内容简介:【周五入v,万字更新,希望小天使多多支持。】【预收—穿成反派的炮灰寡嫂,文案在最下。】夏妙然是府中庶女,她娇憨动人,因样貌出色,常常遭受嫡姐欺辱。嫡姐不愿嫁于一个穷酸书生,所以夏妙然被 毒哑了嗓子,送上花轿——替嫡姐出嫁。夏妙然惶恐不安,怕自己刚出狼窝又入虎穴。她原以为所嫁之人是个迂腐且心冷面冷的家伙,没想到……他模样清俊,情话撩人,还为她洗衣做羹汤。想到此,夏妙然就忍不住摸摸心口,面色绯红。谁说她的夫君迂腐呆板?分明是……将她宠上了天。——众人都嘲夏妙然嫁了个穷酸的玩意儿,嫡姐也常在她面前嗤笑。直到——三元及第的状元郎闻人翎站在殿前,唇角含笑。他们才知道,被他们瞧不起的穷酸秀才,已是他们可望不可即的存在。夏妙然成了人人艳羡的状元郎夫人。毁婚的嫡女后悔莫及,找上闻人翎,欲要顶替夏妙然,做他的正妻。夏妙然惶然、不知所措,却不想这矜贵、清雅的状元郎慢条斯理拨开嫡姐的手,轻嗤:“你?不配。”——闻人翎有一个秘密,他是重生之人。上一世,夏妙然被夏家谋害,他于他坟前自刎,却不想重回新婚当夜。这一世,他定不让她重蹈覆辙。—乖巧懂事小可怜X清风霁月大狗勾单向治愈————预收文案如下————陆沁沁她穿了,从末世穿到了一本书中。她摸了摸自己的脸,有颜有钱,就是人设不太好。是个炮灰寡嫂,死的早不说,还落了个荡妇的骂名,哎,头痛。陆沁沁看了看正在院子里砍柴的男子,丰神俊朗又如何,还不是个阴险狠辣的狗男人?为了赶走对他觊觎的寡嫂,这楚秋韫来了一出陷害,逼得原主回了娘家,最后阴差阳错死在书中女主的手里。陆沁沁轻哼一声,她才不稀罕这种狗男人,她中意的是那种文弱书生。所以,两个月内必须搬走!!楚秋韫看着那窈窕背影,就连走路都带着几分撩人。他轻视地扯了扯嘴角,不为所动。必须尽快把这个女人给赶走!!——起初,楚秋韫坐看陆沁沁能闹出什么幺蛾子来。想要搬走?他同意。想要卖花?他同意。想要再嫁?楚秋韫当晚翻墙去了她家,这件事,他绝对不同意!美艳动人行走的弹幕机大美人X一本正经实则闷骚的狗男人【唠叨时间】—女主异能就是养花,木系异能。—后续再补充。1w0-69358 >>
内容简介:简介:本文又名《大佬的替身狐软又甜》各个位面的反派大佬攻X又软又萌但总被大家当作绿茶的小狐狸受作为一只误被系统选中的狐狸,柒伊被迫成为了替身文里面的炮灰受。炮灰受没有人权,小狐狸被欺负 的哭红了眼。直到某日,不经意间露出了自己毛茸茸的耳朵和圆滚滚的肚皮从此,位面的各个大佬都表示自己疯了。为了能够完成任务,柒伊哭唧唧极不情愿的献上尾巴。——结果他的大白尾巴上的毛都被撸秃了。片段一“不听话的狐狸是要被抓了去做皮草的!”男人恐吓他。结果红着眼的小狐狸哭得更凶了。他边哭边奶凶奶凶的瞪着男人:“大骗砸!衣柜里有八件狐裘大衣的杀狐犯!!”片段二柒伊怀了小崽崽了,男人带他去做产检。不知想起了什么,小狐狸的眼泪啪嗒啪嗒往下掉。“建国后动物不许成精,那崽崽一个人怎么办?”男人一把搂住了小狐狸的腰:“多努力努力,生二胎。”原位面的白月光们:“柒伊就是个不折不扣的绿茶小婊砸!!”各个位面的病假or反派大佬们:“柒柒不是!柒柒最可爱了!柒柒是世界上最可爱最乖巧的小狐狸!!”——小狐狸能有什么坏心思呢?呆到深处天然黑罢了。1w0-75312 >>
内容简介:下本开《实不相瞒》渣男从良1作为时装品牌的创始人之一,那日尤妍给自己的品牌走了一次秀;那一场秀,她的颜值与气质惊艳了时尚圈,吸引了无数在场看秀的单身男士加她微信,甚至还有一个渣天渣地, 全世界都认识、都知道非良人的男人也发来了好友请求。不出意外的,没多久他就各种追人手段淹没了她。但尤妍从来没想和这样的男人发展,她知道,有些男人天生只适合远观;他绅士浪漫,但花心;尊重女人,但女友一个又一个地换。席骞追了她数月后,那日再一次来找她,尤妍被迫说了狠话,再次拒绝了。说完,浪天浪地渣了三十来年的席公子盯着她,痞笑着说:“原来你不是不信我会对你动真心,是介意我过去?那对不起,我以后不打扰你了。”那晚尤妍好像看到了席骞的心碎得哗啦作响,但他嘴上却一再绅士保证,不再打扰她了,让她放心。可是看着他那抱歉又落寞的眼神,她似乎,后悔故意伤他了。……2他在圈子里公开的时候,全世界都感慨,果然再风情绝然的女人都躲不过席大公子的撩人手段,都在猜测什么时候他又换人。众所周知席公子从来不会跟哪个女人玩长久,眼下这位也不过是因为那场大秀,一时新鲜罢了。