简介【每周四更新】第一次遇见顾北辰,他眼泪的冰冷狠戾以及身上的热度让我终身难忘。 第二次遇见顾北辰,他低低浅笑,天之骄子般的成就令我心生敬佩。 第三次遇见顾北辰,他静默而立,犹如停尸房外的一道炫目阳光,驱散我心中所有的恐惧……
简介即将面临职场挑战的大学实习生,竟然收到了一个神秘初中生的告白威胁?! “不做我的女朋友,就滚出这家公司!” 好不容易获得了梦寐以求的工作,难道会以这种因垂死听方式被终结?小鬼的告白到底是认真的还是另有目的? 虽然年龄相差,思想相差无限!2017年最搞笑的姐弟恋故事即将上演!
内容简介:(重生校园治愈甜宠偏执救赎虐渣)上一世刚订婚,南意就被亲妹妹和渣男挖了双眼,断了双腿,淹死在荒无人烟的海里,而那个自卑阴郁为了她命都不要的少年,南意到死也没来的及去给他一点温暖。高二秋 游这天,上天竟然给她再来一次的机会,这一世,她要痛击人面兽心的渣男渣女,保护父亲和外公舅舅等所有爱她的人,当然了,最要守护的还是她的靳曜,吃不饱饭的靳曜,偏执孤僻的靳曜,才18岁却被世界伤害的伤痕累累的靳曜……1w0-105548 >>
内容简介:一代兵王,为替兄弟复仇越境入狱,五年后回归都市……大哥做了上门女婿,被连连欺辱!自己因为入狱的身份,被所有人鄙夷!却不想……自己的亲生父母竟然是赫赫有名的京都豪门太子……1w9182- 106488 >>
内容简介:文案:本文又名《永安县主(重生)》《他们怎么还不死》文案一:京城人一开始只怕安郡王,后来又来了个盛清欢,但都没关系。安郡王幼年中毒,活不过二十岁,等他死了就好了。盛清欢早产体弱,活不过 二十岁,等她死了就好了。京城人等啊等,等到皇帝立安郡王为太子,等到安郡王盛清欢结为夫妇,等到他们儿女双全,子孙满堂也没等到他们咽气。京城人:你们究竟还死不死呀?骗子!文案二:盛清欢明艳动人国色天香,是大长公主的孙女,又是皇上亲封的县主,除了因为早产活不过二十岁以外,盛清欢觉得她人生已经圆满,不想刚进京没多久,就被同母异父的妹妹推进了湖里,一命呜呼。原本以为她要告别人间,一朝重生,手上的戒指竟然能出灵泉,从此养身体,救美男……等等,美男怎么会是比她大四岁,上辈子早逝的安郡王?京城众人:谁让你救的,我们等他死等了十九年,容易吗?盛清欢:安郡王这么乖,一定是京城的人嫉妒安郡王受宠,故意诋毁中毒活不过二十岁的安郡王粲然一笑:清欢,我就知道只有你会心疼我一个自以为是黑心汤圆与一个黑心汤圆成精的恋爱各位书友要是觉得《永安县主(重生)》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-79570 >>
内容简介:《妖皇太子》全本小说作者帝妖皇一道绚烂的华光极速地划过一阵庞大的能量波动伴随而至原本枯寂的宇宙顿时出现了一丝生机剧烈的光芒照亮整片虚空这股光芒的剧烈程度即使是庞大的恒星也要黯然失色一股 古老苍茫1w0-128834 >>
内容简介: 时空裂缝连通异界,武道时代降临! 不练武没前途?幸好有捡属性系统,别人修炼会掉属性,悄摸摸捡起来! 啥,打怪也会爆属性? 于是…… 你打败一名剑道天才,掉落【悟性*2】,【 剑道天赋*1】……你捡了起来,悟性有所提升,并获得初级剑道天赋! 你打败一名刀道天才,掉落【刀法战技*1】,【杀戮刀意*3】……你捡了起来,学会一部稀有刀法战技,并领悟杀戮刀意,你变得超凶! 你打败一名炼体天才,掉落【炼体功法*1】,【圣血霸体*1】……你捡了起来,学会一部顶级炼体功法,走了狗屎运竟然获得逆天体质圣血霸体,获得神级称号【打不死的小强】! 有人杀死一头恐怖星兽,掉落【灵视之瞳*1】,【空白属性*60】……你偷偷捡了起来,意外获得灵视天赋,眼睛堪比二十四K钛合金狗眼,并获得空白属性可以随意加点! …… 你这一生打败了无数对手,突然有一天,你随便一剑斩了路过的无辜神魔,在家练刀不小心把星河砍成了两段,小拳拳一锤打爆了太阳,让世界坠入黑暗…… 原来,你已经无敌了!! (PS:书友群划水群【261366066】,欢迎大家来讨论剧情划水)1w0-9 >>
内容简介:大唐:开局救活小兕子大唐:开局救活小兕子小说阅读其它类型小说大唐:开局救活小兕子由作家试一下创作唐皇李世民最喜欢的晋阳公主病危。长安城的大夫包括宫中御医都看了,无人能治………而这时。主 角白羽一个时辰治好卫国公李靖当年在战场上留下的顽疾,在京都传开。白羽:“陛下,救活晋阳公主小兕子,条件是将其许配给在下。”李二:“神医,小兕子尚且年幼,不如朕将十七公主高阳,嫁与你如何?保你一世享受荣华富贵。”长孙无忌:“对,将高阳公主嫁给你就行了,晋阳公主是我为冲儿内定的。”房玄龄:“那个,其实我也想让晋阳公主成为儿媳。”白羽:“不行,非晋阳公主不可。”本故事及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。【收起】小兵提供大唐:开局救活小兕子最新章节大唐:开局救活小兕子最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w0-78799 >>
