简介死囚集中之地,牢国帕罗姆,“MAD GAME”比赛限定展开中。这是一场名为“自由”的战斗。 但自由又是什么?那些厮杀中飞溅的鲜血,里面可有自由的味道? 我曾经承诺,所以我来了,用手中之刃,斩开这世界的枷锁!!!!
内容简介:突如其来的翻天变故,覆灭一切的残酷现实。再次归来的冷白想要的到底是什么?豪门婚姻?她亲手把所谓丈夫送入监狱。权力金钱?她暗中资助很多慈善事业。硬汉美男?她万花丛中笑,风过不留痕。年纪轻 轻就开始为自己谋出路,隐姓埋名,如此有心计的女人哪个男人会要?冷白:要男人干什么?不过是摆着浪费地方的花瓶,垫脚石而已。(某楚打了个喷嚏:?垫脚石?)她不记得那个唯一让自己悸动过的人,却记得他年少的梦想。他记得那个留在心口十年的女孩的摸样,却不知道她的名字。再次见面,她变成了别人的妻子,两人是商业上面的竞争对手,他们又该如何走近彼此?某楚最后悔的事情,“大概就是那次你被追杀,第一时间下车给你温暖外套的不是我。”某楚最无语的事情,“楚夫人,如果我没记错的话,你第一次见我是透过隔间缝,第二次是透过车窗缝……”年少无畏,谁不是一路磨练而来?潮起潮落,谁不是渴望一处安稳?只愿,我们都能不忘初心,携手共进!【双强,双洁,宠文,甜文】【某城简介渣,各位看官移步正文,坑品保证。】1w0-96551 >>
内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:综漫:开局觉醒替身,从者娘闪闪】穿越综漫世界,成为了春日野穹原著之中并不存在的义兄春日野诚。本以为自己的一生都会在渣男这条道路上不断迈进。谁知,一位长相怪异, 两只手均为右手的神秘老婆婆突然找上门来,并带着八把样貌奇特的『箭』向自己宣誓效忠。紧随其后,她更是从怀中掏出了一张从远坂家当代家主远坂时臣那里截获而来的远古蛇皮递给自己,并宣称这是自己的投名状。春日野诚:“??????”我特喵的一直以为这里是日常世界,结果你特喵的却突然告诉我这里是型月!?当从对方的口中得知,这个世界上不仅存在着名为『替身』的强大能力,甚至还有着一名为『魔术师』的神秘体正打算暗中举行【圣杯战争】这一魔术仪式的时候。春日野诚就知道,自己似乎摊上大麻烦了(简介无力,请看正文。)飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢综漫:开局觉醒替身,从者娘闪闪,别忘记分享给朋友综漫:开局觉醒替身,从者娘闪闪TXT下载1w0-70065 >>
内容简介:【专栏连载文《爱豆今天掉马了吗重生》60br62以及预收文《偏执反派Beta好难当穿书》求关注】60br62——————60br62杜默穿进了一本ABO星际背景的霸总成长向爽文。60b r62他是书里极没存在感的工具人,唯一的剧情线就是打理冯异混乱的感情生活。60br6260br62身为炮灰的他身上有两条不能违背的规则:60br621不能改变剧情;60br622不能违背冯异。60br6260br62违背的后果:头疼。60br62因此面对这位冷酷残暴且薄情寡义的俊美Alpha,杜默每天都活得提心吊胆。他伏低做小、任劳任怨,做事勤勤恳恳、兢兢业业,只期望自己能平安活到剧情结束回到现实世界。60br6260br62后来,冯异公司年会,杜默以助理身份躲在后台。60br62原著这段他记得清楚,冯异信息素突然失衡,匆忙之下随手抓了个他看着顺眼的小明星就进了休息室,然后霸道又狂躁的Alpha信息充斥整个会场,以至于工作人员不得不提前清场……60br6260br62可是小明星为什么在休息室外面?60br62下一秒,他听见冯异压抑的低吼:“杜默!!!给老子进来!!!”60br62手握炮灰剧本的杜默:原著不是这炮灰Beta他装不下去了最新章节地址:1w0-86009 >>
内容简介:宁天穿越到平行世界的龙国,这里的历史有着极大的断层。为了探寻那段缺失的历史,一款黑科技产品,灵魂全息影像头盔随之问世。带上灵魂全息影像头盔的人,都能够通过头盔将画面投放出来。“我的前世 竟然是一位将军?”“我的前世竟然是一位富商?”然而当宁天带上灵魂全息影像头盔后,画面却是一个比一个震撼。。“以铜为鉴可以正衣冠以人为鉴可以明得1w0-65166 >>
