内容简介:天价药费、百万赌债,逼的她不得不接受收买,冒名顶替嫁给了传说中那个神秘帝王。众人皆以为她婚后会谨小慎微,凄惨落魄,却意外听闻……“江家新娶的少奶奶,说翻脸就翻脸,说走人就走人。”情敌甲 :“江少,这样的女人,你怎么还不休掉?”情敌乙:“江少,我知书达理,你选我,选我……”霸道江少:“都滚开!我就是要将她宠的无法无天,让别人不敢肖想!”1w80776-82725 >>
内容简介:本是侯府千金,却因出生时抱错沦为农家女。好不容易长到如花似玉的年纪,却无人上门娶她。说她容颜丑陋,天生痴傻,还是克父克母的小灾星?可她半路捡来的夫君,是未来首辅。她上山领养的小和尚,是 六国神将。就连随手救下的老太太,竟然也是当朝太后。某男恶狠狠道:“娘子,谁敢欺负你,为夫把他办了!”神将道:“姐姐,六国疆土,你想去哪里,我都打给你!”太后道:“皇帝欺负娇娇了?等1w3213-4647 >>
内容简介:暴发户的原配重生了暴发户的原配重生了小说阅读都市言情类型小说暴发户的原配重生了由作家浣若君创作陈美兰重生了,重生在她被暴发户前夫抛弃,与女儿相依为命的1988年前夫留给她一个城郊的大四 合院,和存折上的四个0上辈子的陈美兰心高气傲,把这俩样东西都错失了,后来追悔莫及阎肇才从自卫战场上下来,浴火戎功,一身勋章,恰赶上大裁军,于是主动响应,转业归乡,却才进门就收到妻子的离婚协议阎肇才到公安局报道完,带着孩子,急于给自己找个落脚点陈美兰是农村户口,前夫给的四合院落不到她的名下,也是热锅上的蚂蚁这时小兵提供暴发户的原配重生了最新章节暴发户的原配重生了最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w23649-66003 >>
内容简介:天意弄人,误会离心,司成寒对言若黎恨之入骨。婚后更是对言若黎厌恶至极,百般折磨。却不知她身中奇毒,时日不多。司成寒,你可知我从未背叛,你可知奇毒入骨,你的百般折磨让我犹如千刀万剐,最后 还为你的心上人以心换命。再见时,司成寒问她。“本王要如何才能换你情深如初?”言若黎轻笑,“除非你受尽万箭穿心,百骨如刺之痛,我或许可以考虑给你一次机会?”1w0-76658 >>
内容简介:内容主要讲述:曾经程璟淮为了能与暗恋的女孩,比肩前行,毅然选择了奔赴海外求学,多年之后,程璟淮已经是个小有名气的金牌律师,而江甯则是他的委托人,明知这场官司不会有什么胜算,但是他也愿意 为了心爱的女孩,赌上他的职业生涯,等到这场官司结束,他会勇敢的去追求爱情,不会再让江甯从他的身边错过!1w63804-70051 >>
内容简介: 长安,百鬼夜行; 洛阳,阴兵借道; 公元649年,天可汗驾崩含风殿,战神病故于卧榻上。 一代女皇在灵宝寺内落发出家;大唐神探步入国子监求学。 一个属于未来的灵魂,来到了长安 城。 贞观盛世下,有魑魅魍魉藏于黑暗之中。煌煌都城之中,妖魔鬼怪横行。 这是一个人与妖魔共生的世界。 不良人横刀在手,搅动风云色变。 长生?我不欲也!千万年太久,我只争朝夕,活一个畅快淋漓。 这是一个略带有魔幻色彩的历史小说。 我不知道大家是否能接受,但我希望,能与诸君分享这个故事。1w0-2823 >>
内容简介: 转生开局就是亲王世子,俗称小王爷大康国朝安稳,四海清平,商业发达,皇帝大伯又是出了名的宽厚待人我以为我已经站在了人生的巅峰,可以一直飞,一直爽,不断飞,不断爽……结果现实却和我开了 个天大的玩笑世间最残忍的一幕,就这么展现在了我的面前……我本想当一条与世无争的快乐咸鱼,可你们为什么偏偏不让我如愿呢?……已完本万订精品800万字《美梦时代》、700万字《重生之最强人生》,以及300万字《我什么都懂》,十年更新从未中断,欢迎老爷们赏脸观赏。1w0-2721 >>
内容简介:她是君家嫡女,却被妹妹和未婚夫联手陷害。十年囚牢,千刀取血,家破人亡!踩着君家的尸骨,吃着她的血肉成就了人前不可一世的玄帝?她君沫璃上一世活成了一个笑话!重活一世,吃了她的吐出来,伤了 她的千倍万倍还回来!玄气锻骨,轮回炼魂,重生的君陌离回来了!!不管你是白莲花还是狗尾巴花,本小姐手下只有血债血偿!逆天改命,至尊无双。她让整个大陆都为之颤栗。有人却跨三界而来,emmmm,妖孽还要本尊来收……1w0-68143 >>
From Mahou: While working at the Cafe her parents manage, Saho has fallen into [unrequited] love with a regular customer there, Kagami. One day, she is determined to make that fateful confession, but!? A little bit of adult hot love
Judos summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Judos. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
During a flashback, an interviewer inquires Kuzumi Taiga, a prospective student for Seinagi Private High School, on what he would do if he could use magic, during his entrance interview. He replies, 'take over the world', with an outburst of laughter, from an attractive girl, following his answer. After the entrance exam, the school rejects his application; although he recalls almost nothing after this event, he does recall the girl, and believes the cause of his school of choice rejecting his application involves her. Wandering around outside of the school the next day, Kuzumi tries to enter, but an invisible barrier blocks him. A teacher, Mr. Hiiragi, confuses Kuzumi for a student of the school ditching class and pulls Kuzumi into the school through the barrier. Seinagi Private High School is actually a magic school and Kuzumi is a teenager with no magical skill.
Mashiroiro Symphony - Twinkle Moon summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Mashiroiro Symphony - Twinkle Moon. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Lameness of the Horse summary: Lameness of the Horse summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Lameness of the Horse. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
A Sunset With Izaya Orihara summary: Durarara!! spin-off series that takes place after the original, starring Orihara Izaya as the main character. An informant appeared in the suburban city. He simply cruises for information, doing nothing but giving people a push on the back. [Geez, human observation (rehabilitation) can really be a pain] He is an informant. This is not to exaggerate – he is but one man. Setting aside the fact of whether or not you should truely call being an informant an occupation, he certainly has the power to obtain a great deal of information. He is by no means anything like a hero, nor can it be said that he is a villain. Nor is he nothing. He is only true. He is eternally obedient only to his own desire’s. [Humans] He is determined to continue loving the good and the bad of the ma.s.ses that are included in this world. He simply just loves humans. Because even if the result of his love causes his humans to become broken, the informant can still love these broken humans equally.
Peg Woffington summary: Peg Woffington summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Peg Woffington. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Final Justice summary: Final Justice summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Final Justice. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.