内容简介: 陈云穿越了,变成了一头黑纹白皮的小东北虎。多年以后,一头体重在1吨以上,肩高2米的巨虎出现了!不管是白肢野牛,犀牛,河马,都成为了它的盘中餐。直到最后,它把魔爪伸向了非洲巨象!它是 所有人眼中的最强虎王!四神兽白虎现世!无尽的神话归于其身,是奇迹的代名词!直到某一天,人类开始研究它,利用它,一个可怕的潘多拉魔盒就此打开。世界异变,天地翻覆,整个世界变得陌生无比……1w0-4202 >>
内容简介:《非正常关系》小说简介:时晴是圈子里出了名的美人,生得又娇又媚,纵然眼光高如莫止,见到她的第一眼也照样被深深惊艳。一向冷静自持的男人,突然去哪都带着个明艳女郎,所有人都说他是一见钟情, 是动了真心,他却只是淡淡笑笑。……时晴再好,不过就是别人的替身。可他偶尔午夜梦回,也会莫名觉得彷徨,时晴跟他在一起,又是为了什么?楼海的其他作品:当时明月在、当然选择原谅她1w0-98421 >>
内容简介:被渣攻发现他是替身怎么办是由威威王所写的玄幻奇幻类小说,本站提供被渣攻发现他是替身怎么办最新章节阅读被渣攻发现他是替身怎么办全文阅读被渣攻发现他是替身怎么办免费无弹窗在线阅读,如果您发 现被渣攻发现他是替身怎么办更新慢了请第一时间联系小兵。1w0-73414 >>
内容简介:三年前,帝盟解体,游戏天才莫北,低调隐退。三年后,她女扮男装,埋名回归,从被人唾弃到重登神坛,引来了全民沸腾!他俊美禁欲,粉丝无数电竞圈无人不识。入队一开始他对她说:“安分点,不要有非 分之想。”后来她身份暴露,他从桌前抬眸,缓身站起:“游戏里结完婚就想始乱终弃?嗯?”临近耳边的嗓音,让她莫名心虚:“不然你说怎么办?”他倾身将她抵在了桌上,气息逼近:“把婚姻关系做实。”各位书友要是觉得《国民男神是女生恶魔住隔壁封奈莫北》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w2510-4851 >>
内容简介:时光暗恋时景岩很久,那晚借着酒劲,给他发了条信息:【小时候,我想和你一个姓。后来,我终于如愿了。再后来,我最讨厌的莫过于和你一个姓。】她又加了一句:想不想知道我为什么讨厌跟你一个姓?半 夜,时景岩从公司回来,当面回她:“不想。”时光:“……”一向高冷的时景岩很难得笑了,笑里带着三分慵懒,七分宠溺,直接把她抱了起来:“我先表白。”1w0-2709 >>
内容简介: 【快穿沙雕文~】你所见,你所识,皆为真实吗? 滴!第一零七号高级NPC苏醒…… 凌晓(头都不抬):哦,原来我是NPC。 在别人绞尽脑汁的在快穿世界做任务的时候,凌晓悠闲的喝着 咖啡撸着猫,做着诸天万界最咸鱼的NPC,没有之一…… 本文又名《我要这NPC有何用》、《这只NPC永远无法被攻略》 1w0-3728 >>
内容简介: 有幸穿越了,还是生在地主家,此生不缺吃穿却也不想混吃等死,所以傅小官随意的做了些事情,没料到产生的影响如此巨大。 皇帝要让他官居一品,公主要招他为驸马,尚书府的千金非他不嫁,荒人要他 的头,夷国要他的命,樊国要他的钱…… 可是,傅小官就想当个大地主啊!1w0-2785 >>
内容简介:假高冷的男神主角攻假清冷的腹黑美诱受当红影帝白蘅之不小心在某耽美XX网上看到了以自己为主角的BL同人文。剧情狗血不说,自己高大上的男神形象竟然被写成了内心龌龊不堪的贱……受?!白蘅之当 时就给这篇同人文刷了三天三夜的负分以宣泄自己的不满。然后……系统:宿主你好,这里是【拯救银河系剧毒剧情系统】,我们收到了您对《我欲成仙》这本小说狗血剧情强烈的怨念,现在我们将提供您一个送入书中世界改变原剧情的机会,拯救扭曲剧情。然而……白蘅之:你们拯救剧情的方法就是和男主啪。啪。啪?!————主角白蘅之受叶宵攻配角白越之,沈慕沁,蠢系统视角主受上帝视角类型书穿仙侠修真爽文HE双穿越————我的完结文推荐《男神室友总是撩我》校园甜文双向暗恋《可不可以不撩我双重生》校园甜文互宠《快穿之只想为爱鼓个掌》1v1快穿花式撩1w0-75836 >>
