翻身史《厉害了,朕的娘娘》后宫狡猾女官与腹黑皇帝的奋斗史《穿越之又一春》穿越女医生遇见如玉暖男《我家叫兽是狼变的》暖心高能的缉毒猎人1w0-29819 >>
内容简介:窝囊废物的上门女婿叶凡,无意中得到太极经和生死石的传承,自此开始了不一样的人生,他医术救美,武道杀敌,不仅横扫他人的轻视和嘲笑,赢得娇妻的芳心,更是站到了这世界的巅峰,睥睨天下。1w1 340-1349 >>
内容简介:15岁的孟桐在日记本上写道:“我一定要让卓越、赵丽岚还有她的野种受到惩罚!”孟桐当着全校师生面前,曝光了卓予凡是小三的儿子。17岁的孟桐想到了一个报复小三的绝佳办法——把她的儿子变成强 奸犯。成人礼的前一天,孟桐告卓予凡强奸她。追更:1w87874-118933 >>
内容简介:王牌特种兵不幸陨落,回到东汉末年三国乱世……在强人横行、肆意杀戮的年月里,军阀诸侯只想着攻城掠地,人命如同草芥,想活下来吗?那就凭借智慧、武力、美色、钱财来兑现生存筹码!杨志军附身的赵 兴——佃农之后、孤儿寡母、一穷二白,又用什么作为生存的筹码?你不欲欺人,然而人欺你;我无意杀人,可别人要杀我……既然是人吃人的年代,那就做个堂堂正正的铁血男儿汉!杀张杨占上党、灭董卓平西凉、擒吕布得赤兔……天下四分非所愿,那就凭着手中八尺铁枪征天下!北起辽东之地、南到交州蛮荒,大军过处,看袁绍、刘备、曹操、孙策化为尘土飞扬………有我赵兴在,岂有三国归晋时?且看赵家百万铁军横扫天下,光耀华夏!小说关键字:回到三国的无敌特种兵各位书友要是觉得《回到三国的无敌特种兵》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-31801 >>
内容简介:【免费新书】江天道扛着一顶大狙,穿越到了1941年的抗日战场,一颗子弹帮新1团干掉了鬼子的据点,也让他结识了狂放不羁的李云龙。抗日因此变得精彩,鬼子闻风丧胆,新一团所向披靡,李云龙咧着 大嘴拍着江天道的肩膀说:“小道子,好样的,给老子一枪干掉冈村宁次!”本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《抗日之神枪手》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-66071 >>
Facing 'Death' for the one I love is something I would do without hesitation, but this isn't right. I didn't live until today only to die for the one I love. I longed to look into your blue eyes, but you only looked down on me and turned away. I was chosen that very day to be the 'Alice' who would breathe her last breath to save your love, 'Heart'. Original version:Naver English version:Tapastic
Hill travelled into a game she was playing and was bound with the character of the fourth daughter of the Duke, Hill Augustine! Her ultimate mission was to help Shawnee Augustine, the third son of the Duke, as well as the unknown prince of the Atlantis Empire, to ascend the throne. Shawnee's only 14 years old now, silent and resilient. And he's prone to bullies because of illegitimate birth. How should Hill cultivate this little prince?
Nan Hui was sent off to the city to live with her mother and her nasty grandmother when she was caught smoking at her country school again. There she rescued the drunk and ungrateful, Gong Myeong from the beatings of five boys. Angry that he did not appreciate her help, she stomped on his arm and ran off…not expecting to meet him again. Gong Myeong devised a plan with Nan Hui after being heartbroken over losing a girl he loves to his half-brother, Baek Jae Ha. 'We’re not going to really love each other. We’ll be a contract couple to get what we both want.” The handsome bad boy, Cha Gong Myeong & bad girl, Lee Nan Hui are declared a couple of horror! What will happen when Nan Hui’s best friend, who is in love with her, comes to Seoul? Things get even more complicated when Gong Myeong’s half-brother falls for Nan Hui. Can this bad prince give this bad Cinderella her glass slipper? Will love blossom between these two bad personalities?
From Antebellum Scanlations: Momoko, who dreams of becoming an illustrator, finds employment in an ultra fast-paced office that specializes in designing pachinko parlors!! With the office running a yazuka-like business and employing a designer, who has a habit of suddenly stripping in the middle of the night, Momoko believes that the company employees are a bit... no, definitely eccentric!! She continues pulling all-nighters, unable even to return home... And in the midst of cigarette-filled fumes, where women's authority takes a step back, she asks herself, 'Why am I here?'
Eagle Elite: Elicit summary: Eagle Elite: Elicit summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Eagle Elite: Elicit. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The History of Don Quixote Vol 1 summary: The History of Don Quixote Vol 1 summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The History of Don Quixote Vol 1. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The South Pole summary: The South Pole summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The South Pole. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Spirit Vessel summary:
Spirit Vessel takes place in a mysterious world. There are cultivators rebelling against the heavens and beautiful elegant women with endless grace. There are peerless experts reincarnating into the world and formidable ancient beasts. Beneath the earth is the Yellow Springs; above the heavens many saintly palaces float. And there are the seven spirit vessels.
Don’t forget about the heroic man with an indomitable will, Feng Fei Yun. This Demon Phoenix Emperor will take you through a wondrous story with dramatic and gripping tales.
Even if I die to a poisoned rose, I would still choose love.
Translator’s summary:
A demon phoenix cultivator died in the hands of his beloved and was merged with a young master with the same name. Their souls were fused and now, the new Feng Fei Yun is struggling to become stronger and survive in the human world.
Will he meet his lover once again? Will they reconcile even though she is now a G.o.ddess and he a mortal human? And what is the Spirit Vessel that took his soul to this world?
#1 ranked on 17k.com. It is a more subtle narrative with foreshadowing planned by the author which will create some inconsistency and questionable actions at first. Not everything given by the narrative is correct and it is more of a Wuxia in terms of plot.