没人知道,那时候的尤妍正在加班赶制巴黎高定周的礼服,她边上的男人围着她的模特架转了圈,邪邪一笑:“下一步,要不要给你自己做件婚纱?我送给你。”——终结渣男——男主风流爱玩,女友无数,但只是不想定下来,没有劈腿过脚踏两只船过。:每天晚上八点更:微博:常年冬眠的fn:文案全部已截图,拿梗慎:专栏中有完结文《百听不厌》《交杯酒》《温柔的某某某》《就让风与光去交缠》《邂逅》《万般着迷》《贪恋我》下本开《实不相瞒》1大学时肖虞最精彩的事,别人觉得是她的颜值曾经吸引得三天两头有人堵教室送花;她自己觉得,是与叶幸周谈了一年恋爱。这一年,感受到了学校第一男神的魅力与浪漫,实力与魄力也是让人崇拜又着迷。以至于,分手后她感觉是越陷越深,实在难以忘怀。不过叶幸周研究生考出了国,听他一起出国的舍友说,他一心埋在读书与工作上,爱情什么的,肖虞什么的,他从来没提过。……2四年后叶幸周毕业回国,两人在他舍友的婚礼上重逢,朝对方微笑点头,都一副校友友情天长地久的模样,谁都没提昔日那一段炙热的往事。舍友暗示叶幸周,肖虞目前单身,叶幸周说我也单身,单身有罪吗?我不歧视她。舍友:“……”肖虞听到了这句话,婚宴结束后在停车场里,把叶幸周按在地上摩擦:“不巧,我孩子都有了,我歧视你。”叶幸周自然不信,结果改天,真的见她带着个精致帅气的小男孩在马路兜风。叶幸周当场愣住了,而后找了舍友打探行情,舍友很给力地确认了消息,还附赠一条更给力的,孩子姓叶。那日,舍友被叶幸周揍得老婆都不认 >>
内容简介:【重生爽文超甜高级宠】一场阴谋,她成了他的合法妻子,羡煞旁人的厉太太。世人皆传他危险薄情,高冷禁欲。婚后,才发现他是名副其实的妻控,视妻如命,一宠成瘾。“先生,太太心情不好,要砸车发泄 。”“高价收购兰城所有车辆!”“先生,太太想要天上的星星。”“立刻派人上天!”“先生,太太想和当红小鲜肉环游世界。”“呵,全面封杀!”当晚,某男按住试图逃跑的她,危险一笑:“1w0-98940 >>
内容简介:身背九尾狂圣龙,手拿锋锐灭神刃。怀揣上古灵玉,纵横三界之间。一樽妖壶盗窃天机,活死神人斩断琉璃,鬼途冥帝意灭天下,劫渡之中,如归期。这是一场游戏,也是一部传奇。且看少年苏逸,斩神灭世, 驰骋异界。★★★(读者一群:78105168)★★★各位书友要是觉得《神斩》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-81773 >>
内容简介:同桌是个女生,长得还不错,但实在是太烦人了!天天踩我脚,还藏我水杯,动手掐我,跟我妈告状我上课睡觉,关键是她还跟牛皮糖似的甩都甩不掉,大学还跟我同班??伟大的知友们,帮忙给我出出主意, 有什么办法可以治一治她!……「要不,你试着跟她告个白?」——关键词:青梅、恋爱、日常、写作、萌宠、美食1w0-89550 >>
内容简介:李佳临,本是修真界的小药农,凭借自己的拳头,打的三界大佬们跪服。凡间界,修真界、神仙界,都留下了他嚣张,打脸的故事。凡间界,他初尝爱情,建立龙腾。修真界,他苦寻母亲,创建龙门。神仙界, 他灭神诛仙,成就武皇。1w0-3185 >>
内容简介: 一不小心穿成重生文里的渣男亲妹?注定满门抄斩,全家死绝?还非酋附体,出门雷劈?乔乐笑了,别慌,小问题! 那年各路百姓发家致富:“郡主天仙下凡,女神转世,吾等都欲与她有 缘!”也是那年,武林高手层出不穷:“郡主稀世奇才,手眼通天,我等愿追随左右!”还是那年,商贾巨富竞相登门:“仙子殿下,这缘分轮到我们了吗?” 对此,冰山反派妹控世子爷双眼含煞:“你们,想死?” 众人:溜了溜了 可世子爷没想到,他日防夜防,总有小王八蛋难防 …… 君王府小王爷,天昭出了名的小王八蛋。 喝最烈的酒,打最狠的仗,纵最野的马,可谓无法无天。 但某天起,他魔怔了。 君晏:“乐儿钟情于我。” 乔乐:“我没有……” 君晏:“乐儿所做的一切都是为了接近我。” 乔乐:“我真没有……” 作为一个能看到别人机缘,只想疯狂割韭菜保命的非酋女配。 乔乐发现她一不小心用力过猛,给男主割歪了……1w0-1894 >>
内容简介: 偶获自动修炼系统,当条咸鱼躺尸就能自动变强。每签到一个女神,还增加100%的修炼速度,于是乎,叶晨走上了一条诸天签到的不归路。世界:斗罗(完)-斗破(完)-狐妖小红娘(ing)群号 :992927834!1w0-2001 >>