内容简介: 等级:灰白蓝紫橙红黑 小屋:【小屋等级:3】【经验值:50/1200】【功能建筑:精湛的煤油灯,异邦人的日记本,简陋的梳妆台,普普通通的训练场,精致的鸟笼,简洁的书架,战利品展览台 。】当前主角属性如下: 【玩家ID:异邦人】【等级:7(白)】【力量:15】【敏捷:18】【体质:23】【精神:21】【技能:身体操控(蓝),撕裂者飞刀投掷法(蓝),高级毒抗(蓝),基础舞蹈(白),基础歌唱(白),契约·撕裂者的飞刀(白),基础伪装(白),基础混战(白),基础闪避(白),花式匕首(白),基础弩箭(白),飞刀专精60%,基础演技60%,拳剑基础40%,野外行走·森林20%,贵族礼仪20%,匕首进阶20%,手枪进阶20%】【伪:狼灵(橙),箭术精通(蓝),高级攀爬(蓝),暗杀专精(蓝),高级隐蔽(蓝),鹰眼(蓝),剑术专精(蓝),高级跑酷(蓝),袖剑专精(蓝),基础搏斗(白),基础骑术(白),战地指挥(白),贵族礼仪(白)】【卡槽:佛罗伦萨之鹰(艾吉奥·奥迪托雷),永猎双子(千珏)】【契约:寒鸦·维因】PS:变身文,不喜勿入(可当女主文看)1w0-3333 >>
内容简介:听闻,烈阳国公主除了美貌一无是处,欺男霸女骄纵蛮横,棒打鸳鸯恬不知耻利用权力逼迫丞相府大公子娶了她。重生醒来,沐云初决心洗心革面,做个韬武略样样精通流芳百世的好公主。听说,丞相府大公子 想复合,结果被顾家那位冷面武器、百战不殆的少将军打了一顿。听说,当初瞧不起公主的那位大才子追求公主,结果被顾家那位冷面无情、百战不殆的少将军打了一顿。听说,天下第一杀手想给公主当侍卫,结果又……1w4944-106620 >>
内容简介:1v1,sc,he,甜宠,情有独钟,同父异母兄妹切开黑哥哥x(伪)傻白甜妹妹这是一个妹妹想和哥哥争家产结果把自己赔进去的故事哥哥后期会崩坏ps:这本书可以点梗,姐妹们想看什么梗告诉我! 我能写就写进去pss:封面我自己拍的,丑是丑,有版权hhhhpsss:因为想写长篇才单独拿出来的周一周五日更,周末可以多更1w0-99771 >>
内容简介:【预计于1月5号星期三入v,希望大家多多支持啾咪啾咪】叶珏一觉睡醒发现自己穿越了,穿进了一本小说小说讲的是两个A之间的爱恨情仇,不过因为一些不知名原因,导致无数次重来的世界里两个A之间 只有你死我活,没有爱恨情仇他要想回到现实世界,就必须当红娘做月老,在两位主角之间架起爱的桥梁正好他又是一个和ABO世界有壁的普通人,闻不出任何信息素的味道,完全不受两位猛A的压制叶珏:哦豁,随便浪雨夜,各位书友要是觉得《穿书后被两个猛A盯上了》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-73004 >>
内容简介:小兵提供暑气难消大神最新作品《我夫人是男主白月光》小说最新章节全文免费阅读,我夫人是男主白月光小说txt下载,我夫人是男主白月光小说笔趣阁,我夫人是男主白月光无弹窗!本站最新最快更新我 夫人是男主白月光小说最新章节。1w0-69844 >>
内容简介:《萌宝密令:影后妈咪,别想逃》五年前,被父母算计,差点死在手术台上。五年后,季桅摇身一变成了影后,受千万人追捧。撩帅哥,踩渣男,虐极品,季桅玩的不亦乐乎。一不小心撩过了,季桅拔腿就跑。 某人步步逼近,将她锁在怀中:“桅桅,你打算带着我儿子往哪跑?”季影后眼神闪躲:“你儿子是谁,我怎么不知道?”傅凉城伸手将两小家伙拎了1w0-63112 >>
From Izumo no Ryuu: After being sealed in a sword for 800 years, the master of all demons is released, and taking the body of a human to reek havoc on the world again. Jyuzo must now retrieve that body, which is that of his own brother, and stop the demon's schemes.
