






类别搞笑 都市 恋爱


























内容简介:  当了三百多年的小幡鬼卢悦,因为自家双胎姐姐送的一滴精血,准备去轮回转世,孰料,魔门大佬元婴自暴,正值血月当空,轮回道上,卢悦被卷进一股时光乱流当中。再醒来时,却回到了身死的两年前。   重活一世,卢悦脚踏实地,走向一条不一样的仙路。  1w0-629 >>


内容简介:  新书《宇宙最强矿工》发布了。  十年前的一段缘分,让他获得了一件至宝,并且让他变得不再平凡。  玄元控水旗,天地五行旗之一,让他具有了控水神通,并且过目不忘。  现代毕竟已经不是武 力称雄的年代,在现代的大都市,知识也能创造财富,他没有透视眼,一样能够赌石赚钱。  他没有各种分身,一样在海底寻宝。  他没有空间,也一样快乐种田。  他没有金手指,也一样鉴伪存真。  地道的农村孩子,学富百车,在繁华的都市之中,演绎自己平凡而精彩的人生。1w0-2686 >>


内容简介:手机电子书:《堕落的青春》全集jar电子书格式内附全文TXT版文本文档方便阅读书籍类别:玄幻作者:徐三《堕落的青春》内容简介:序他曾是天纵其材,意气风发笑谈清华北大!他曾经热血汹汹,誓 为中华之奋起而刻苦读书!大学校园本是英才栋梁之摇篮,不曾想竟也孕育着滔天之罪恶!理想与现实的巨大落差,深深地刺痛着他!世态的炎凉人情的淡薄,渐渐地改变着他!社会的残酷生活的黑暗,沉沉地愤怒了他!终于……有一天,他堕落了!清纯的学生时代已经远离他而去,摆在他面前的是一条血腥而又污秽的崎岖之路!刻骨铭心的恋情、恩怨纠葛的结义兄弟、不共戴天的生死仇人、以及心中那份深沉的难以割舍的赤子情怀……几分迷惘、几分悲愤、几分无奈、几分黯然,他踏上了一条不归之路、越行越远……徐三:本书乃玄幻戏作,纯属虚构!如有雷同纯属巧合!堕落的青春主要人物列表:堕落的青春已经写了将近二十万字了,基本的脉络已经逐渐清晰了,也该是向大家介绍一下目前出场的主要人物的时候了。徐三:身高185cm,体重85Kg,身强体壮,冷峻阴沉,面目藜黑,形容俊朗!一双单眼皮让他的眼神看上去格外忧伤,对女性具有致命的吸引力。喜欢运动、美女以及暗杀民族败类!是XX(尚未想好名字)集团的幕后老板!张东:身高170cm,体重95Kg,外貌憨厚,一团和气!XX集团总裁,徐三生死兄弟之一!其在经营方面有着得天独厚的天赋,帮助徐三由麻将厅、电脑游戏厅、网吧、星级宾馆一路干起,直至成立庞大的XX集团公司,集休闲娱乐影视于一体的恐怖集团。蓝迪:身高175cm,体重75Kg,白净俊美,温文尔雅!XX集团广告策划部总经理!徐三生死兄弟之一!在策划方面颇有心得,为徐三扳倒几个强大的对手出谋划策,且每每奏效,是个周公谨式的人物。夜鸟:XX集团总务部部长!原长沙市海沙帮大当家,出于某种神秘的原因,投入徐三麾下,成为其黑道势力的代言人,是徐三最忠心的属下!龙逸云:长沙市公安局重案组刑侦队队长,为长沙市公安系统中后起之秀,由于湘江连环案而与徐三激烈交锋,既生死相博又惺惺相惜,更因其妹之故与徐三有着难以言喻的牵连纠葛……辛如风:身高168cm,体重55Kg,三围(由大家来定),第一个让徐三尝试到爱情的甜密的女人,伊不仅容颜靓丽,举止大方得体富有贵族气息,更给创业之始的徐三以莫大的帮助,以其超人一等的公关能力成为徐三生命中最重要的女人。冷艳:身高165cm,体重51Kg,三围???,徐三亦姐亦妻的地下情人。曾经有过一段不幸的爱情,并因此而终日冰冷对人,徐三的出现填补了她心灵上的空虚,使之成为一名幸福快乐的女人。其娇俏温柔的性格是徐三最好的避风港,唯一的缺 >>






内容简介:翻开史书,宋朝绝对是一个让人意难平的朝代。经济、文化发达,但是军事力量孱弱,受尽欺辱;然而曹操穿越成武大郎之后,一切都不一样了……潘金莲变得忠贞了;岳飞不含冤而死了;宋朝也不积贫积弱了 ;诸位好汉,且随我曹操一起平金灭辽,一统天下!1w0-105615 >>




内容简介:  1968的香港是个波澜壮阔的大时代,刚应聘上香港大学哲学教师的霍耀文走上了一条不同的人生道路,有欢喜,有悲痛,自然也有豪情壮志。1w0-199


内容简介:曾为国之利刃的蓝锋为保护女神,甘愿卷入阴谋中,凭借一把军刺搅动十方风云,纵横都市,让所有敌人为之臣服!新书《医流武神》已发布,纵横小说里面搜索《医流武神》即可阅读。【微信公众号:潇铭】 QQ②群众神团1375630211w0-1081 >>