内容简介: 时空裂缝连通异界,武道时代降临! 不练武没前途?幸好有捡属性系统,别人修炼会掉属性,悄摸摸捡起来! 啥,打怪也会爆属性? 于是…… 你打败一名剑道天才,掉落【悟性*2】,【 剑道天赋*1】……你捡了起来,悟性有所提升,并获得初级剑道天赋! 你打败一名刀道天才,掉落【刀法战技*1】,【杀戮刀意*3】……你捡了起来,学会一部稀有刀法战技,并领悟杀戮刀意,你变得超凶! 你打败一名炼体天才,掉落【炼体功法*1】,【圣血霸体*1】……你捡了起来,学会一部顶级炼体功法,走了狗屎运竟然获得逆天体质圣血霸体,获得神级称号【打不死的小强】! 有人杀死一头恐怖星兽,掉落【灵视之瞳*1】,【空白属性*60】……你偷偷捡了起来,意外获得灵视天赋,眼睛堪比二十四K钛合金狗眼,并获得空白属性可以随意加点! …… 你这一生打败了无数对手,突然有一天,你随便一剑斩了路过的无辜神魔,在家练刀不小心把星河砍成了两段,小拳拳一锤打爆了太阳,让世界坠入黑暗…… 原来,你已经无敌了!! (PS:书友群划水群【261366066】,欢迎大家来讨论剧情划水)1w0-9 >>
Set in 2194 AD, China, which is now a prosperous, super-modern country. The characters are mostly reincarnations of warriors from the 3 Kingdoms period. The story begins in Shin Yokohama with main chara Todoroki Ranshirou driving around & causing a ruckus with his bousouzoku called Yokohama Road Stars, when he gets a mysterious package from his father. Soon after he's attacked by Blades and makes an astonishing self-discovery... that he's the reincarnation of Sun Ce!
Souta Inui is a manager at Megapro talent agency, an agency responsible for turning young, beautiful women into stars. Inui, however, spends his time at the office ogling posters of the idols his agency manages, and has yet to bring in any new talent or take on a single client himself. When told to go to the streets and scout talent, Inui falls and unwittingly grabs ahold of a devil girl's tail, at the same time asking her to join his talent agency. Now bound by contract, the girl has no choice but to abide by his wish, making it her goal the become the number 1 idol in Japan. But who is this girl? Why is Inui the only one that can see her tail? Is she really a demon aged many thousands of years? No matter the reason or history, it's now up to Inui to turn this aggressive devil with a (literally) killer voice into the number 1 idol in Japan.
