内容简介: 写作之路,过于艰险,一本假小说献给大家,全都是虚构的你说假不假,在书里作者的逻辑就是逻辑,存在即合理,不要质疑书里一切出现的可能,认真你就输了,你在哪一章人数?我是从简介开始的1w 0-3143 >>
内容简介:《激情调教女仆培训学校》小说简介:激情调教女仆培训学校是原作者水蜜桃精心创作的大作,小兵同步更新激情调教女仆培训学校最新章节,书友所发表的激情调教女仆培训学校评论,并不代表小兵赞同或者 支持激情调教女仆培训学校书友的观点。水蜜桃的其他作品:上网玩了一骚货lt短篇gt高H!、【繁】上网玩了一骚货、【繁体版】我是学校最淫荡的系花!2(高H!)、容易犯骚lt高Hgt、水蜜桃(纯H短篇集)、短篇合集、我是学校最淫荡的系花!2高h、淫荡学园女仆培训学校繁体版、激情调教女仆培训学校(高h)、我是学校最淫荡的系花!(高H!)关键词:激情调教女仆培训学校最新章节、激情调教女仆培训学校无弹窗、激情调教女仆培训学校txt下载、摊牌了,这是皇帝聊天群您要是觉得《激情调教女仆培训学校》还不错,请点击顶部分享按钮分享到你的朋友圈来支持水蜜桃吧!1w0-107659 >>
内容简介:《重生民国之我是蒋介石》简介:“一千两银子,此物可售于你(千古奸臣)。”扶苏仿佛已经知道了对方的意思,之所以来这里,完全是因为想起了李华曾经说过的一句话(千古奸臣)。天下之人皆为利。自 己找一个不用证明的小店,然后让掉一部分利益,让这个店家觉得收益完全大于风险,那么此事可成(千古奸臣)。店家转身将店门关闭,只留下了扶苏,李华以及李三几个人。回过头来,店家将目光看向了扶苏,一脸狡诈的笑道:“此物留下,你们的人可以走了(千古奸臣)。”“如此就多谢店家了。”扶苏此事还不明白店家的意思,以为自己这次的买卖对方接下来,内心还有一些小兴奋,毕竟一千两银子只是自己开的价格,其实自己内心的底线只要十七两银子即可(千古奸臣)。“谢他??他应该谢你白白送了他价值千两的货物才对。”李华在一旁忍不住提醒了一句,对方根本就没有打算给钱,而是想着黑吃黑一文钱不出罢了,自己这个傻学生还不知道呢(千古奸臣)。。1w47970-71480 >>
内容简介:【每天早上九点准时更新,有事请假条】我们要悄悄变海,然后惊艳所有人一个乖乖女的非典型叛逆史一个从小就讲五美四德的乖乖女穿越成为了脾气暴躁的假小子小胖子,还被系统要求树立叛逆人设以达到变 强的目的,一开始,许绿表示怎么破?在线等,挺急的。后来,后来许绿逐渐尝到了叛逆的快乐……叛逆过后——她变成了全网最受欢迎的奶味嘴臭主播。她让妈妈粉们磕cp磕到昏头。她还女扮男装混进了联盟青训营,成为了联盟最受欢迎的暴躁弟弟。此外,她还学会了格斗,打趴了一群曾经看不起她的高中帅小伙。她成为了网文大神,并且以一己之力黑掉了所有盗文网站。她拥有了很多很多的马甲,每一个马甲都无比炫酷,让人膜拜赞叹。后来,这些马甲都穿在了许绿一个人身上。人们发现,这个曾经曾经的暴躁假小子变瘦了,变白了,猫眼微弯,温柔一笑,轻而易举就能吸引身边所有人的目光。只可惜一开口便是“你旺仔牛逼糖吃多了?”“给爷爬?”“小废物!”小剧场某乎提问【饱爷爷(许绿)到底是怎么从一个平平无奇的主播变成现在的联盟直播界新星的】许绿冷酷“因为叛逆。”粉丝们“不对,因为口嫌体直脾气暴躁声音好听无意识撒娇加和谁都有cp感特别讨人喜欢!”超大声。许绿我累了,世界毁灭吧。海王文,涉及游戏,校园,电竞,网文题材,总之……爽就对了。作者是个文案废,大家看文就好。女主会逐渐从小可爱变成大魔头。【本文前三章已经全部修改,如果看到的还是之前的文,请删除下载文件之后重新查看~】君幸食最新鼎力大作,必看女生小说1w0-87781 >>
内容简介:佐川涉曾经心平气和的计划好自己的第二次人生。当警校最野的马,扯最绝的犊子,和那几个混蛋瞎闹,然后步入社会,如果好运就活到退休,不好运那就争取让亲友领个一等功。骨灰盒盖国旗。直到有一天他 拜访警视厅1w34981-65607 >>
