内容简介:任务名称:平平无奇的日常助人为乐任务要求:鲨害目标迟迟不出现,凶手先生很苦恼,请宿主向前走两步。任务奖励:30点助人为乐积分。日向合理往前走了几步。走到第四步的时候,身后突然传来花瓶坠 落声,回头一看,一个花瓶刚好落在他刚刚走到第二步的地方。他:“?”鲨害目标竟是我自己?!系统:“?”说好了两步,你居然走第四步?!……这很柯学。——无女主,主角是酒。1w0-99344 >>
内容简介:有花难折(强取豪夺H)是由霁夜茶所写的高辣浓情类小说,本站提供有花难折(强取豪夺H)最新章节阅读有花难折(强取豪夺H)全文阅读有花难折(强取豪夺H)免费无弹窗在线阅读,如果您发现有花难 折(强取豪夺H)更新慢了请第一时间联系小兵。1w0-67033 >>
内容简介: 遍及整个世界的二战已经进入尾声,大英帝国的衰落却才刚刚开始,美苏憧憬着未来的光辉岁月,知道破落贵族已经不是自己的阻碍。“我并不同意他们的想法,可先拆了英属印度也并不全是坏事。”1w 0-1801 >>
内容简介:穿越而来,她自带防毒雷达。哔哔——啥?姨娘凶狠,外加蛇蝎庶妹?哔哔——呀!包办婚姻,老公还看不上她?没关系,凭她超高智商,灭杀渣渣只在转 瞬之间。绝色容颜,吸引狂蜂浪蝶无数,人气爆棚,神马皇帝亲王,都是裙下之臣。“你是我的女人!”凭啥?有发票么?有信誉卡么?“你肚子里的娃,是我的。”靠!居然被人先斩后奏,扛进了皇宫。说好的翻手为云呢?说好的覆手为雨呢?都给本妃还回来!1w0-1092 >>
内容简介:苏熙和凌久泽结婚三年从未谋面极少人知。晚上苏熙是总裁夫人躺在凌久泽的别墅里撸着凌久泽的狗躺着他亲手设计订制的沙发。而到了白天她是他请的家教拿着他的工资要看他的脸色被他奴役。然而他可以给 她脸色其他人却不行有人辱她他为她撑腰有人欺她他连消带打直接将对方团灭。渐渐所有人都发现凌久泽对苏熙不一样像是长辈对晚辈的关爱似乎又不同因为那么甜那么的宠他本是已经上岸的恶霸为了她又再次杀伐果断狠辣无情!也有人发现了苏熙的不同比如本来家境普通的她竟然戴了价值几千万的奢侈珠宝有人1w0-118072 >>
内容简介: 全能大佬白盈盈穿书了,拿的却是脑残女配剧本,活不过一集就凄惨下线了。而堵在她和太子私通的门外的,是她的未婚夫,太子的瘸子皇叔,也是未来权倾天下的摄政王。为了保住小命,白盈盈表示:太 子太弱鸡,未来夫君才是救命稻草。白盈盈:“夫君~我能治好你的腿。”结果被当成刺客,打入水牢。白盈盈:“夫君~这是我做的烤烧鸡,可香了,你叫我一声娘子,我就给你吃。”楚天辞:“本王就算饿死,也不会吃的。”白盈盈的迷弟们看不下去了——神仙知音:“盈盈,随我一起隐居仙林,从此琴笛合鸣,潇潇洒洒一辈子。”魔教教主:“盈盈,与为兄一起行走江湖,没人敢招惹本尊的妹妹。”敌国皇帝:“朕已经把皇后之位留出来了,就等盈盈过来了。”白盈盈一咬牙,决定离家出走。楚天辞慌忙地坐回轮椅车,伸出腿:“本王的腿疾又犯了,给你治……”“治不了。”“本王肚子有点饿了,想吃娘子做的烤烧鸡。”“不会做。”某人忙站起来,闪身堵在门口:“想走先把偷我的东西留下。”白盈盈气:“我偷你什么了?”某人气定神闲:“我的心!”白盈盈:“……”后来——风云变幻,她为他,孤身犯险,一支魔笛退万军,名动天下。他为她噬血成魔,屠城掠地,踏碎山河,也为她放下屠刀,洗手做汤羹。1w0-2961 >>
内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:我能复制凶兽基因】陈昊一顿乱摸之后,发现自己的外形巨爪,章鱼头,巨人身,背上蝙蝠翅膀。陈昊怎么有点像邪神克苏鲁?小白龙被陈昊摸了下屁股,激灵化作美女:流氓!禽 兽!我要杀了你!陈昊转身化作一头狮鹫禽兽,展翅就跑,禽兽不如!……这个世界,人变成凶兽,凶兽幻成人,究竟谁是人?谁是兽?飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢我能复制凶兽基因,别忘记分享给朋友作者:巨萌熊猫所写的《我能复制凶兽基因》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-82512 >>
内容简介:他为修行魔功进入游戏世界,在新手村第一个自创了逆天技能,从而崭露头角,引来无数美女关注,千金小姐神秘仙女纯情小家碧玉都与他关系亲密……他更以魔神之魂重新塑造不死金身,并建立了国内第一大 行会……实力打造经典王者绝非偶然……作者:古痕所写的《网游之魔临天下》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。推荐地址:1w0-97962 >>
内容简介:【片段一】她匆匆赶到法院,呼吸困难,强忍心绞。他冷笑不语,将她扔在被告席上。一场官司下来,他的句句指证,如万箭穿心。勾引盛世集团总裁的罪名,让她成为豪门,被驱逐出门……【片段二】他扼住 她的咽喉,俯身逼近:“你刚才说什么?”“死了。”她低敛眼眸,嗓音艰涩。他一愣,继而擭紧她水嫩娇躯,前所未有的暴虐:“苏琉璃,找不到孩子,我拿你偿命!”隔日,她所在的大宅失火,仆人们说,看见夫人抱着小少爷失心疯一般跳入火海。1w0-28816 >>
内容简介:这是一部充满奇异大胆想象的科幻改运小说,500年后,地球生态完全被改变,为了帮助人类复国,一批低等的保姆机器人寻找到人类的种子,在外星人X的帮助下一起实现地球回造的计划。1w0-754 03 >>
内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:原来我是绝世高人】李修远穿越到一个修仙世界,奈何没有灵根,注定只能当个凡人。没办法,李修远只能修仙,没事写写字,作作画,下下棋,弹弹琴想着这辈子当个世俗雅士也 挺好的,开心最重要嘛。可他不知道。那个时不时过来和他下棋的忘年交其实是修仙界某顶尖仙门的掌门。那个最喜欢听他弹琴的漂亮妹子其实修仙界第一仙子。那个每天抱着他的书法如痴如醉的其实是修仙界第一剑道天才。那几个为了他一幅画争得面红耳赤吹胡子瞪眼的其实都是马上要渡劫的老怪物。“李前辈的棋艺中蕴含天地至理,让我受益匪浅。”“我从李前辈的书法中领悟到无上剑道!”“听李前辈的一曲琴声,我的道心终飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢原来我是绝世高人,别忘记分享给朋友作者:拓跋苟蛋所写的《原来我是绝世高人》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-25875 >>
A girl get's caught up in a storm and loses her bike. She finds the closest town looking for water and a peculiar old man finds her.