From Fushichou: Crazy for Daddy is a collection of unrelated, hard yaoi one-shots by Chi-ran. From light-hearted humor, to angst and a taste of the forbidden, each chapter embraces a wide variety of subjects and emotions, exploring the different sexual relationships between eclectic groups of characters. Some of the stories contain elements of bondage, non-con themes, and incest. 1) Crazy For You: Mizugami is surprised one day when that woman, who was his first and last, suddenly appears after sixteen years and tells him he is a father. Not only that, but his son Yuuri is now his responsibility. Yuuri has always harbored an attraction for his small, cute daddy, and can’t see the man as his father. Can Yuuri help his daddy see beyond the forbidden and accept him as a lover? 2) So, I Know All About It: Mitomo sleeps with other men for money and as a hobby. Toudou is his childhood friend and wants him to stop, nagging constantly about pride and self-respect. He has always loved Mitomo and has never been with another, wanting to give his first kiss and first experience to his childhood friend. Mitomo knows Toudou is a virgin and taunts him until Toudou finally gives into the seduction, making love for the first time with Mitomo. Just when Toudou thinks that things have changed and all is right in the world, he catches Mitomo with another customer. Can Toudou convince Mitomo to give up his whoring ways? 3) Cute Little Devil: Ibuki Kaoru is a normal human who keeps 4 demons as pets. The youngest demon, Dooru, is connected to Ibuki because if he doesn’t drink Ibuki’s blood, he can’t survive. Having Dooru drink his blood while he has sex with the demon, fills Ibuki with indescribable pleasure. But at the climax, Dooru always calls the name of another. It makes Ibuki want to bully him. After one particularly harsh punishment, Dooru slips into a coma. Can Ibuki bring the demon back by revealing his true feelings? 4) The Sun and the North Wind: Soleil, the sun god, loves Nord, the north wind god. But Nord will have nothing to do with him. The moon god Lune, fed up with the depression in which Soleil has fallen, suggests that the sun god try a different strategy to win over Nord. Soleil challenges the north wind god to a contest, where the winner stands to gain it all. Can the sun god win the game and the heart of the north wind god? 5) Heaven: What’s the difference between sinful and non-sinful sexual relationships? Is loving someone a sin, even if that person is of the same sex? If wanting to be with the one you love, wishing to share happiness with the one you love is a sin, then why did God give humans bodies of flesh? These are questions that a beautiful priest can not easily answer when pressured with sweet temptation. Will he lose his faith to the dark haired demon that taunts him? 6) Display House: Takayuki Mukai lives in the corporate dorms directly across from Meguru Esaka’s home. Meguru is a voyeur, watching Takayuki entertain his guests, and slowly developing feelings for the other man. He uses his knowledge to blackmail Takayuki into giving him shows on a regular basis, having sex with random strangers in the window so that Meguru can watch from his room directly next door. Meguru’s goal is to eventually make Takayuki his. In that showroom where Takayuki’s shameful performance unfolds, will he ever realize the love that Meguru has for him?
Souma Kenichi is in a bit of a pickle. A group of thugs has cornered him on the side of the road and seem very intent on his life. Desperately fighting them off with the longsword he can summon at will, he is saved when a famous teacher of the Miyazaki School and his student intervene on Souma's behalf.Confused but grateful, Souma learns that the sword he wields is called a 'shinbuki', or true weapon. Stronger than any steel blade, a shinbuki is created by channeling inner energy into your surroundings and materializing it into a weapon. Normally, learning to wield these supernatural weapons takes years of training under a master. However, a coveted few like Souma are born with the ability to wield shinbuki at birth, and master its use at a startling rate. These rare prodigies are called 'Tensaiji'.Hunted by a mysterious organization intent on eliminating him before he can become a threat, Souma has little choice but to accept his benefactor's offer of free admission into the Miyazaki School.Note : This manga read from Left to Right
More Science From an Easy Chair summary: More Science From an Easy Chair summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of More Science From an Easy Chair. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
I Don’t Like The World, I Only Like You summary:
The night before we obtained our marriage certificate, I asked him, “When did you start to develop feelings for me?”
He answered, “I don’t remember.”
“But, why me?”
“Why not you?”
“I’m very petty, and I get jealous very easily.”
“So am I.”
“I’m afraid I’m not worthy of you.”
“So am I.”
“I haven’t really dated, so I don’t know what love is.”
“I don’t know either.”
He held my hand gently, “But I know this. When I think about spending the rest of my life with you, I feel that my future is filled with hope.”
At 16, we used the same cla.s.s desk, with less than 10cm between our arms. My peripheral vision was full of him.
At 26, I woke up in the morning, and saw the sunlight softly shining on his face. I thought, this is how I want to grow old – gradually, together, with him.
I guess this must be love.
Miriam's Schooling and Other Papers summary: Miriam's Schooling and Other Papers summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Miriam's Schooling and Other Papers. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Chance Of A Lifetime summary: The Chance Of A Lifetime summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Chance Of A Lifetime. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.