简介【每周五更新】拥有失败人生的中年“少女”罗素素,进入妖孽横生的著名婚纱店NINA,成为性冷淡摩羯工作狂林佑恒的实习助理!菜鸟小白VS时尚名媛的虐恋,混乱的打怪升级模式就此展开! 欢迎勾搭微博:碎晓晓晓晓 QQ读者群1:858842328 QQ读者群2:723795848
内容简介:夏南彤这个真千金被假千金赶出了家。夏家人唾弃鄙夷:“私生活不检点,夏家丢尽了脸面。”“害得夏家破产,讨债鬼!”“她就是个拖油瓶,昕昕才是夏家千金。”夏南彤捡到穷病弱的老公后—众家媒体都 知道夏家大小姐根正苗红,给夏家光宗耀祖。已经式微的夏1w0-87905 >>
内容简介:感谢Mcvotex大大的人设图,推一下俺的预收《飞升不如养崽》。作为修真界第一大佬,沈辞飞升了。然后,他被一道劫雷劈了下来。修为尽失,灵台被毁,还落下了一身大道伤痕。就在所有人都觉得沈 辞完了,一代天才就此陨落的时候。却发现,那个被称为废人的沈辞,不仅没有一蹶不振,甚至还在玄明宗山门口,大大方方贴了一纸招收弟子的文书。众人:……所有人都以为不会有人到现在还傻到拜沈辞为师,一时间沈辞成了几乎整个修真界的笑柄。除了玄明宗。后来,沈辞真的收到了两位弟子,一个是出了名的废物,而另外一个,是不太出名的废物。众人笑得更大声了。可是笑着笑着,他们发现,沈辞又飞升了,和他的弟子们。众人:大佬,求抱大腿!*《道无极》是一本狗血虐文,可是沈书白穿过来的时候,一切都还没有开始。甚至,连主角都还没有出生。无计可施的他只好疯狂修炼,争取早日飞升,好摆脱自己这虐文主角的命运。可是一道劫雷,他失败了。但与此同时,还送来了原书里主角翻身的金手指--系统。本以为可以摆脱主角,自己独美,结果系统告诉他,如过主角死,他也会死。沈书白:……后来,在给主角当了无数次肉盾之后,他才明白。原来不是他捡到了金手指,而是他成了金手指。萧无一直都知道,他是废物是克星,他不被人喜欢不被人接受,世界上所有恶意奔涌如潮,如一片黑色的海,将他淹没。他以为他快沉下去了。可是,有人却从裂缝中分出一点光来。那是一个废物,还说要收他为徒。萧无:呵。可后来,贪念如野草疯长,只消零星火花,野火便屠了满园。1w0-81996 >>
内容简介:1单元短剧2第一人称(一)漂亮邻家弟弟受x高冷男神攻双向暗恋小道消息称身价数十亿的豪门沈总严重恐同,想讨好他的男人女人都踢到铁板,狗仔跟拍多年没有任何花边新闻,众人一度以为他性冷淡。直 到有一天,有人发现他出现在gaybar里,压着邻居漂亮弟弟亲。众人……说好的恐同呢?说好的性冷淡呢?宠弟狂魔连倾宇,临出差前放心不下自己家里的漂亮弟弟,决定交付给好友沈偿照顾几个月。结果谁能想到,万年恐同的沈偿竟……莫名其妙被他弟弟掰弯了。于是,数月后,连倾宇在和沈偿吃饭时,说“我弟弟是全世界最好的弟弟,也不知道以后会便宜了哪只狗。”刚把他弟吃干抹净的沈偿“……那我……给你叫一声?”(二)直男总裁攻x冰美人秘书受(三)软糯班长受x白切黑学霸攻本文将于11月15日从第43章入v,入v当天发三章。立意爱是一种需要不断被人证明的纯粹美好,就像烟花需要被点燃才能看到辉煌一样。1w0-29410 >>
内容简介:自幼被丢弃的叶瓷在基地长大,突然有一天被父母接回去了。爹不疼妈不爱,还有一个白莲花姐姐天天蹦跶。你们接我回来干啥???哦原来心不仅偏,还很黑呢!不好意思,姐姐没空陪你们玩幼稚的游戏。“ 切,不就是一个乡巴佬土包子吗?有什么好拽的?”“叶大师,我有个病人,请您看看!”“叶大神,电脑又被黑了,请帮帮忙!”“叶女神,研究遇到了瓶颈,请您指点!““叶妹妹,我有个结婚照,请你拍一下。”“嗯???”沧海一粟,浮叶逐流,权均力齐,延颈就缚叶瓷霸霸,专治各种不服。陆少:小妹妹,“小马甲”织的不错啊叶瓷:哥哥,彼此彼此喽1w0-78523 >>
内容简介:精分切片外挂系统X心机会撩满级玩家王止言X苏子姜封面人设图是苏子姜。苏子姜被打包进异世界,要去完成上八项任务,刷满攻略对象好感值,才被允许让其回到现实。共八个世界:世界一庙堂江湖叱咤沙 场铁血将军X多智近妖对营谋士将军:“我知道她满嘴谎话,诡计多端,心思不纯,可我还是近乎顽固地,把她圈在我身边,妄想着有一日,能得她片刻施舍般的真心。”世界二西方幻想万物之主光明神X一身反骨半精灵光明神:“我的信徒遍布大陆,他们奉我为神祇。她不过是卑劣的物种,却将我拽落神坛,玩弄于股掌之上。”世界三娱乐圈业界知名大腕导师X顶级流量选秀新人导师“她是我最看不起的那种人。空有一张面皮,花瓶似地一摆,鲜花掌声就纷至沓来。世人之所以拜倒裙下,不过是大多肤浅庸俗。我从未想过我竟也沦为其中的一个。”世界四校园ABO斯文败类白切黑学霸AlphaX武力值爆表酷飒痞坏Omega学霸“当别人问起我,怎么看那个打架生事却成了‘梦中情A’的人,我甚至懒得搭理。可知道了她是O时,我只想标记她,用几乎发狠般力道。”世界五仙侠修真高岭之花清冷仙尊X作恶多端狠辣魔头仙尊“我修无情道,无爱亦无恨。她骗我、辱我、毁我。她这般罪不1w0-95430 >>
内容简介:死亡游戏开局获得SSS奖励简介:王啸一觉醒来,发现被选入死亡游戏!开局玩家就被爆头,血肉飞溅!危急时刻,觉醒金手指!从此各种关卡各种浪,宝物福利拿到手软!王啸:关关SSS级,我也想看看 其他英文字母!比利娃娃:什么通关方法我也不清楚,你们还是问王啸吧。玩家:拜见欧皇他老祖!直播间观众:我们不是来看直播的,我们是来学仙术的!1w0-29680 >>
内容简介:一个神奇的手机软件让王歌可以进入那些电影世界中。在中邂逅可爱公主,在中获得nzt48,在中获得隐形药水。而这只是最低级权限的电影世界,在此之上还有更多的电影世界:钢铁侠、黑夜传说、x战 警、变形金刚……王歌的目标,抓一条美人鱼陪自己洗澡,寻找长生不老药,顺便弄点超能力……群号:150903066本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《我的电影世界》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-48696 >>
内容简介:晚九点更新,加更在早九点,有的话会提前说专栏预收《我的同桌变凶了重生》求收藏3文案放最下面啦本文文案:演艺界内无人不知,陆易涟是万里挑一的透明体质,天天刷脸也能做到在观众面前毫无姓名。 好不容易演了个大爆剧,从主演到配角火了个遍,他还是个默默无闻的路人甲。用过他的导演替他惋惜,说他天赋演技样样在线,1w0-72435 >>
内容简介:此为《大小姐人设崩了!》章节列表页该小说章节完整更新及时。《大小姐人设崩了!》情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的,本站提供大小姐人设崩了!最新清爽干净的文字章节在线阅读。1 w0-70004 >>
The region of Metafalss surrounds the second Tower of Ar tonelico, which is said to represent the Goddess Frelia of the Trio of Elemia. Reyvateil in this region have been succumbing to a raging Reyvateil-exclusive epidemic called the Infel Pira Dependency (I.P.D.). Croix, a Knight under the Grand Bell Church of Pastalia, is sent to find the source of the problem and contain the epidemic. There is more transpiring in this region than just the epidemic, however, and one mission will throw him into an adventure to unravel the mysteries of the planet Ar Ciel and seek out a legend handed down by the people of Metafalss: the lost Hymn of Metafalica.
