


















简介魔法少女的责任不是为了拯救世界么?!为什么我家的召唤兽逼着我这世界唯一的魔法少女去谈恋爱?!恋爱的对象还都是非人类?!比起谈恋爱我觉得拯救世界更重要啊!粉丝QQ群:600598928 每周六准时更新




类别热血 搞笑 校园










内容简介:医之道,悬壶济世,父母人心,以身试毒独求解;毒之道,损有余而补不足,是故虚胜实,不足胜有余。医术救人,毒术杀人,赵平安得到医门秘卷,成医之大者,都市王者!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《医 门圣手》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-77700 >>


内容简介:韩沐她妈是杏花镇梨花村有名的一枝花,也是远近闻名的悍妇,她爹是高不可攀、英俊潇洒、谈吐不凡的下乡知青。后韩沐她妈见色起意,把她爹扒拉到自己怀里,才有了韩沐。村里人都可怜韩沐他爹倒了八辈 子霉才娶了这么一个能让小儿夜啼、混混转身就跑的悍妇。直到韩沐她爹考上了大学,村里人都可怜韩沐娘俩要被大学生抛弃,以后就是孤儿寡母了。人家在城里上大学,吃香喝辣,她们娘俩以后只能面朝黄土背朝天,收拾土旮旯…………后来他们一家三口收拾行李一起回了城。面对阴阳怪气的妯娌,韩沐她妈有拳头。面对一心强迫韩沐她爸原谅以往的叔叔,韩沐她爸自己会怪气阴阳,还有媳妇。面对会书法、会小提琴、会舞蹈的,有大量藏书享受的堂妹……韩沐看看她爹教的一手草书,她酸了……1w0-82675 >>


内容简介:简介:“沈璧薰,我对你很感兴趣。”订婚前,初见时,他用言语攻城略池。“尚祈燿,善意提醒,沈家是无底洞。”她用冷漠筑起围墙。“你和我订婚,却让我娶别人?”他怒极反笑,她无力反驳。“沈璧薰 ,你生是我的人,死是我的死人!除了我,谁有资格娶你?”他踹门而入,霸道抢婚。“臭爸爸,今晚妈咪陪我们睡!”迷你版趾高气昂,迷你版霸气侧漏。“笨蛋儿子,不想xmlamp简介结束xmlampxmlampxmlamp各位书友要是觉得《大婚晚爱:名门贵女不好欺》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-97001 >>


内容简介:我叫计承宝,是一个长得漂亮还爱打架的男生。我这辈子最难忘的事情,就是在那个午夜的街头,我被鬼在胸前按下了乌青的手印,蒙蔽了心智。是师父,用一枚铜钱把我拉了回来。让我成为了“宝贝儿”道爷 。校园从来就是一个肮脏的地方。怨念的戒指,被遗弃在厕所的婴灵,自杀的女生,还有那些隐藏在深夜宿舍中的鬼游戏。明南十一中,我噩梦的开始。我最后要杀死的人,是我自己!悬疑道法校园黑道言情,看过《尸体》的童鞋,应该了解我写文的调子了。这文,还是这个调子,因为加入了校园黑道的一些内容,不喜勿喷。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《宝贝儿道爷》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-65688 >>


内容简介:战国末年,列国纷争。群雄合纵连横,逐鹿中原。而我,只是一个普通的风水相师。可为什么喜欢我的女孩子竟然会是大秦女帝!!?“和我回秦么?”少女轻声问着。摸着秦君心窝,那少年掐指算道:“此地 有龙脉,妙不可言。1w0-65145 >>




内容简介:我的第一任夫君,是九重天的神君,他杀了我;我的第二任夫君,是威震三界的天帝,他也杀了我;我的第三任夫君,是有着灭世之力的魔尊,他同样杀了我;现在我的第四任夫君,是九世人主的青云宗天骄, 在他动手杀我之前,这一次,我先将他杀了。而我对镌刻于天书上,有关宿命的反抗,才刚刚开始。预收文分割线☆《昭昭若日月》☆戳作者专栏可直1w0-76007 >>




内容简介:从小跟随张道子在乡野长大的余长生,凭借一本《黄庭经》驱鬼捉妖,修炼自己的驭龙之术。然而与富家千金的姻缘让他步入都市,明白了什么叫作人心叵测与都市繁华。风水定财、占卜命相,阴阳回返、五方 驱鬼,且看麻衣诡相如何搅动风云……各位书友要是觉得《麻衣诡相》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w17100-84975 >>


内容简介:轩辕大宝(大宝传奇)无弹窗最新章节由网友提供,《轩辕大宝(大宝传奇)》情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的玄幻奇幻,小兵免费提供轩辕大宝(大宝传奇)最新清爽干净的文字章节在线 阅读。1w6971-82837 >>


内容简介:  “地球华国,我一人一剑,败国内十位武道大师,人称剑圣青墟!”  “神荒大地,我持三尺青锋,纵剑天下,剑锋所向,有我无敌,被称为青墟剑尊。”  “混沌神域,我剑道大成,剑气十万里,万 剑朝宗,登封混元剑帝……”  ……  大道争锋,有死无生!  回归无路,青墟唯有杀出一条血路!1w0-2398 >>