内容简介:我家女主都变成男的了怎么办h是桃花酒所著的小说,我家女主都变成男的了怎么办h全文阅读小说全文情节引人入胜,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的小说,玄界小说网免费提供我家女主都变成男的了怎么办h全文 阅读,小说章节清爽干净的全文字在线阅读。1w0-28780 >>
内容简介: 文明的宿命,毁灭和复苏,无止尽的轮回 原罪的深渊,世界被崩毁,只有余烬残存 黑暗笼罩下,无边废墟中,唯有一人独行 将血罪消泯,撕破那黑幕,光芒笼罩大地 《光明纪元》简体版图 书近期各大书店上市,敬请大家关注和支持下!! 血丝盟主群:187999419血丝正版群:6767886普通群:27310288(1000人)109041501(500人)113298136(200人)136116811(200人)13146178(200人) 再加一个45148179(2000人的新群噢~)1w0-544 >>
内容简介:妈呀!又要迟到了,好不容易步入了大学的校门,还想给大学里的教师留点好印象呢,这下是彻底没戏了。唉,早知道昨天晚上就早点睡了,那麽第二天也就不用忙的跟条狗似得,然後飞奔出去去乘地铁了。不 过话说回来即使她早点睡也不见得会睡着,别忘了她是时差党。时差党知道吧,就是白天和晚上颠倒过来的那种,白天睡觉晚上当夜猫子玩。地铁轰隆轰隆的像这边驶来,韩沁雪二话不说揪准时机就在车门开的那一霎那‘嗖’的一下就窜进去了,现在是上班上学高峰期,不揪准时机窜进去就要等十分锺後的那班了,十分锺後的那班也不见得比这般人少,再说了等十分锺後的那班她肯定迟到,赶这班人品好的话还能踩着铃声进去。各位书友要是觉得《我的老师是禽兽》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-72159 >>
内容简介:安洛云一不小心把自家总裁给扑倒啃干净了,她看着坐在床头那让政商两界都忌惮的男人,淡定道“乖啊,我会对你负责的。”顾擎远冷笑一声,“好,我等着你负责。”顾擎远是个土豪,聘礼要亿万‘嫁妆’ ,安洛云望着银1w0-67762 >>
From MangaHelpers: In the 1950s, an old woman was brutally murdered on the face of a clock tower by her adopted daughter. Two years later, the clock tower is known as the 'ghost tower' and it is supposedly haunted. Through an unusual series of events, a young NEET man named Amano Taichi is attacked by someone or something in the same clock tower, and finds himself bound to the clock face to be killed in the same way as the old woman. Luckily for Amano, he doesn't meet the same fate. He's rescued by a mysterious person who claims his name is Tetsuo. Tetsuo is searching for a treasure that is connected with the ghost tower, and he wants Taichi to be his partner. Taichi, whose life has mostly consisted of poverty, loneliness, and pornography, is enticed by the idea of gaining extreme wealth. He's further convinced when a house fire leaves him without a home and depends on Tetsuo's charity. The adventure is going to be very dangerous, since the same 'enemies' who attacked Taichi before seem certain to try something again! Not to mention, Taichi really knows very little about his new partner.