内容简介:【小说网独家签约小说:全球游戏:开局获得混沌圣体】全球灵气复苏,一款能够将道具和技能具现到现实中的游戏横空出世…什么?将游戏道具和技能具现到现实需要大洋?在游戏充值通道关闭之前,张邵阳 默默的点开了充值按钮…“叮,恭喜玩家具现通天箓(真)。”“叮,恭喜玩家具现请神术(真)。”“叮,恭喜玩家具现仙法太上宝丹录。”…直到某一天,张绍阳突然发现,自己将原本应该降临现实的妖魔杀光了。小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-78211 >>
内容简介:我男朋友是别墅末世全文免费阅读笔趣阁,我男朋友是别墅末世全文免费阅读sodu,我男朋友是别墅末世全文免费阅读小说,我男朋友是别墅末世全文免费阅读顶点,我男朋友是别墅末世全文免费阅读秦黎 清,精选来自————我男朋友是别墅末世情有独钟异能末世爽文秦黎清一睁眼,就发现自己在末世前低价购入的别墅的主卧里。被最信任的朋友背叛之后的震惊与愤怒在心头久久无法消散,仇恨让他失去了往日的从容,失控的一把挥掉了床头柜上的东西。然后他听到了一个男人毫无情绪起伏的声音:你打疼我了。秦黎清:??!!钟离砦伸出手臂,上面小小一片红痕。秦黎清:等等,刚刚这里……有人……吗?钟离砦面无表情:我不是人,我是你现在正在住的这栋别墅。秦黎清:我敢肯定,不是你疯了,就是我疯了。灾难总是来得猝不及防。食人的怪物从天而降,它们感受不到疼痛,也不知道疲倦,打死一个又扑上来成千上万个,血肉之躯却能轻易破开钢筋混凝土……天灾接憧而至,世界上已经没有安全的地方了。除了——桃花源基地。谁也不知道它是怎么出现的,据说最开始的时候这里只有一栋别墅,它的面积不断增大,最后变成了一座城。怪物无法破城而入,天灾无法撼动城池,给人类带来了最后一丝希望。“老李赵二大小王你们快来啊,这里是真的桃花源!”“终于有安全的地方了,我们有救了!”“不管是异能者还是普通人,都能在这里平等的生存下去,末日竟然还有这样的地方,太好了……”“这里才是人类的希望!”……火种正在延续,末日终将终结。——下本开这个:《傀儡师别太嚣张末世》末世丧尸横行,天灾动荡。世人生存艰难,未来一片茫然。但是到了尚郁泽这里却画风突变。尚郁泽找到一个没有人的角落,从包里掏出一个小小的木头人放在地上。“去,给你饥饿的主人找点吃的。”木头人身形迅速抽长,变成一个青年跑出去,不一会儿就拿回来一大包切片面包。基地里的人渐渐发现,尚郁泽画风不对。明明所有人都吃糠咽菜,为生活焦头烂额。为什么什么也不干的尚郁泽出门有座驾,进门是豪宅,生活无忧不说还仆从云集???尚郁泽把手中剥好的葡萄塞进嘴里:傻了吧?傀儡师的快落你们根本不懂。肚子饿了怎么办?控制傀儡出门找食物啊!没地方住怎么办?控制傀儡们建房子啊!出门没车怎么办?控制傀儡背着自己走啊!遇到丧尸怎么办?控制傀儡打……等等,他好像能把丧尸也变成傀儡?总感觉自己好像掌握了拯救世界的方法……——作为世界上最后一个傀儡师的尚郁泽,在一次意外中痛失他最心爱的傀儡。从此思之如狂,辗转反侧,茶饭不思,日渐消瘦。然后有一天,他发现自己已经被毁坏的傀儡站在自己面前,对他露出一个让人目眩神迷的微笑。尚郁泽沉思了两秒钟,拔腿就跑:老天鹅,已 >>
Entrusted with an utmost mission to identify and to protect the next chief of their tribe, Ninja Sakura transferred to a high school and fell in love with the class rep Takagi. Can Sakura succeed both in his mission and in love? Ninja Sakura is a new student in high school his mission is to look for the Red Lord and identify and to protect the next chief of the tribe(Takagi). Takagi fell in love with Sakura.Is there a meaning behind why he feel in love with Sakura. Also, will Sakura be able to succeed the mission and fall in love?