Hapless teenager Chu Ming Yang has had a loser's luck since birth. Obviously his studies weren't great, but on the day of the exams he got food poisoning, and put as his preference a school that doesn't exist?! On the day of enrollment, he not only meets a 'Death god', but is also forced by the death god to 'jump in front of a train' as an 'intense' way of entering the school... On the first day of orientation, Yang Yang receives a shocking lesson! But also due to this, it is the start of his new life...
From Storm in Heaven: Beat has always dreamed of being the Golden Hero of Totia. He made a pact with his best friend Ricercare (Rice for short) to join forces to annihilate the demon king in order to achieve this aim. Yet a twist of fate causes him to abandon his goals and fight alongside Rice to protect the demons. Just how will they fare against the entire nation of Totia? And can Beat protect Rice from the hero of Totia before it's too late? Cute and heart-warming, this amusing five-volume series also includes interesting side stories rich with magic and beautiful art.
Collection of One Shots: Chapter 1: Gen was lying bruised and bloodied on the sidewalk when Kiba found him. The two became friends after that. One day Gen was surprised to find out the girl he was sleeping with was Kiba's ex, but hearing about his friend became an obsession as Gen picked up more and more of Kiba's 'leftovers'... Chapter 2: Escalation Chapter 3:
The Theology of Holiness summary: The Theology of Holiness summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Theology of Holiness. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
A Priest's Legend summary: Author’s Synopsis: Priest Manifesto: In other people’s eyes, we are perhaps small and weak; that’s right, we don’t have a formidable attack power. However, we ourselves know that we are strong! Because! We control your life or death! ————Legendary Priest ● Silence’s ● Words Translator’s Synopsis: This is a story about a normal priest’s adventure in Continent Sunk. A priest Silence often stroke monsters alone in some area to obtain experiences leveling up needed for a long time. However, the common days pa.s.sed by shortly after he found a Chaos Ring, which was able to help him swift from a holy priest curing teammates or himself (but he did occasionally team up with other players) to a dark priest enjoying a attack power matching to a mage distinguished as an extraordinary magic attack and AOE. Therefore, he began to strive hard for collecting the full set of Chaos outfit.
Enchantress Amongst Alchemists Ghost King Is Wife summary:
Mu Ru Yue, was a successor to her medicinal aristocratic family in Hua Xia. After being murdered by her enemy, she reincarnated in the body of a recently deceased good-for-nothing Miss in the Mu Family of the Martial G.o.d Continent, who had been beaten to death. In the throne room, she smilingly received a marriage notice to have a change in marriage to wed the infamous Ghost King from the Kingdom of Zi Yue. It was well-known that the Ghost King was stupid and foolish, with a ghost-like appearance. But who knew that he was actually the most two-faced person? Everyone laughed, thinking that a good-for-nothing was well-matched to a fool, but not in their wildest dreams did they even consider that she was actually a peerless genius in the making. When Mu Ru Yue looked at the man, who had a handsome G.o.d-like look, she said, gnashing her teeth, “Ye Wu Chen, you lied to me. How are you a fool at all?” The Ghost King chuckled as he affectionately embraced her. “By your side, I 'm willing to be a fool that you can freely order around.”
Miki 's summary
The previous owner of Mu Ru Yue 's body had been poisoned. Because of this, her meridians were blocked, hindering her cultivation, which eventually led to her being known as trash. After being beaten to death, Mu Ru Yue, who had originally been a successor to a medicinal aristocratic family in Hua Xia, reincarnated into her new body. They want to seal my path? I will train to reach the peak of the realms! They give me a foolish prince as my husband? I can make do with him. It would be easier for me to deal with him, rather than with other candidates who would be thrown at me in the future. I shall strive to become powerful enough that n.o.body will be able to mock or kill me.
a.s.sociated Names
Beautiful Alchemist: Ghost King 's Bewitching Wife
Enchantress Amongst Alchemists: Ghost King 's Wife
Juésè dān yàoshī: Guǐwáng yāo fēi
Travels in England During the Reign of Queen Elizabeth summary: Travels in England During the Reign of Queen Elizabeth summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Travels in England During the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.