内容简介:“春樱亭圆紫与我”系列最终话!解谜之神莞尔一笑,我明白,这不是离别。挥别青涩的大学时代,我成为菜鸟编辑,继续徜徉于广阔的书海。只是,生活的新篇章永远翻不完,总有一天,我也将从圆紫大师身 边毕业吧?希望那时候,我已坚强到能温柔守护所有珍贵事物……收起感伤的眼光吧,如此看待晦暗悲剧性的生存方式,你还嫌太年轻,真正美好的事物,毕竟是向著太阳的。《山眠》——“我”的童年玩伴的父亲,突然购买了大量色情书刊,不久便决定关闭为同好开设的俳句教室。然而,他的封笔之作似乎隐藏了什么……《奔来之物》——男女之爱,很麻烦也很辛苦,背叛与不背叛的纠葛永远难解。“我”的前辈为抒发情伤,写下一篇寓言小说,却故意藏起末尾两句,我和同事、圆紫大师试着接着写,答案却意外得教人不禁屏息……《朝雾》——“我”偶然读到爷爷的日记,发现少女“小铃”留下了一长串暗号般的奇妙文字。流着爷爷血液的ahreftargetblank我a,能否咀嚼出埋葬在久远时空下的私密情怀?阖上书页后,心里暖暖的,同时也ahreftargetblank有a点酸酸的,这,是北村薰送往明日的情诗。北村薰鼎力大作,必看科幻小说。1w0-79636 >>
内容简介:姑姑如果对小侄女鲜嫩多汁的身体蠢蠢欲动,是主动去追她好,还是等她来追好?对于天使容貌撒旦心的单瑾颜来说,向千金侄女单殊茉伸出魔爪的方式有很多种,不必铤而走险,也不必欲擒故纵,她只需要在 单殊茉经常出现的地点设置陷阱,放上饵料,等单殊茉跌入陷阱,她便能堂而皇之出现,然后调教单殊茉直到再也离不开她。唯一的坏处是会被带上禽兽的帽子。不过,这又有什么关系呢?只要能,拥她入怀。春季新文来啦,春天的主旋律当然是荡漾了,所以这次邪恶姑姑单瑾颜携带小侄女单殊茉登场,身体保卫战即将打响,谁赢谁输不重要,关键是,爱情来了佘仔的文文主题是纯爱和情欲,而且佘仔喜欢叨叨心理过程,喜欢尝试描写非常有以担纲的依然是霸道而且强势的女主角,第一女主霸道,第二女主强势,简单来说就是强攻强受,嘻嘻……文文会在晚上七点半到八点半更新,如果有事不能更会跟大家请假,补更。希望大家多多支持,撒花,佘仔鞠躬大家看文愉快噢入通知2月19号《姑姑》要入天有三更,谢谢大家的支持,多撒花花可以有抚慰佘仔酸痛手指的功效噢,嘻嘻,祝大家看文愉快盗文转载神马的请手下留情,百合作者不易,爱护为佳佘仔的完结文,鬼畜后母攻gt情妇与正室裙下攻防鬼畜总裁诱攻清纯女生:热血拳市魂穿明末,庶女与公主建了群,292451981,大家来吹吹牛吧,敲门砖用人物名或者作者名都可以的嘻嘻……1w0-73815 >>
内容简介:【中午12点日更,偶尔加更】又名《在桌游店里卖美食的魔王你喜欢吗》,开局一泡面,不是正经美食文穿到异世界,成为七宗罪里的傲慢——路西法后,系统给他分配了任务。【请在这个世界散播七宗罪, 使七宗罪在这个世界复苏】路西法嗤笑。这世界的创世神兢兢业业努力拼搏,把世界建设得和平又健全,他这长在红旗下的正直之人,怎可能帮系统做1w0-76730 >>
内容简介:新篇紧接着主角建立三十三天界,去寻找女主角绾海展开,剧情紧密衔接,说是续集,实则也是正常更新,大家会看到与大周天不一样的世界。 新的章节,剧情,不再是以前的杀人夺宝,而是来自神秘大混沌 的一幅新画卷展开。 能否找到绾海? 能否寻到天尊的足迹? 一切尽在后续内容。1w0-4185 >>
From momiji_mii's livejournal: A story about a teenage girl whose life has become a living hell because of her alcoholic father. Her mother seems to love her little brother better than her and she feels a lot of pressure because of the circumstances of her family. She's definitely more grown-up than the rest of the girls in her class. She lately feels some sort of connection with one of the bad guys in school, who has been showing kindness to her younger brother lately. He takes both of them to the zoo after the father breaks his promise due to being hungover.