Jae is a Korean student who came to Europe to study art. Things aren't going her way, but she's determined to make it. One night, her friend Melissa brings a drunk guy to her apartment and asks if he can stay there for the night. Jae doesn't like it, but agrees. That night she has a dream that the drunk guy drinks her blood...which, of course, turns out NOT to be a dream. Jae is surprisingly unafraid of the vampire, Michael, and starts to paint his portrait. The two strike an unusual deal: if Jae allows the vampire to feed on her, he will pose for her. His beauty and alluring preternatural energy could be exactly what Jae needs to finally succeed as a painter. Creator's Info So-young Lee made her manga debut in 1994. Her best-known works includeModel, God of Death, and Check. A painter, she gets her inspiration from nature, especially flowers.
When 10-year-old Wataru's father leaves home and his mother is taken ill to hospital, he decides to change his fate by travelling through the magical door shown to him by his friend Mitsuru. In a land of magic and monsters, Wataru must summon all his courage and embark on a journey with several comrades to meet the Goddess of Destiny and change this 'mistaken fate.'
In a world where humans co-exist with Juujin (literally: 'beastmen'), genetically mutated animals that have remarkably human-like features with the exceptions of extremities such as tails and ears, Juujin are often found as laborers in the work force or raised in households as pets. That is until a new kind of Juujin appears-- Evolutions, EVOs for short. These Juujin have special magic-like powers that they are using against the human race. Peke, one such EVO, has been raised with her master Yamato Yamamoto. Yamato's mother works for the Health Care Center-- the only agency with jurisdiction over the Juujin, and has developed a special collar that can seal the EVOs' powers. Having used this collar to control Peke's own powers from going berserk, Peke must now release this power to fight and capture the rampaging EVOs to save humanity and to win her master's love.
Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss summary:
Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss is an interesting story that goes deep in the future. The main plot is happening in the 24th century, and a female genius doctor has the main role in the plot of this story. She is truly good at her job, and she has different opportunities, thanks to the technology development of that time in the future. No illness can defeat any of her patients, and she is more like a wizard considering the doctors today who suffer from lack of solutions, medicament, and equipment necessary for the successful medical treatment. However, this doctor is spared of such problems.
She can cure any type of illness, and she can even return anyone from the dead. That’s why she has many patients, but strange things happen to her in the meantime. She even finds herself in the middle of a big explosion that pushes out her into an unfamiliar world. The truly strange things are happening to her at that place, so she seems a little confused by everything.
People and patients know her well, however, they call her by different names than in the real world. But she is equally successful there when it comes to treatments and curing, and that aspect of her life is totally the same. So she is again making different miracles and helping people to come back to a normal and healthy life after deadly episodes they have encountered.
Her popularity is constantly growing because more and more people are coming to her treatments. She becomes a powerful and influential person in the new world and no one dares to oppose her in any way. That’s why she is very secure in herself and her reputations allow her to be. However, she saves a pest by undertaking one of the treatments with her patients, and now she has a problem. That man starts to confront her, and his actions are quite cruel at moments. He has the intention to take over her reputation. Envy and malice are the main motivation for his struggle with her, however, she is not an easy task as he believes at first. So he will have many more problems on his way against her, and the readers have an opportunity to enjoy reading about this fight between main characters.
The situation typically leads to different twist and turns filled with interesting moments. Magic and romance are also part of the happenings despite the fact the general genre is action-fantasy. That makes Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss suitable for readers with different tastes because it is something in between several different genres. It means there is something for almost anyone.
This interesting novel has over 2450 chapters, and it receives frequent updates. So the readers should expect even a higher number of chapters. There is plenty of exciting content within the book, so you will have an opportunity to read it in the long run. The public is very satisfied with this book considering positive reviews and high rating the book has maintained, so that’s a good recommendation.
The Monarchs of the Main summary: The Monarchs of the Main summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Monarchs of the Main. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Quality Street summary: Quality Street summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Quality Street. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Taras Bulba and Other Tales summary: Taras Bulba and Other Tales summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Taras Bulba and Other Tales. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.