内容简介:  你穿越到了斗罗的位面你成为了只有一年修为的魂兽小树苗你不禁感叹天道对你如此不公你叹息了一口气,获得经验+1000你又深吸了一口气,获得经验+5000你不敢相信的大口吸了一口气,获得 经验+10000....................面对暴涨的修为,你惊讶的大口喘气着。经验+100000.........经验+100000.............经验+100000..........................于是乎,你无敌了。1w0-3721 >>

Fire Fire Fire

Jiga Kirishima lives in a time where the only sky the people know is the color gray and most of the world is wasteland and ruins, with a few people in power depriving resources from the disorganized weak and poor majority. With his father's sword, Jiga makes friends and enemies and goes on adventures while searching for others who share his bloodline. Jiga's sword happens to be made of a rare material which a powerful organization known as Lost Eagle Nest claims to want in order to rebuild the world, but is that what they really want it for? They'll stop at nothing to take it from him, and Jiga and his friends now have a price on their heads. Fire Fire Fire is a lighthearted throwback to the classic shounen series of the '80s and '90s.

19 Sai No Hisoka Na Yabou

1. Water Breath (main story) An injury destroyed Olympic hopeful Ryuji Hayashida's promising swimming career. He was transferred to a university where he believed no one knew who he was, but he was wrong. There was someone who recognized him the moment their gazes met at the university's swimming club. 2. Pension A tempestuous tale of a rock band and the consequences of their enigmatic guitarist's return. It didn't take long to realize he has a keen interest in their lead singer. 3. Dance Shachi never got over his feelings for his classmate Michio who jokingly danced with him at school. Years after their school graduation he discovered what Michio did for a living. The discovery inspired him to sell his father's car for one night with Michio, which turned into a different kind of dance. [warning: contains S&M scenes] 4. Longing Shy and timid high school student Sakaki has always watched his classmate Ryoji from afar, but he wasn't as invisible as he believed himself to be.

Blue Eyes (Hoshino Lily)

Another take on the little mermai...merman?

Do Da Dancin'!

Sakuraba Taiko has been into ballet since she was a kid. Her mother also used to dance, although she gave it up to take a more traditional life path. Therefore, she was eagerly supportive of Taiko's interest in ballet. Taiko's life was staggered by the death of her mother in a car accident, but she has continued to dance, although her heart is no longer in it. Her remaining family and childhood friends support her as she chases her dream to become a famous dancer. Her latest role is in the ballet 'Giselle' as Myrta, the queen of the Wilis, spirits of young, virginal women who died before their wedding day. One day when she comes to the studio, she meets a beautiful, famous male ballet dancer, Mikami Akira, and she instantly crushes on him. Will she be able to dance well enough in her role to impress him and live up to the expectations of the whole ballet group? Will she be able to sort out her own feelings towards ballet and her mother's death?

Tempest of the Battlefield

Tempest of the Battlefield summary: Tong w.a.n.g couldn’t wait to live his college life – girls, parties, and the dorm life – everything he had ever dreamed of. But, instead of a letter of admission to the college, he had received a ticket to the planet Norton and a contract with the Confederation as a s.p.a.ce settler. Soon after his arrival, the Zerg overran the planet and obliterated its defenses in a matter of moments. What awaited Tong on Norton was more than just an unbearable environment – its gravity alone was five-times stronger than earth – there were also swarms of bugs, constant hunger, thirst, and desolation… Venture into the Tempest of The Battlefield, unlock the secrets within the mysterious s.p.a.ce crystals, and meet the legendary Blade Warriors and the potent sword combat tactic: “Ultimate Tactics of the Blade: 256 Genome Nuclear Force”. An honest and humble low-tier robot and a ghost with a mouth full of nonsense both teamed up with Tong w.a.n.g in a fight for survival against all odds.

The Card Apprentice

The Card Apprentice summary: Claimed to be the greatest team in the history of the card film industry — “Mu Lei” is born. With even the elites of the academic world unable to decipher these cards’ structure, his powerful cards were able to unnerve even the federation, causing the greatest Card Creators and Card Fighters to grow frantic, triggering open battles and covert maneuvers among various interest groups — all behind the silhouette of Chen Mu. Although he was not the originator of the federation’s unrest, he was definitely the number one reason for continuously escalating it. Through his exceptional intelligence and toughness, he evolved from the weak to the mighty. From a solitary life of survival to his collaboration with his friend to the team’s business of fantasy stories: As card films full of fantastic oddities flowed from Chen Mu’s hands like an unending stream, his own fighting strength rapidly grew. Fame, wealth, beauties, dangers gathered all around from far and near until finally, he became a paragon of inspiration to all.

Eye Of The Eclipse

Eye Of The Eclipse summary: “Greed is the unbound desire to possess all. To make all your own. A being blessed by the law of greed will own everything, binding creatures and humans, demons and G.o.ds to your will. There is no possession that you cannot have, no person that you cannot own, only those that you are not wise enough to take. Tell me brother, what is Gluttony?” “Gluttony is an undying hunger, the desire to consume...

The Tylingariea Epic

The Tylingariea Epic summary: Hundreds of years ago in the world of Tylingariea the mighty king Enji the ruler of Kal 'gorrack has died, but before his death he gave his kingdom to his youngest son Calingar who was told that at some point a great and powerful evil will come to the worlds ten days from when six diffrent figures will arrive to Tylingariea to destory the evil and save the Worlds.

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