Honey Moon Logs - Log Horizon Manga is side story of Log Horizon. This is a story about Maryelle and her guildmate in the MMORPG world where their new life begin. By its eleventh expansion pack, the massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) Elder Tale (???????? Erud? Teiru?) has become a global success, with a user base of millions of players. However, during the release of its twelfth expansion pack: Novasphere Pioneers (?????????? N?asufia no Kaikon?, alt. Homesteading the Noosphere[1]), thirty thousand Japanese gamers who are all logged on at the time of the update, suddenly find themselves transported into the virtual game world and donning their in-game avatars. In the midst of the event, a socially awkward gamer named Shiroe, along with his friends, Naotsugu and Akatsuki, decide to team up so that they may face this world, which unfortunately has now become their reality, along with the challenges and obstacles ahead of them.
From MangaHelpers: Yamato Yura arrives at her new high school dormitory and makes friends right away-- her cute roommate Sonora, and Sonora's friends Karira and Honoka. However, these girls all seem to have model air-guns, and, before Yura knows it, they've convinced her to join a club called C-cubed. Only after joining does she fully understand the meaning: Command, Control, and Communication. C-cubed is a club for people into survival games! Will little Yura really be able to handle herself among her new friends? [tethysdust]
Humanity is on the brink of extinction as a flower known as “Viscar” infects humans and animals, turning them into mindless hosts that feed on others. If you get bitten by the infected, or inhale the pollen that emits from their bodies, the flower will plant itself into your brain. Humanity is fighting a losing battle against this world-wide pandemic, and most people have given up hope. Volt was once part of the army and had been assigned to be the guard of Dr. Kisling, the scientist leading the development of a vaccine to fight against the Viscar. From an unfortunate accident, one of the contained Viscar pollen escaped, infecting Dr. Kisling. Dr. Kisling’s final wish to Volt was to find his daughter Lilith, and, with her help, continue the development of the vaccine. Lilith and Volt now venture into the post-apocalyptic world to bring back hope to humanity. [DrCoke]. — quoted from Mangahelper
The Book of Tea summary: The Book of Tea summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Book of Tea. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Yeho summary:
Yeho is a distant relative to a king in a small kingdom. Even though he is a distant relative, his house was very poor, and his mother was addicted to gambling. One day North Empire asked for Princess Sooyoung to be a concubine of an old Emperor because she was known for her beauty. But the king really loved his daughter so instead he ordered Yeho’s older sister to disguise as Princess Sooyoung and marry the old Emperor.
Yeho told his sister to run away with her lover, and his sister had to leave her younger brother alone with his mother. After she ran away, Yeho asked his mother to give the things back to the king that she got for trying to sell her daughter, but his mother already used the gifts to pay off her gambling debt. He was trying to give the gifts back to the king to take away his order, but now he can’t do that anymore. He tells his mother to run away, and he disguises as his sister to go to North Empire.
After he got there, he was trying to tell the Emperor the truth and take away his life, but the Emperor went out for few days to look around his empire. When the emperor came back, he wasn’t as old as he thought.
Main Character Hides His Strength summary:
Enemy of the world, cursed by all, Kim Sungchul goes on a quest to prevent the ‘prophecy of the end’ from coming to pa.s.s.
But no matter how much he raised his strength, there were still some things he could not achieve with physical strength alone.
Resolving to obtain the power of magic, he goes into hiding to learn magic from his most hated of enemies, The Mages.
Doctor Who_ The Ambassadors Of Death summary: Doctor Who_ The Ambassadors Of Death summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Doctor Who_ The Ambassadors Of Death. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.