The storyline follows Medaka Kurokami, a magnetic and appealing first year Hakoniwa Academy pupil who's elected Student Council President with 98% of the vote. She addresses these petitions in her improper way, and with all the help with her childhood buddy Zenkichi Hitoyoshi, institutes a suggestion box. On the span of the narrative, the student council leadership places are distributed by her to other pupils like Mogana Kikaijima and Kouki Akune. The Student Council learns that the academy chairman means to initiate a job to powerfully experimentation on routine pupils, the Flask Plan, called Normals, so that you can turn them into Abnormals, that's people with superhuman powers. The Student Council conflicts with other pupils which are involved using the job and infiltrates the secret laboratory of the school. Soon after, Misogi Kumagawa who wishes to replace the Student Council with one of his own of Medaka challenges to a championship the Student Council. From his powers, two pupils are unsealed after the defeat of Kumagawa and complete their transport to Hakoniwa Academy. The 2 tend to be more strong than Abnormals and are dubbed 'Not Equals'. Their leader, Anshin'in, threatens to restart the Flask Plan once Medaka grads, driving their successors to be trained by the Student Council. Nevertheless, the accurate strategy of Anshin'in would be to have the standing as Student Council President of Zenkichi usurp Medaka. Zenkichi succeeds and does so on the pretense of enhancing the student life. He convinces Medaka to permit the Flask Plan for those people who are not unwilling. Took over from her responsibilities as president of the Student Council, Medaka shortly becomes involved in a championship to determine her husband. Medaka becomes the winner, choosing to wed Zenkichi after they both grad and enters herself. Shortly after, the close pal Hansode Shiranui of Zenkichi leaves the school. Zenkichi and medaka find she's to end up being another host for Iihiko Shishime, a 5000-year old being. He is defeated by medaka and vanishes after quitting the moon from crashing towards the Earth, simply to reappear in time for the year end service. Following her return, assume her dad's position ahead of her family's company conglomerate, the Kurokami Group, only to later return as the new chairwoman and Medaka determines to leave the academy. Ten years after, Zenkichi, had worked his way up the Kurokami Group, becoming a high level worker before reuniting with her, with both swearing to never get split again.
Prequel to the Gundam Build Fighters TV anime, covering how Yuuki Tatsuya got into Gunpla Battle.
Cool and gorgeous Nagisa paired with her perverted and stupid step-father Ryunosuke makes for a hip-hop story that presents a father and daughter who cannot be honest with each other.
The Soul Empty Ones summary: The Soul Empty Ones summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Soul Empty Ones. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Valley Of The Vapours: Arkansas summary: Valley Of The Vapours: Arkansas summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Valley Of The Vapours: Arkansas. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Lusiad summary: The Lusiad summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Lusiad. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Taking My Elder Brothers As Husbands summary: Taking My Elder Brothers As Husbands summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Taking My Elder Brothers As Husbands. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.