From Fantasyshrine: Kirishima Kaoru, a representative of the Toudou Group in Japan, is the lover of Daigo Mikihisa, an executive of Mercury, a big corporation in America. One day, Daigo’s father, president of Mercury, orders his illegitimate son to be married to build a political alliance. What would the emotionally fragile Kaoru do when he finds out—? A story of two men fighting for their love in the business world! The series goes like this: 1. Happy Yarou Wedding 2. Utsukushiki Kemonotachi 3. Virgin Love 4. Toriko ni Natta Kemono 5. Junnai Tokkou Taichou, {Junai no Seinen} { The Young Person's Pure Love} 6. Kemono wa Ai de, Iyasareru 7. Playboy Amour 8. Oboreru Kemono no Koibito 9. Men's Love
Read The World God Only Knows Manga Keima Katsuragi, a second year high school pupil, is an enthusiastic player of gal games (video games that require interactions with anime-styled pretty girls). Yet, in his school life that was real, Keima is called a derogatory portmanteau of the two words megane and otaku, otamega. At the start of show, Keima receives an e-mail offering him a contract to 'conquer' girls and, believing it's an invitation into a game challenge, he takes. In response, a cunning devil from Hell named Elsie appears: a Spirit Hunter. Elsie proposes the only real solution to drive the evil spirits outside is by 'conquering' the girls' hearts, making them fall in love with him and filling up the gaps that the at large evil spirits conceal in, where she is then in a position to get them. Interested only in gaming girls, nevertheless, as he's no intimate real life experiences whatsoever Keima is appalled by the thought, and refuses the duty. However, together with the contract already consented, Keima has no choice however to help Elsie no matter what, as they're going to be beheaded through an invisible (to others) purple collar around their necks when they neglect. Each sister is inactive in the center of a girl among those they've previously helped, so Keima beat their hearts and must find them a second time. This time however, they recall the meetings he's had with them as a result of goddesses inside them, as he attempts to beat the girls concurrently causing endless potential failure and high tension. Nevertheless, his time is restricted as a rebel devil faction called 'Vintage' is about to get the goddesses and take on the planet. Keima begins seeing visions of a kid who's somewhat familiar to him, after Vintage's plans are thwarted. The goddesses send Elsie and Keima to days gone by of assisting her together with the job. Upon arriving, they team up using a mysterious girl who seemingly has some link with Dokuro, Elsie's first-class in the underworld, and Keima finds that several incidents before are distinct from what he recalls, resulting in a terrible chain of events which he should avert to make sure that the present remains unaltered, along with another devil faction which releases giant humanoid creatures. As Keima finishes his final assignment, he has the capacity to make up with this and finds the truth about among the giants. Although Elsie decides to stay with him, he could be alleviated in the collar and returns to his regular life in real life. Then he professes his love for Chihiro Kosaka, among the girls who has enjoyed him from the start. Along with Keima's romantic comedy experiences, the show parodies and makes fun of common, and popular platitudes about dating sims, anime character stereotypes, and pop culture. The World God Only Knows Manga is composed and illustrated by Tamiki Wakaki, serialized since April 9, 2008 in the Japanese manga magazine Weekly Shonen Sunday. Kami-sama!!' . Haksan Culture Company licenses in South Korea the collection, as well as the initial two volumes of the chain has been concurrently released with limited edition addendum for each on August 2009. Other miscellaneous information is contained. The manga series that was official has ended as of April 16, 2014, with chapters that were 268. Other manga: + Kuroko no Basket Manga + Soul Eater manga
Jaw Musculature of the Mourning and White-winged Doves summary: Jaw Musculature of the Mourning and White-winged Doves summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Jaw Musculature of the Mourning and White-winged Doves. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Basketball School's Captain Is Determined To Date Me summary: Top flirting young captain of the basketball team seme X sunshine youth uke~
The Book of Pears and Plums summary: The Book of Pears and Plums summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Book of Pears and Plums. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Logic summary: Logic summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Logic. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.