内容简介:作者做了个恐怖的梦,梦到自己变成老虎被狮子吃掉了。梦醒后心里不甘,于是写了一篇yy文。文笔不好,请多包涵。文案:作为一个威风凛凛的森林之王,融寅没想过自己会变成孱弱的人类。而把她困在这 副身躯之中的那个人,每天晚上都会来…首发:ωoо1⒏υip1w0-122503 >>


内容简介:  太古时代,强者如云,有妖族巨擘,仰天长啸吼碎域外星辰,有人族无上大能,挥手斩碎万古苍穹。更有太古龙象,掌管亿万星域,统治诸天万界。  而曾经最为强大的太古禁忌神术太古龙象诀却自太古 时代结束便消失不见,时至今日,太古龙象诀已经失传亿万年。  无尽岁月后,落魄少年林枫偶得太古第一禁忌神术太古龙象诀。  当林枫从世界最北部一个偏远小城走出之后,一段传奇由此展开。  这是一个强者如林,万族争锋的世界。 问苍茫大地,谁主沉浮?  林枫凭借太古龙象诀,战天斗地,横扫诸天强者,霸绝万界。  群号:426393872,群号2:5939226371w0-21 >>

Koi To Natsu Tsubaki

Rinne, a huge fan of Buddhism, was searching for a 'monk-type,' a boy as calm, intelligent and diligent as Lord Buddha himself, when she set her sights on a young, handsome monk-in-training, Yuuryou. She soon learns that this kid, out of his robes, is not her dream boy, but a shallow, irresponsible lady killer who goes by Yura. Is Rinne going to give up on her fantasy, or is there more to Yura than meets the eye?

Vanilla Frosting

From Eclipse Scans Aram is a high school student who lives with her food stylist aunt. Her parents had to live out of the country but her kind aunt was willing to move in to take care of her. One day, Aram and her aunt witnessed a cooking show on TV that ended in catastrophic broadcasting blunder. Out of her curiosity, Aram went to look for the patissierie who was on that show.. which will lead her to change the perspective on her life and future.

Penguin Revolution

High school student Yukari Fujimaru knows a potential star when she sees one because she sees the special 'aura' they give off, in the form of angelic wings. Yukari's fellow student, the beautiful and responsible student body vice president, Ryoko Katsuragi, has a small pair of wings herself, and is one of these aspiring talents. She's so talented, in fact, that no one even knows that 'she' is actually a boy in disguise. Due to a series of events, Yukari has come to discover Ryoko, or rather, Ryou's secret, and is hired as a manager for Ryou by the president of the Peacock Talent Agency. Living together with the promising Ryou and his rather dashing room mate, Makoto Ayori, the number one star in Peacock who is also the lazy, ruffle-headed student body president, is bound to be an adventure! Now, to make her own down-to-earth dream come true Yukari must help her new friend become a star while doing her best to protect both her beloved room mates. read right to left. but read vol.5 ch.24 and 25 from left to right.

Zankoku Na Douwatachi

Martin disguises himself as a servant of a rich household going around finding his long lost sister. Apparently when they were young, he and sister had tried to run away from home, but they ran into the forest only to find an unexpected gruesome scene - women were hanged on the trees. Both siblings were traumatise and the younger sister ran away. Thus, when Martin got older he appealed to find his sister. Many young girls came but only to turn out to be impostors, only wanting his wealth, thus in the end being killed in a similar way. But one of them turns out to be Martin's real sister. Also contains three other one-shots. • Blanche - Blanche's life was perfect. Her father, the mayor, was rich and she got everything she wanted. But one day her house blows up and she's left as the only survivor with no money at all. She vows revenge on the person who blew the house up and plans it with a strange boy she meets... • Backstage Mage - Lying on the floor after being beaten by his father, Aleister's mother died after saying 'I will be reborn. Wait for me until then' and leaving him her precious ring. 17 years later Aleister bumps into a girl and the ring reacts... • Sonotoki Tina wa Kako wo Mita *The third oneshot is not yet scanlated

John Caldigate

John Caldigate summary: John Caldigate summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of John Caldigate. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Honourable Wife Is A Little Cute

Honourable Wife Is A Little Cute summary: n.o.body is perfect in the world. Nan Jue was that “n.o.body.”
He is an environmentalist: “to conserve water, you have to bathe with me.”
He is considerate and kind : “wife, why don 't you let me give your Great Aunt [her period] a vacation for 10 months?”
He loved his wife: “The more strength I use in bed the more it proves how much I love you.”
He doted her to the heavens: “wife, I 'll be responsible for making money for the household, while you be responsible for appearance…”

Little Jack Rabbit and the Squirrel Brothers

Little Jack Rabbit and the Squirrel Brothers summary: Little Jack Rabbit and the Squirrel Brothers summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Little Jack Rabbit and the Squirrel Brothers. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

A Big Temptation

A Big Temptation summary: A Big Temptation summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Big Temptation. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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