Taken from Baka-updates: An anthology of oneshots. Story 1: Promise by NISHI Keiko Story 2: They were Eleven by HAGIO Moto Story 3: The Changeling by SATO Shio Story 4: Since You've Been Gone by NISHI Keiko The two stories by NISHI Keiko were also published as a separate book in English called 'Promise.' Those stories were originally taken from 'Mizu ga Kooru ni Naru Toki.'
In the Count series: Vol. 1 - Count 0 After an accident, Agatsuma discovers that he can see numbers above people's heads, numbers that indicate the number of lies the person has told. Due to this, he finds it hard to trust anyone. Until one day, he comes across someone with a perfect 0! Vol. 2 - Count H It’s the continuation of the one who’s able to see other’s lies, Agatsuma, and the super honest Misono. Even though they graduated from high school, young people can’t hold back their urges and still have tendencies to go out of control. As soon as they got careless, they ended up getting intimate at Misono’s school… But who would have thought that there they would find another person with the same ability as Agatsuma! How will Misono feel when he sees how elated his lover is over the discovery of a comrade?
Gosh?sh?-sama Ninomiya-kun's story revolves around Shungo Ninomiya, a male high school student trained in difficult hand-to-hand combat. He lives in a huge house with his older sister Ry?ko, who is almost always gone on some dangerous mercenary mission. One day, his sister sends Mayu and Mikihiro Tsukimura, two siblings, to live with him to help Mayu overcome her fear of men. Unfortunately this is accomplished by making Mayu and Shungo share the same room, bathe together and even sleep together in the same bed. Making things even worse, Reika H?j?, the student-council chair, is blackmailed into becoming their maid due to a video that Ryoko recorded, in which she tries to seduce Shungo. ~from Wikipedia From Baka-Updates: Shungo is a normal high school student living in a huge house. One day, his sister Ryoko sends Mayu and Mikihiro Tsukimura, two siblings, to live with him to help Mayu overcome her problem. Mayu's problem: androphobia (fear of men), and Ryoko wants Shungo to help her overcome it. How? By making Mayu and Shungo share the same room, bed, and even take baths together. To make things even worse, Reika Hojo, the student-council chair, somehow ends up becoming their maid.
Strange World Little Cooking Saint summary: Shiyu, a modern-day chef, was magically transmigrated into the body of a beggar in a strange world after dying in a car accident. Here is the catch, she knows this strange world. This world is supposed to be a fictional Immortal world that is created by her two best friends (who are novel writers). When she begged them to include her name as a character in their novel, they agreed and create her as a beggar (as a joke). Now that she is living as a beggar after having a second chance at life, she was fl.u.s.tered. Oh dear! It is so hard to get food when you do not have any money. Everyone wants to take advantage of beggars and bully beggars. Join Shiyu as she set out to improve her life and that of her fellow beggars so that the children beggars, elderly beggars, as well as her, will not go hungry
History of 'Billy the Kid' summary: History of 'Billy the Kid' summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of History of 'Billy the Kid'. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Phebe, Her Profession summary: Phebe, Her Profession summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Phebe, Her Profession. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Children: Some Educational Problems summary: The Children: Some Educational Problems summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Children: Some Educational Problems. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.